Chapter Thirty-Six
Jenny stood next to Dean, examining the taser he handed her as he slammed the trunk shut. Sam looked up at his brother from looking at the taser, a frown on his face.
"What do you got these amped up to?" He asked, Dean smirking.
"A hundred thousand volts." Jenny paused with wide eyes, moving her hand further away from her body. "Yeah, I want this rawhead extra frickin' crispy. And remember, you only get one shot with these things. So make it count."
After a few short minutes, the trio of Hunters made their way down into the basement of an abandoned house, gripping their tasers.
A noise from one of the cupboards alerted the three, Jenny slowly walking over, pulling out her gun. She flew the cupboard door open, pausing when it was two children hiding.
"Is it still here?" Sam asked, the two nodding. He outstretched his hand, to which the little girl took. "Let's get you two out of here."
The three moved to the stairs as Jenny walked back over to Dean, looking around slowly. Suddenly, a hand had caused Sam to fall from the stairs, the boy and girl screaming and bolting up.
"Sam!" Dean yelled, the two running to the young Winchester. Dean shot his taser at whatever had grabbed Sam, missing. "Sam, get them outta here!"
Sam scrambled back up the stairs, tossing his taser to Dean before moving the children out of sight.
Jenny pulled her flashlight out, separating from Dean. She looked around in high alert, gripping her taser tightly. "Come on" Dean yelled from the other side, Jenny spinning around.
"Dean!" She yelled as a ragged looking ghost appeared behind Dean. He turned around only to be thrown into a wall, losing his flashlight and taser. Jenny ran over, shooting at it but had missed as it moved out of the way. Jenny's eyes widened in horror as the ends of the taser fell into a puddle of water Dean and the ghost were laying in.
"No!" Jenny dropped the taser in horror, turning her head to the stairs. "Sam!" Her voice shattered, turning back to Dean and ran over to him. She pulled him out of the puddle, tears flowing up as she cradled him, holding his face. "I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry, Dean."
At the hospital, Jenny's leg bounced up and down as her hands covered her face. Sam was busy talking to a doctor, and after a few minutes, he sat down next to Jenny.
"Is he okay?" She asked, her hands dropping into her lap. Sam stayed quiet for a moment, sighing.
"The electrocution.. It caused a heart attack... Dean—" Sam's voice broke, shaking his head. "He barely has a month left."
Jenny pressed her lips together as tears blinded her, and she shook her head. "This is my fault. Oh my god... It's—" She broke into a soft sob, covering her face again as Sam shook his head, hugging her tightly.
"This isn't your fault, Jenny." He whispered, resting his chin on the top of her head. Jenny covered her mouth to stifle her cry, wiping her tears away.
Sam and Jenny slowly walked into Dean's room to see him clicking through TV channels. The woman refused to look up, knowing that she didn't want to see Dean in such an awful condition, and she didn't want him to see her crying so hard.
"Have you ever actually watched daytime television? It's awful." Dean spoke in a weak voice, Jenny shutting her eyes to stop the tears again.
"That fabric softener teddy bear. I'm gonna hunt that little bitch down." Dean cut off his brother, who frowned at him angrily before his expression softened.
"Dean." Sam repeated, his brother looking up. His eyes landed on Jenny first, who still refused to look at him. He turned to his brother. Dean turned off the tv.
"Yeah. All right, well, looks like you're gonna leave town without me."
"What are you talking about? We aren't gonna leave you here." Sam argued as Dean gave him a serious look.
"Hey, you two better take care of that car. Or, I swear, I'll haunt your asses." Jenny shut her eyes tightly again, turning away as Sam glared at his brother.
"That isn't funny."
Dean shrugged. "It's a little funny." Jenny turned her back to the two, taking in sharp and quiet breaths. Her chest felt sore, a lump in her throat keeping her from speaking.
Sam looked down, clearly fighting his own tears as Dean sighed. "Look, Sammy... Jen, what can I say? It's a dangerous gig. I drew the short straw. That's it, end of story." Jenny shook her head, exhaling sharply as she looked out the window, crossing her arms.
"Don't talk like that, alright? We still have options." Sam frowned. Dean shook his head, looking at his brother.
"What options? Yeah, burial or cremation. And I know it's not easy. But I'm gonna die. And neither can't stop it." Jenny had turned to Dean, his expression softening as he looked at her red and puffy eyes. Her downturned lips and brows furrowed despairingly. "Jen—"
"It's my fault you're sitting in that damn bed, Dean. You really think I can let you die knowing I caused it?" She argued, eyes tearing up once again.
"Jen, this isn't your fault." She scoffed, clicking her tongue.
"Yeah. Both of you can go on and say that. But if I had decided to aim a little more to the fucking left, you'd be fine." Jenny walked out without another word. There wasn't a single thing that was going to stop her from finding a way to save Dean. It had barely been a week since they final made anything official, and now this was happening.
Sam and Jenny had spent the last three days doing as much research as they could to save Dean. Three days of no sleep, and crying in the bathroom.
Sam sat in a hospital bed, papers sprawled out around him as Jenny stared out the window in silence, eyes puffier than ever. She looked like horse shit, with messy hair and bloodshot eyes.
A knock i. the door alerted Sam and Jenny, seeing Dean looking in worse shape than we he had got into the hospital.
"What the hell are you doing here?" Sam asked as Dean shrugged.
"I checked myself out." The two healthy hunters shared a nervous look with one another.
"Why would you do that?" Jenny asked, dropping her arms to her sides.
"I'm not dying in a damn hospital." Dean frowned as he trudged into the hospital room, leaning on everything he could reach. Jenny's heart tugged again, shaking her head.
"Dean, you can barely walk." Jenny rushed over to his aid, helping him in a chair.
"I've been scouring the Internet for the last three days. Calling every contact in Dad's journal." Sam started collecting the papers on the bed, stuffing them in his bag.
"For what?" Dean frowned, groaning in pain as he slowly sat down.
"For a way to help you. One of Dad's friends, Joshua, he called me back. Told me about a guy in Nebraska. A specialist." Sam said with a short amount of enthusiasm.
"You're not gonna let me die in peace, are you?" Dean chuckled as Jenny flicked him softly. "Ow."
"We're not gonna let you die, period. We're going."
Jenny squinting as rain pattered against the windshield, speeding the wipers up as she drove down the road. Every few moments, her eyes flickered over to Dean, who had his head rested against the window, looking out as his arms wrapped over his stomach. He was using one of her flannels as a pillow, messing around with one of the sleeves.
She looked back in the rear view mirror to see Sam staring at his brother with a scared expression. One that he shared with Jenny. They had been thinking the same thing the entire time.
What if I take my eyes off of him for a moment? He could die when I'm not looking.
She turned back to the road, flicking the right light on before turning slowly so the bump wouldn't bother Dean as they hit rutted gravel. Jenny slowly came to a stop, parking the Impala and looked over at a white circus tent, frowning.
She waited for a moment, watching as Sam got out of the car. Jenny went out next, rushing over to stand next to the young Winchester, ready to help Dean.
He opened the car door, grimacing in pain as he lifted himself out. Sam went to help, only for Dean to angrily slap his hand away. Sam looked over at Jenny, who sucked in a sharp, short breath.
"Man, you are a lying bastard. I thought you said we were going to see a doctor?" Dean scowled, outstretching his arm to Jenny. She brushed past Sam, linking her arm with Dean and nearly stumbled down when he put most of his weight into her. Sam frowned at him, shutting the passenger door as the three started to walk.
"I believe I said a specialist. Look, Dean, this guy's supposed to be the real deal." Sam spoke with a small amount of hope, Jenny looking at him with an unsure frown.
"I can't believe you brought me here to see some guy who heals people out of a tent." Dean spat, looking at an elderly woman, who glared at him.
"Reverend LeGrange is a great man!" She argued, walking past them as Dean held his scowl. The trio looked over at another man, who was arguing with a cop.
"I have a right to protest. This man is a fraud! And he's milking all these people out of their hard-earned money."
"Sir, this is a place of worship. Let's go. Move it." The two walked away from the tent as Jenny squeezed Dean's arm unconsciously, to which he glanced down at her.
"Maybe we should just see a doctor. I mean... What can a guy in a tent do? Make a balloon animal and say 'you're healed'?" Jenny chuckled with a forced smile, brows upturned nervously as Sam sighed.
"C'mon guys. Have a little faith."
"You know what I've got faith in? Reality. Knowing what's really going on." Dean waved a finger around as Jenny's eyes continued to flicker everywhere.
"How can you two be skeptics? With the things we see everyday?" Sam frowned as Jenny pressed her lips into a frown, shrugging softly.
"You still believe in Santa?" Sam frowned, slowly shaking his head. "Exactly."
"We see them, we know they're real." Dean continued as his brother rolled his eyes, turning to them whilst still walking.
"But if you know evil's out there, how can you not believe good's out there, too?"
"There is good out there, Sammy." Dean said, looking down at Jenny, who didn't notice the lingering eyes on her as she kept staring ahead at a young woman, who was talking to an older lady. "And I've seen what evil does to good people."
Jenny's eyes stayed in the woman, who looked back at her and smiled warmly. The older woman nudged her. "Come on, Layla. It's about to start."
Dean noticed Jenny's staring, looking over at the girl, Layla. "What's with the googly eyes?" He asked as Jenny's brows furrowed, and she shook her head.
"Something doesn't feel right about this place." She muttered as Sam once again rolled his eyes.
"You're just nervous. C'mon." The three walked into the tent, which was crowded with people of different ages.
Dean went to drag Jenny to the back seats, Sam grabbing the two and forcing them further up. "Hey! What are you doing?" Dean argued as Dam ignored his brother. Jenny stayed quiet, holding a frown as Sam brought the to one of the front rows.
Dean stood in front of the aisle as Sam took the furthest seat, gesturing for them to sit.
"This is ridiculous." Dean grumbled as Jenny took the seat next to Sam, waiting for Dean to sit. He begrudgingly did so, grimacing once again. Sam turned to the stage, noticing that they had a reasonable seating area.
"Perfect." He smiled, nodding as Dean rolled his eyes.
"Perfect." He said sarcastically, leaning against Jenny. He took her hand in his, staring at the stage with a worse scowl than when they were walking to the tent.
After a few moments, a blind man was helped up to the stage by a woman. Jenny assumed it was the Reverend and his wife, who then spoke up.
As the Reverend spoke, Jenny's eyes stayed glued to the table of assorted religious items: a wooden cross topped with a smaller cross in a circle catching her eyes.
"But, I say to you. God is watching." The Reverend spike as the audience agreed. Dean rolled his eyes. "God rewards the good. And punishes the corrupt."
Jenny couldn't help but eye Dean, who was watching the Reverend with his frown. She turned to Sam, who was also watching him.
"It is the Lord who does the healing here friends. The Lord who guides me in choosing who to heal by helping me see into people's hearts." Dean hummed, leaning to Jenny's ear.
"And into their wallets." He muttered, Jenny keeping her blank expression as she squeezed Dean's hand in hopes to silence him.
"What was that, young man?" The Reverend spoke, Jenny's eyes widened as the crowd fell silent. Dean turned to the old man, raising a hand up apologetically.
"No, no. Don't be. Just watch what you say around a blind man, we've got real sharp ears." The crowd shared a laugh, the three Hunters staying silent. "What's your name, son?"
Dean cleared his throat as he hesitated, glancing around. "Dean..."
"I want— I want you to come up here with me." The Reverend outstretched his arms as the crowd started to cheer, Jenny and Dean looking around, unsure.
"No that's— Thats okay." Dean smiled forcefully, and Sam leaned over Jenny.
"What are you doing?" He seethed, Dean glared at him.
"You've come here to be healed, haven't cha?" The Reverend asked as Dean looked back to him. Jenny turned to Dean with a barely hopeful look.
Dean hesitated again. "Maybe umm— Maybe you should pick someone else." Sam and Jenny suddenly looked at Dean like he was insane, and she squeezed his hand roughly as the crowd gave him encouraging cheers.
"Oh no, I didn't pick you, Dean. The Lord did." Roy smiled, and for a moment Jenny questioned if he was looking right at Dean. Sam slapped his brothers knee, giving him an excited look.
"Get your there!" Dean looked at Jenny, who nodded to the stage. After a moment, he reluctantly got up. Sam started to clap along with the crowd, Jenny's hand falling into her lap as she watched Dean slowly walk up to the stage.
Dean mumbled something to the Reverend, who then smiled. "Don't worry son... You will be." The Reverend turned to the crowd, grinning. "Pray with me."
Jenny, Sam and Dean all looked to see everyone clasp their hands together, closing their eyes and muttering incoherent speeches. The Reverend took one hand and clasped Dean's shoulder, raising his other hand into the air before grabbing the back of his head.
Dean suddenly fell to his knees, Jenny leaning forward quickly as he wobbled. The incoherent speeches continued despite everything, and then Dean fell to the stage floor.
Sam and Jenny shot up, running to the stage. "Dean! Dean, can you hear me?!" Jenny slid across the stage and next to Dean, Sam joining her and huddled over Dean. "Dean?"
"Say something!" Sam begged, grabbing his brother by the front of his hoodie.
Dean's eyes burst open and he gasped, Sam and Jenny sighing in relief. Dean blinked groggily, looking around in confusion. His eyes widened suddenly as he stared up at Roy, shock clouding his expression. Jenny looked up at the man, but saw nothing but his weird grin.
She looked back down at Dean, who looked up at her, saying nothing as the crowd started to cheer like nothing horrible had happened.
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