Chapter Twelve
"John?!" Jenny repeated as the line stayed quiet. "I've been trying to contact you for weeks! Where the hell are you?"
"I don't have much— t— did you— them?" Jenny shook her head in confusion.
"What? John I can't hear you."
"Fucking service." John spat as he walked somewhere. "Better?"
"Good. I just need to know if you've told them where I am. If they know what I'm looking for." Jenny froze as she drank her water quickly, and shook her head.
"No. They don't know. But John—"
"Don't 'but John' me. They can't know yet, Jenny. It's too dangerous for them."
"Oh but it's fine that I know? John you know what this thing did to my grandma. It didn't just happen to Mary... To Jess. It happened to my family, too." Jenny spat, and John sighed.
"I'm sorry that I told you. I shouldn't have. You've been dealing with other things recently with... you and Dean and—"
"Me and Dean? John none of that matters right now. Get your ass here and deal with this shit with us! We can help!"
"No! This is between me and the demon... I shouldn't have called." John hung up suddenly and Jenny looked at her phone, yelling in frustration before throwing her phone at the bed, slamming her head into her book.
"Fuck!" She yelled just as the motel door opened quickly, both Dean holding his gun out with worried looks. The man lowered his gun after realizing Jenny was fine, walking over to her.
"You okay?" Sam asked as she chuckled, sitting up.
"Yeah I'm fi—" Jenny raised her head up and paused, eyes widening as she stared at Dean, who was dressed in a navy blue suit as well as Sam, thought the older Winchester looked so much better. She cleared her throat, eyes snapping down to her journal. "Y—Yep. Fine. I'm fine. What's with the fancy suits? We going to a ball or something?"
"Oh, right. This is yours." Sam handed her one of the bags. "Hope it's your size." Jenny pulled out a much fancier looking suit from her previous one, eyes widening in confusion.
"What's with Olivia Benson?" She asked as Sam chuckled, shaking his head.
"Well... We gotta play off as Homeland Security well enough." Jenny raised a brow, looking over at Dean.
"We're checking out the crash." He smiled as she sighed, walking over to the bathroom.
Jenny walked out of the bathroom slowly, wearing a jet black suit with slightly subtle white vertical stripes and white button up underneath. Stiletto velvet black heels covered her feet uncomfortably.
"I feel... Absolutely atrocious. I hate this. I hate these." Jenny raised her foot up to show off her shoes. "Why didn't I get flats?" She complained, stomping her foot down with a click.
Sam and Dean looked at one another with wide eyes, no doubt thinking the exact same thing.
Jennifer looked hot.
He hair fell down over her shoulders perfectly, accentuating her sharp jawline. A pair of sunglasses sat on top of her head, pulling her hair out of her face. The jacket was buttoned just below her chest, making her frame look curvier than it probably was. Her nails had been poorly painted white, and cleaned up just as bad.
She raised her hands out in anger. "Was this one really necessary?" She frowned when they didn't answer. "Guys?" The two snapped back into reality, Dean clearing his throat.
"What? No you look great. Hair's great— you know uh... Great." Dean smiled awkwardly as Jenny turned to Sam, who smiled.
"Yes. It's necessary. You gotta play the part."
"Not everyone wears nail polish, Samurai." Sam frowned at the nickname as she grabbed her gun, slipping it into the holster on her hip. Dean was still staring at her in absolute awe, and it looked as if his eyes glimmered.
"Alright, fine. But this is the only time I'm wearing nail polish. You know how much i jam my fingers into things." She pointed at Sam, who nodded.
"Yeah. Right." Jenny looked back at Dean, raising a brow.
The man finally snapped back into his senses again and stood up, straightening out his suit. "Alright." He cleared his throat, looking away as he attempted to hide a soft blush that had risen onto his cheeks. "Let's uh— Let's get going."
Dean walked out of the motel quickly, leaving Sam and Jenny to look at one another awkwardly. "Never seen him do that before." Jenny commented as Sam chuckled, clasping his hands together.
"Right— well... See you in the car." Sam grabbed his gun and Jenny have him a 'are you serious?' look, watching him follow after his brother quickly.
"I will never understand men."
Jenny, Dean and Sam walked into the warehouse where they were keeping the crashed plane, security stopping them quickly. "I.D's." He ordered as Jenny took out her badge, showing it to the officer.
The man stared at the three of them, who smiled in unison before he gestured for them to go on ahead. They all rushed in, and Dean pulled out a small box, which beeped for a moment.
"What the hell is that?" Sam asked as Dean smirked.
"It's an EMF meter. Reads electromagnetic frequencies." Dean explained as his brother rolled his eyes.
"Yeah, I know what an EMF meter is, but why does that one look like a busted-up walkman?"
"'Cause that's what I made it out of. It's homemade." Dean grinned at Jenny and Sam, who frowned at him.
"Yeah. We can see that." Sam said, and Dean's grin disappeared. Dean cleared his throat and ran the EMF over a part of the wreckage, which beeped.
"Hey... Look at this." Jenny ran a hand over a yellow powder. "The hell is this stuff?"
"Only one way to find out." Sam scooped as much as he could into a small bag, Jenny wiping it off on her jacket and looked over.
"Oh shit." She muttered, patting Dean's arm to get his attention. The man looked at her then over her head, eyes widening.
"Alright. Time to go." He whispered and grabbed Jenny, pulling her around the plane with Sam. The woman stood pressed against Dean, looking out of their hiding spot.
Jenny then walked out casually, followed by Sam and Dean. Alarms suddenly started blaring, and as Jenny went to break into a sprint, her heels snapped.
"Dammit!" She tumbled to the ground, Dean lifting her up as she shot the two boys a glare. "Flats and boots! I wear flats and boots!" She yelled and ripped off her heels, chucking them as Sam slammed a door open, the three bolting out.
Dean tore off his jacket and threw it over the barbed-wire fence, Jenny jumping up and climbing over it with ease, rolling into the cement on the other side.
"Well, these monkey suits are useful." He smiled after jumping down and holding the jacket. Jenny gave him a mocking smile before running to the Impala.
"Sulfur? Are you sure?" Jenny asked Jerry as he looked into a microscope, nodding.
"Take a look for yourself." Dean looked into the microscope, followed by Jenny, then Sam.
Banging echoed from outside of the office, followed by a lot of swearing. "Excuse me guys... I have someone to fire." Jerry muttered before walking out of the office. "Hey. Einstein. Yeah, you. What the fuck you doing? Put the wrench down—"
Jenny chuckled before looking back down at the yellow powder. "So.. What are we thinking?"
"You know, there's not too many things that leave behind a sulfuric residue." Dean stated as Sam shrugged, pressing his lips into a fine line.
"Demonic possession?" Sam suggested as Jenny nodded.
"Especially if they guy opened an emergency exit with 2 tons of force pushing against it." She said as Sam sighed.
"If the guy was possessed... It's possible."
"This goes way beyond floating over a bed or barfing pea soup. I mean it's one thing to possess a person, but to use them to take down an entire airplane?"
"The Exorcist was a terrible movie." Jenny frowned, looking down at the sulfur as the two boys slowly turned to look at her. She paused, looking at them through her lashes. "What? It was." The woman walked out of the office.
The trio had entered full on research mode. Article clippings, pictures, news letters were taped everywhere. Jenny was laid down over Dean's lap, reading a news article as he did the same, brows fused together in deep concentration.
"So, every religion in every world culture has the concept of demons and demonic possession, right? I mean Christian, Native American, Hindu, you name it." Sam explained, who was sitting at the table reading something on his computer. Jenny turned her head to face Sam, her vision half blocked by the bed sinking from the weight of her head.
"Yeah, but none of them describe anything like this." Dean frowned as Jenny sat up, fixing herself to sit next to Dean.
"Well, that's not exactly true." Sam stated as he typed on his computer again, staring at the screen. You see according to Japanese beliefs, certain demons are behind certain disasters, both natural and man-made. One causes earthquakes, another causes disease."
"So we're dealing with a demon that's got a thing for planes." Jenny joked as Sam shrugged. Dean snorted, turning away. "What?"
"I don't know, man. This isn't our normal gig. I mean, demons, they don't want anything, just death and destruction for its own sake. This is big... And I wish Dad was here." Jenny turned to Sam with a somber look, and the younger Winchester huffed quietly.
"I think we all do." Sam replied, Dean's phone rang.
"Hello? Oh, hey Jerry. Wait wha— I'm sorry. What happened?" Jenny frowned as she sat on the opposite bed, looking at Dean, who faced away from her. "Where'd this happen?" Dean then chuckled quietly after a few seconds. "I'll try to ignore the irony in that. Nothing, sorry. Jerry, hang in there, all right? We'll catch up with you soon." Dean hung up, turning to face the other two.
"Another crash?" Sam asked as his brother nodded.
"Where?" Jenny asked in a slightly excited tone, Dean frowning at her curiously.
Black smoke clouded the sky as Jenny, Sam and Dean got out of the Impala, walking over to Jerry, who had yellow dust on his fingers. " 's that sulfur?" Jenny asked as Jerry turned to them, nodded. "Awesome." She spoke in a not-so-enthusiastic tone, turning to the boys.
"All right, that's two plane crashes involving Chuck Lambert. This demon sounds like it was after him." Dean stated, turning to Sam.
"With all due respect to Chuck, if that's the case, that would be the good news."
"What's the bad news?"
"Chuck's plane went down exactly forty minutes into flight. And get this, so did flight 2485."
"Forty minutes? What does that mean?" Jerry asked, tilting his head.
"It's biblical numerology." Jenny and Dean spoke in unison, JerryMs brows furrowing together, obviously lost by what they meant.
"You know Noah's ark, it rained for forty days. The number means death." Dean explained as Jerry nodded in somewhat of an understanding.
"I was doing some research when you guys were out. There have been six plane crashes well over the last decade that all went down exactly forty minutes in." Jenny said, waving her hand around as if it made her point any clearer than it was.
"Any survivors?" Jenny shook her head at Dean's question
"No. Well... not until now, at least, not until flight 2485, for some reason." She put her hands in her pockets, playing with a pen in one of them as she rolled on her feet. "On the cockpit voice recorder, remember what the EVP Said?"
"No survivors." Dean and Sam repeated in unison as Jenny nodded, pressing her lips together.
"Yeah. We're dealing with some Final Destination shit. Except it's not Fate that's taking the survivors out." Jenny turned to Jerry. "Who are the other survivors?"
Sam hung up his phone with one of the last survivors, sighing loudly. "All right. That takes care of Blaine Sanderson and Dennis Holloway. They're not flying anytime soon." Jenny nodded as she raised her phone up.
"The only other survivor was Amanda Walker. The flight attendant but she's not answering her phone." Jenny said from the back seat as Dean's eyes flickered to the rear view mirror to look at her. "Her flight for Indianapolis leaves at 8 PM tonight. So if we're going to save her ass, we better do it now."
"Call her again. See if we can't get her off at the pass."
"I've already left like—" Jenny paused and turned to her phone. "Seven... voicemails. She must have turned her phone off." Jenny sighed in defeat as Sam turned to her.
"We'll get there in time, Jenny." Sam reassured as the woman nodded, tucking her phone away.
Jenny rushed into the airport faster than Dean and Sam, looking up at the Departure Board. "Son of a — The flight leaves in thirty minutes." She turned to Sam and Dean, who halted behind her.
"Okay. We still have some cards to play. We need to find a phone." Dean looked around before spotting a phone, walking over quickly.
"Hi. Gate thirteen. I'm trying to contact Amanda Walker. She's a flight attendant on flight um..."
"4-2-4." Jenny answered as Dean nodded.
"4-2-4." There was a long pause, Jenny's hands shaking as she tried to hold them together. "Miss Walker. Hi, this is Dr. James Hetfield from St. Francis Memorial Hospital. We have a Karen Walker here— Nothing serious, just a minor car accident, but she was injured, so—" Dean paused and his eyes widened, looking at Sam and Jenny. Jenny waved her head, wondering what Amanda was saying before Dean chuckled nervously. "You what? Oh— well... there must be some mistake."
Another pause. Dean chuckled again. "Guilty as charged. Yes, but...he really needs to see you tonight, so— Don't be like that. Come on. The guy's a mess. Really. It's pathetic. Oh, yeah." Jenny groaned loudly before she just started running, Sam and Dean watching her in confusion.
"Jenny!" Sam yelled, the woman ignoring him as she whipped out her badge.
"Homeland Security! Outta the way!" Jenny shoved through everyone, the metal devoe or screaming as she ran through it, waving her badge to the security before continuing on her way.
Jenny looked all around flags she tried to find Gate Thirteen, sprinting again when she saw Amanda start getting in the plane. "Amanda! Wait!" She yelled, though she hadn't been loud enough for the woman to hear her.
Jenny came to a stop in front of the gate, groaning in frustration. She stared out the window at the plane, jumping up and down nervously as her hands shook. "Shit. Shit!" She spat, whipping around when she felt a hand grab her.
Dean quickly moved his hand off of her, holding up two tickets nervously. "So uh—"
"No. Uh-huh. I have to get on that? No! Nope. I am not getting on that plane."
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