Chapter Thirty-Seven
The trio were back in the hospital again. Jenny was biting at her thumb as Sam was staring at Dean in shock, who looked unhappy even as the doctor gave him the great news.
Dean was completely fine.
"According to all your tests there's nothing wrong with your heart. No sign there ever was. Not that a man your age should be having heart trouble, but, still it's strange it does happen." The doctor sighed as Dean hummed, confused.
"What do you mean, strange?" He asked, frowning in confusion.
"Well, just yesterday, a young guy like you, twenty-seven, athletic. Out of nowhere, heart attack."
"Thanks, Doc." The doctor nodded and left, Jenny turning to Dean. "That's odd."
"Maybe it's a coincidence. People's hearts give out all the time, man." Sam mentioned. Dean shook his head, scoffing.
"No, they don't." Jenny and Dean spoke in unison, Sam slapping his hands to his thighs for a moment
"Look, Dean, do we really have to look this one in the mouth? Why can't we just be thankful that the guy saved your life and move on?"
"Really, Sam?" Jenny frowned, arms crossed as Sam gave her a confused look. "Barely a week ago, we were told that Dean had less than a month left. Then a few hours ago, we meet this guy and suddenly he's in tip-too shape. It's just— Something isn't right about it." Jenny shook her head, going back to biting at her thumb. Dean grabbed her wrist, lowering her hand as he turned to his brother.
"Jen is right, Sammy. Something ain't right. I cant— I can't shake this feeling, man."
"What feeling?" Sam scoffed, Dean shrugged.
"When I was healed, I just...I felt wrong. I felt cold. And for a second...I saw someone. This, uh, this old man. And I'm telling you, guys, it was a spirit." Jenny and Sam looked at one another before back at Dean.
"Don't you think Jenny and I would have seen it, too?" Sam asked as Jenny scoffed, shaking her head.
"I get ghost feelings. I'm not a psychic."
"You're just gonna need a little faith on this one. Sam, I've been hunting long enough to trust a feeling like this."
Sam huffed, nodding. "Yeah, alright. So, what do you wanna do?"
"I want you guys to go check out the heart attack guy. I'm gonna visit the reverend."
Jenny waited outside of a locker room, playing around with Dean's watch, spinning the hands around. She whistled Steamboat Willie quietly, tapping her foot as she waited for Sam.
After a few minutes, he walked out of the locker room, a concerned look on his face. Jenny's whistling faded, looking up at him. "What's he say?"
"Not a lot. Just that Marshall was screaming that uh— Something was after him." Jenny frowned in confusion as she stuffed her hands into the pockets of her overalls. "Oh and uh— the clock is busted."
"What's that got to do with anything?" Jenny asked as Sam pressed his lips together.
"Because. It stopped at the same time Marshall died. 4:17." Jenny's eyes widened in understanding, nodding slowly.
"Same time Dean was healed." Sam clicked his tongue and nodded, the two walking down the hall. "So. It's definitely got something to do with the Reverend."
"Well we don't know that for sure—"
"Oh, come on Sam. Dean is healed from a heart attack, guy dies of a heart attack right after. That cannot be a coincidence." Jenny flailed an arm around to throw her point across as Sam stayed quiet, nodding.
"You're right... But what if they reverse it? Dean could get sick again."
"Dean will be fine. If we can't get these guys to stop... Then uh—" Jenny snapped her fingers, pointing at Sam. "I know a guy that can get us a lot of marijuana."
"What?! We are not planting drugs in this guys house!" Jenny rolled her eyes and waved Sam off, shaking her head.
"It would help stop the Reverend from ever healing someone again." She mumbled, slowing her walk as Sam did. She sighed quietly, shaking her head. "We need to look deeper into the Lewhatever guy."
Jenny and Sam sat in the motel together, both looking through their computers. A remorseful look dig deeper into Jenny's face after every article she looked through, shaking her head as she ran a hand through her hair.
After a few moments, Sam looked over at Jenny, clearing his throat. "You don't seem as happy about having Dean back as I thought you would." Sam commented, surprising her with the remark. She looked at him for a moment before turning away.
"Yeah. I guess when you feel like something isn't right— Emotions change." The two continued in silence for a few more minutes, Sam glancing at her.
"So... You aren't happy Dean's okay?"
"Of course I'm happy he's okay. Why wouldn't I be? But— I mean, look at this." Jenny turned her laptop around to face Sam. "A little girl died of a brain tumor the same day Roy healed an old man of one."
"That girl could have had it for—" Jenny shook her head.
"She had been in the hospital last week for crashing her bike. The did a scan on her head and everything. The doctors said this tumor would have had to be there for months." Jenny looked back at the laptop. "He killed this girl, Sam. And he killed another man to save Dean."
Sam stayed quiet for a moment. "Wouldn't you have done the same thing?" She slowly looked up at him.
"No. Because I don't kill innocent people just to save someone I love." Sam's expression softened. "If we were given more time, I would have spent every second searching for a different solution."
After around an hour, Dean finally got back, Jenny and Dam turning to him. "What did you guys find?" Silence for a moment before Sam spoke up.
"I'm sorry." Dean frowned in confusion, looking over at Jenny.
"Sorry about what?"
"Marshall Hall died at 4:17." Dean gave Jenny a stunned look, stepping back slightly.
"The exact time I was healed."
"Yeah. So, Jenny and I put together a list of everyone Roy's healed, six people over the past year, and we cross-checked them with the local obits. Every time someone was healed, someone else died. And each time, the victim died of the same symptom LeGrange was healing at the time." Sam said, turning his laptop around and stood up.
"Someone's healed of cancer, someone else dies of cancer?" Dean asked, confused as Jenny nodded.
"Somehow. LeGrange...he's trading a life for another." Sam shrugged. Dean ran a hand through his hair as Jenny slapped her laptop shut, standing up.
"Wait wait wait— So Marshall died to save me?" Sam and Jenny shared a look before turning back to Dean.
"Dean, the guy probably would've died anyway. And someone else would've been healed." Jenny glared at Sam at how he had easily excused Marshall's death. Dean shook his head.
"You never should've brought me here."
"Dean, I was just trying to save your life." Sam pleaded, brows upturned as he argued with his brother.
"But, Sam— some guy is dead now because of me."
"I didn't know." Sam turned to Jenny, who shook her head, not wanting to talk. He huffed, looking back at his brother. "The thing I don't understand is how is Roy doing it? How's he trading a life for a life?"
"He's not doing it." Jenny murmured, Sam and Dean turning to her.Something else is doing it for him."
"What do you mean?" Sam frowned as Dean's eyes widened in realization.
"The old man I saw on stage." Dean pointed to Jenny, who nodded.
"What are you guys talking about?" Sam asked as he looked between Jenny and Dean, who were staring at one another.
"Think about it. Jesus, and I thought you were the smart one." Jenny frowned, looking at the younger Winchester. "Only one thing can give and take a life." Sam's gears slowly started to spin in his kind, turning to his brother.
"We're dealing with a reaper."
Short chapter for tonight because I have school and work tomorrow so I probably won't post anything until Tuesday 🤩
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