Chapter Twenty
Sitting in a library, Jenny had forced the moment between her and Dean to the back of her mind for the time being. She had her feet propped up on the chair across from her, watching Dean pace between book aisles.
"So... You believe her?" He asked as Sam nodded in confirmation.
"And there's something in her eyes. She said she heard scratching on the roof. Found the bloody body suspended upside down over the car." Jenny's eyes widened as well as Dean's, the two looking at the younger Winchester.
"Wait... like the Hook Man legend kind of suspended? Or like... Harry Potter and the invisible cloak, Wingardium Leviosa suspended?" Jenny kicked her feet off of the chair as Sam and Dean frowned at her. "What? Witches exist, whose to say Harry Potter isn't a biography?"
The two continued to stare at her before shaking their heads in unison, and Jenny shrugged. "You don't think that we're dealing with the Hook Man... Do you?" Dean asked Sam, who exhaled sharply, unsure. "I mean... The Hook Man is one of the most famous urban legends ever."
"Every urban legend has a source. A place where it all began." Sam looked between the two as Jenny stared off, deep in thought.
"Yeah, but what about the phantom scratches and the tire punctures and the invisible killer?
"Well, maybe the Hook Man isn't a man at all."
"What if it's some kind of spirit?" Jenny continued for Sam, who turned to Dean. Jenny went back to her thinking face, and Dean raised a brow.
"What are you thinking about?" He asked as the woman hummed with a soft smile.
"Churros." Jenny answered quickly before clearing her throat. "I mean— the case, too." Dean frowned at her as she rolled her eyes. "I'm hungry, okay? I haven't eaten all day."
"Well, you're going to be waiting a little bit. We have a legend to research on." Jenny scoffed, waving her hand.
"Once again—" She outstretched her hand to Sam. "Hiya, I'm Miss Know-It-All. I read urban legends and exorcism books written in latin for fun." Jenny smiled as Dean and Sam shared an odd look.
"For fun?" Dean repeated as Jenny nodded.
"Yep. My kind of fun is getting shit-faced then yelling at a random man in ancient greek." Dean quirked a brow at Jenny and watched as she walked back towards the front counter, then turned to Sam and pointed at her.
"You see? That's what you should look for in a girl."
"A bilingual monster killer?" Sam asked as Dean's hand dropped.
"A hot bilingual monster killer." Sam patted his brother's shoulder.
"Glad to know you're finally realizing something."
Jenny dug through a large box that the librarian had handed to her, Sam and Dean, blowing off some dust directly into the younger Winchester's face. He coughed loudly, then proceeded to sneeze, glaring at her.
Jenny sucked in a breath through clenched teeth, laughing awkwardly. "My bad." She says back down slowly, flipping through the very old arrest records.
"So, this is how you spent four good years of your life, huh?" Dean asked, turning to his brother, who smiled.
"Welcome to higher education." Sam waved one of the records in the air before opening it.
After a few short minutes, Jenny started to him the Tetris theme song, causing both of the Winchester brothers to stop and slowly look over at her.
The girl seemed to be unfazed by the stares, or didn't care enough to stop. After another few short seconds, Jenny paused, looking at them.
"What? Would you rather me hum Jeopardy?" She asked in a sarcastic tone, and the brothers once again shared an odd look. Jenny went back to reading.
Sam finally broke the silence that had been coming and going for the last two hours, sitting up straighter. "Hey, check this out. 1862. A preacher named Jacob Karns was arrested for murder. Looks like he was so angry over the red light district in town that one night he killed 13 prostitutes. Uh, right here, "some of the deceased were found in their bed, sheets soaked with blood. Others suspended upside down from the limbs of trees as a warning against sins of the flesh." He read as Jenny frowned at the Winchester brother. She took a paper before Dean could grab it, smirking as she read the paper.
"Looks like the preacher lost his hand in an accident. Had it replaced with a silver hook." Jenny read, looking at the two boys. Sam outstretched his hand, which held the record.
"And look where it all went down." Dean leaned forward, squinting his eyes.
"9 Mile Road." Dean read, looking at Jenny, who clicked her tongue.
"Nice job, Banner. I say we get some churros then check the place out." The trio quickly packed away the dust-infested records, Sam tucking the records of Jacob Karns in his bag before they all headed out.
"Do they even sell churros around here?" Dean asked as Jenny shrugged.
"If there's a college around, then you can find anything deep friend." She smiled, walking towards the Impala.
Jenny sat in the passenger seat next to Dean, taking her time to eat her churro. Sam crumbled his wrapper up and tossed it next to him as Dean pulled up to 9 Mile Road, shutting the Impala down.
"Hurry up with the damn churro." Dean frowned as Jenny turned to him.
"I savor the flavor, bitch. I can one hand things." She waved her free hand in the air, crunching down on her churro and opened the door, stepping out of the car.
The Winchester's joined Jenny to the back of the car, Dean opening the trunk and pulled out a rifle. "Here you go." Dean handed one to Sam with a smile.
"If it's a spirit, buckshot won't do much good." Sam stated-the-obvious as Jenny took another bite of her churro.
"Rock salt." Dean put the rifle in Sam's hands, who then scoffed as Jenny finished her churro.
"Right. Salt being a spirit deterrent." Dean grabbed a rope out of the trunk, the three heading towards the woods. "You guys think of it?"
"I told you. You don't have to be a college graduate to be a genius." Dean looked at his brother with a smirk as a rustle came from in front of them.
Sam raised his rifle in a swift motion, aiming and cocking it towards the noise. He was about to shoot when the sheriff suddenly appeared, aiming his gun at them.
"Put the gun down now! Now! Put your hands behind your head!" The sheriff yelled as Jenny quickly raised her hands in the air with wide eyes.
"Alright no need to be aggressive, Sheriff!" She said as the sheriff ignored her. Sam let go of the rifle, Dean dropping the rope in his hand as the brothers put their hands behind their heads.
"Now get down on your knees. Come on, do it! On your knees!" Jenny, Sam and Dean all got into their knees, Jenny glancing over to the brother's with a nervous expression. "Now, on your bellies!" The sheriff continued, the three doing so.
Jenny had been the first in the interrogation room, her leg bouncing up and down, which caused the chain on her wrists to clink together rhythmically.
The sheriff sat in front of her, watching as the woman simply examined the room, whistling the Tetris theme song. "Will you knock it off?" He finally snapped as Jenny looked at him.
She leaned forward and whistled. The sheriff rolled his eyes as she leaned back again, and her leg stopped bouncing.
"All right. Now... tell me why your buddies out there had a gun and some rope." The sheriff asked as Jenny smiled, tilting her head.
"Ghost hunting." The sheriff looked at her, bewildered. Jenny nodded. "Yeah. Sam out there is a little... uh..." She spun her finger next to her head, whistling like a coo-coo clock. "And me and his brother talked him into believe ghosts exist."
"What?" The sheriff asked, scowling in confusion.
"It's true. Dumbass'll believe anything you tell him. He thinks Brittany Spears is my sister." The sheriff stared at her in disbelief, shaking his head.
"I don't believe it." Jenny shrugged at the sheriff, gesturing to the door.
"Go ask his brother then."
Jenny rubbed her wrists as she, Dean and Sam all walked out of the department, a smirk on Jenny's face. "What did you two tell him?" Sam asked, looking like he had just gotten away with murder.
"That you're a nut job." Jenny replied, looking up at the younger Winchester. He frowned in confusion, turning to his brother.
"We him you were a dumbass pledge and that we were hazing you."
"What?" Sam looked between Jenny and Dean, who each had a grin on their face. "How did you even—"
"We already had this scenario planned out." Jenny cut Sam off, shrugging. "It was going to happen eventually."
There was a moment of silence before Sam sighed. "And what about the shotgun?"
"I said that you were hunting ghosts and the spirits were repelled by rock salt. You know, typical Hell Week prank." Dean grinned as Sam rolled his eyes, the three turning around as several sheriff's ran out of the department and into their cars, racing out of the parking lot.
Jenny turned back to the Winchester brothers. "That doesn't look suspicious at all."
Jenny looked out the car window as Dean drove by Lori's sorority house, watching as a body bag was dragged out the front door.
"Another body." She said softly, turning to Sam and Dean. "Don't you think this is a little far from 9 Mile Road?"
"Maybe he's not haunting the scene of the crime..." Dean said as he looked at the sorority house before pulling up and parking in another street. "Maybe it's something else."
The trio got out of the Impala, rushing over to the back of Lori's sorority house. Sam gave Jenny a foot up and she held onto the ledge of a window, pausing when she heard Dean talk.
"Dude, sorority girls! Do you think we'll see a naked pillow fight?" Dean looked over his shoulder then up at Jenny, who was glaring at him.
"You watch too much porn." She grumbled, hoisting herself into what she hoped was Lori's bedroom.
"I think it's a reasonable amount." Dean argued as Sam turned to him and scoffed. Jenny turned around to see the room painted in blood, her eyes wide.
"Jesus—" She muttered, turning around just as Dean fell on top of Sam.
"Shit, sorry." He mumbled as the two scrambled off one another.
"Be quiet." Sam snapped and Jenny rolled her eyes at the two.
"You be quiet!" Dean retorted, the two standing up and pointing at one another.
"You be quiet!" Sam repeated as Jenny stared at them with wide eyes.
"For fucks sake, you two fight like toddlers." She whispered, silencing the two. Dean elbowed Sam in the ribs, Sam about to punch Dean before Jenny pointed at him.
"He started it." He grumbled, and Jenny glared at the two.
"Well I'm finishing it." She turned back around and walked over to the bloodbath of a bed, gesturing to the wall. "Aren't you glad you didn't turn on the light?" She read from the blood on the wall, Sam sucking in a breath.
"That's right out of the legend." Dean walked over and tapped his own nose, nodding.
"Yeah, that's classic Hook Man all right. It's definitely a spirit." Dean walked back over to the window and peered out, Jenny tilting her head at the symbol underneath the writing.
She nudged Sam, pointing to it. "Does that look familiar to you?" She asked, hoping Sam had also seen it somewhere before. He frowned in thought, gesturing for Dean to take a look.
After the three had snuck back out through the window and gone back to their motel, Jenny was quick to go looking through the research Sam had snagged from the library.
She dropped most of the papers, holding onto a single picture. "Ah! I was right." She gave them a victory grin as Sam and Dean looked over her shoulder at the symbol on the picture.
"It's the same symbol. Seems like it is the spirit of Jacob Karns." Sam took the picture of Jenny, walking away for a moment.
"All right, let's find the dude's grave, salt and burn the bones, and put him down." Dean clapped his hands together with a smile, clearly ready to be over with the case.
"After execution, Jacob Karns was laid to rest in an Old North Cemetery. In an unmarked grave." Sam read as they all groaned in annoyance.
"Great. More searching." Jenny complained, falling down onto the bed. "I hope it'll be easier than I think."
"Well... I'll take a wild guess about why." Dean turned to Sam as Jenny sat up, turning to the brothers.
"I think your little friend Lori has something to do with this. "
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