Chapter Thirty-Nine
3 and a half years ago
Jenny had her legs draped over Leo's as she read a book, which was 98% written in Latin. Leo was reading a newspaper, brows furrowed deeply in concentration. The two had been doing this for well over an hour, but while one page flipped, the other stayed on the same page.
After another few minutes of comfortable silence, Jenny looked up to Leo. "You've been staring at that page all day. What's on it?" Leo cleared his throat, looking over to Jenny.
"Uh— nothing. It's nothing." He lied. Jenny dropped her book, snatching the newspaper out of his hands. "Jenny—"
"Couple killed in crazed animal attack..." Jenny read aloud, her words trailing off slowly. Leo balled his hands up into fists as she lowered the article, slowly looking back at him. "You're not actually... You're not actually thinking about going there... Are you?"
"Jennifer— If I don't ... More people are gonna die."
"Yeah, every full moon! Le, you promised you would stop searching for more cases!" Jenny kicked her legs off of Leo, waving the paper around. "And this one especially?!"
"I know that it's a werewolf, Jenny. But you have to understand—"
"I under that if you go to Springfield, you aren't coming back!" Her voice croaked as she gripped the article, standing up angrily. "You won't go!" Leo looked up at the brunette with a solemn expression, turning away before nodding.
"Okay. Okay... I won't go." Jenny lowered her hands and nodded, lips pressed together firmly as she forced tears back.
"Good. I'll call a friend then... See if they can handle it." Jenny tossed the article down next to Leo, who cleared his throat.
"I actually know a guy that's good at killing werewolves. I can call him up." Leo stood up and pulled out his phone. He paused for a moment before kissing Jenny on the forehead. She hummed in response, watching him walk out of his bedroom.
Jenny picked at her thumb before starting to bite down in it, chewing nervously as she stared at the article again. She paused at the sound of a door clicking open and then shut quickly. "Le?" She called out, walking out of the bedroom. "Leo?"
A truck's engine revved up, her eyes widening when she looked out the window to see Leo backing out of his driveway. "Leo!" She yelled, bolting out of the house and to the truck. She ran after it, hands on the hood even as he continued to drive out. "Stop! Please!" She screamed, horror filling every part of her before she fell down.
Leo paused for a moment as he turned the truck, mouthing an apology before driving off.
Jenny's eyes popped open as she woke up, sitting up with a soft groan to see Sam folding a map and tucking it back into the glove box. "What time is it?" She grumbled, rubbing her eyes.
"1:05." Sam answered, turning around to her. "Dean thinks we got a case. An... old friend of his' father was killed." Jenny furrowed her brows, looking over to Dean.
"Old friend?" Dean stayed quiet as Sam clicked his tongue, dramatically turning his head to his brother.
"Yep. An old friend who he told our secret to." Jenny's eyes partially widened.
"You told this person what we do? Dean!"
"Yeah I know! It was stupid! But hey, it got us a case." Jenny furrowed her brows at Dean, sinking back in her seat. "Look, this was before you joined me and dad, Jen. Lotta things have changed."
Jenny, Dean and Sam walked into a news office, where two men had walked away. A woman stood facing away from the trio, sighing before she turned around. The woman paused in shock, staring straight at Dean.
"Dean." She uttered, Dean smiling softly as a greeting.
"Hey Cassie." Cassie looked to Sam and Jenny, who gave her an awkward wave. After a moment, Dean cleared his throat, gesturing to his brother and Jenny. "This is my brother, Sam. And my uh..." Dean trailed off as Jenny's eyes widened, looking him. The two stared at each other, unsure of what to say next.
Jenny laughed nervously, looking at Cassie. "Girlfriend. Jennifer." Jenny outstretched her hand and Cassie paused again, shocked.
"Girlfriend..." She repeated, slowly shaking Jenny's hand. Sam smirked at his brother's expression, a mixture of joy and shock as he nodded.
"Yes. My uh— my girlfriend." Jenny looked back at Dean, who was smiling again.
"I'm sorry about your father." Jenny spoke, and Cassie nodded.
"Yeah. Me too."
Cassie had taken the Hunters to her farm house. Sam had run off to the bathroom, leaving Jenny and Dean to sit in the lounge room while Cassie was in the kitchen, making tea.
"So... You're my uh... girlfriend, now? Or— well you did say it. But if you don't actually want to be—"
"Dean." Jenny chuckled, looking at him. He raised his brows at her, listening. "If I didn't want to be your girlfriend, I would have just said friend."
He hummed, looking away then down at his hands. "So then.. It's official?" He mumbled. Jenny pressed her lips into a thin smile, nodding.
"Yeah. I guess you can say it's official." Sam walked into the lounge room with Cassie, who held a platter of tea cups. She set it down in the table as Sam sat down next to Dean.
"My mothers in pretty bad shape. I've been staying with her. I wish she wouldn't go off by herself. She's been so nervous and frightened. She was worried about dad." Cassie started to pour the tea, handing one to Jenny, who accepted it with a half-hearted smile.
"Why?" Dean asked, Cassie pouring another cup.
"He was scared. He was seeing things."
"Seeing things? Like what?" Jenny sipped her tea, eyes widening at how hot it was and almost spat it out when it burnt her tongue. She swallowed slowly, trying her best not to make a pained face.
"He swore he saw an awful-looking black truck following him."
"A truck. Who was the driver?" Sam asked, Cassie handing him his cup. "Thanks."
"He didn't talk about a driver. Just the truck. He said it would appear and disappear. And, in the accident, Dad's car was dented, like it had been slammed into by something big."
"Now you're sure this dent wasn't there before?" Sam continued as the woman nodded, handing Dean his cup. He looked at his cup of tea like it was an alien, and quickly deposited it on the side table.
"He sold cars. Always drove a new one. There wasn't a scratch on that thing. It had rained hard that night. There was mud everywhere. There was a distinct set of muddy tracks leading from dad's car...leading right to the edge, where he went over." Jenny blew in her tea before taking another sip, her tastebuds so burnt she couldn't feel a thing.
Cassie bowed her head, trying to take control of her emotions as she continued. "One set of tracks. His."
"Best friend. Clayton Soames.They owned the car dealership together. Same thing. Dent. No Tracks. And the cops said exactly what they said about dad. He 'lost control of his car.'"
"Can you think of any reason why your father and his partner might be targets." Cassie shook her head.
"And you think this vanishing truck... it ran them off the road?" Jenny questioned, setting her cup down as Cassie nodded.
"When you say it aloud like that...listen, I'm a little sceptical about this...ghost stuff...or whatever it is you guys are into." Jenny hummed, looking between Sam and Dean.
Dean huffed, shaking his head. "Skeptical. If I remember, I think you said I was nuts."
"That was then." Cassie grumbled, Dean took in a sharp breath. "I just know that I can't explain what happened."
The sound of a door came from behind them, Sam, Dean and Jenny riding to their feet as a middle-aged woman walked in.
"Mom. Where have you been I was so—" Cassie rushed over to her mother, taking her arm.
"I had no idea you invited friends over." Cassie's mom interrupted, smiling at the three strangers. Jenny reciprocated the smile, folding her hands together awkwardly.
"Mom, this is Dean, a...friend of mine from.... college. His brother Sam— and his girlfriend... Jennifer." Cassie greeted, the three waving liz
"Well, I won't interrupt you." Mrs. Robinson started to walk away, Jenny cleared her throat
"We're sorry for your loss, Mrs. Robinson. Truly.. Uh— if you wouldn't mind, we'd actually like to ask you a few questions?" Mrs. Robinson looked at Jenny, shaking her head.
"I'm really not up for that right now."
"Right. Apologies." Mrs. Robinson left the room, leaving the rest standing awkwardly once again.
The three hunters had gone back to their motel room, Jenny grabbed a pair of pajamas from her duffel bag, turning to see Dean and Sam looking at her in confusion. "What?"
"When did you start wearing pajamas? You're always wearing your day clothes." Sam commented as she looked down at her clothes, frowning.
"Since I realized how uncomfortably overalls are when you fall asleep in them. The buttons always stab me." Jenny walked into the bathroom, shutting the door with a soft lock.
After changing into her pajamas and walking out, Sam and Dean were both laying in separate beds, Sam already fast asleep. "Damn, that was fast." She muttered, tiptoeing to Dean's bed.
"Yeah. He hasn't slept in two days." Dean whispered as Jenny sank into the bed next to him. Dean was using a flashlight to read his dad's journal, Jenny peering over his shoulder to look. The page was about an old ghost case his dad had worked on years ago, most likely from when the three were teenagers.
Jenny sighed quietly again, resting her head in Dean's shoulder. "You should try and sleep." She mumbled, shutting her eyes. Dean shuffled, the flashlight turning off. He tossed the journal onto the nightstand, the two sinking down again.
The next morning, the trio were walking down a road to a new crash sight. "Close the main road. The only road in and out of town? Accidents do happen Cassie, and that's what they are. Accidents." A man argued with Cassie as Jenny, Sam and Dean walked up behind her.
"Did the cops check for additional dinting on Jimmy's car, see if it was pushed?" Dean spoke up, the two turning to the Hunters.
"Who's this?" The man frowned, Cassie looking at him.
"Dean and Sam Winchester. And Jennifer uh—" Cassie pressed her lips together as Jenny forced a welcoming smile.
"Price. Jennifer Price."
"They're family friends. This is Mayor Harold Todd." The man nodded his head to the Hunters
"There's one set of tire tracks. One... doesn't point to foul play." The Mayor cleared his throat, gesturing to the set of tire tracks.
"Mayor, the police and town officials take their cues from you. If you're indifferent about—"
"Indifferent!" The Mayor yelled, interrupting the woman.
"Would you close the road if the victims were white?" Jenny's eyes widened, looking between the woman in front of her and the Mayor awkwardly
"You suggesting I'm racist Cassie? I'm the last person you should talk to like that." He spat, glaring at her.
"And why is that?"
"Why don't you ask your mother." The Mayor walked away, leaving the four in shock, looking at one another.
Once again, back in the motel, Jenny was buttoning up her suit jacket, Sam picking up his as Dean stood in front of a mirror, attempting to tie his tie. He grumbled in annoyance, flipping his hands. He looked over at Jenny, who rolled his eyes and walked over to help him.
"Thought you learned how to do this? You know, YouTube exists now." She smirked at his glare, tying his tie.
"I don't have time for tutorials." He complained. Jenny hummed in amusement, stuffing his tie under his suit jacket and pat his chest.
Sam walked over to them, raising a pair of heels to Jenny. She glared at them, turning the glare to Sam. "Absolutely not."
"You gotta play the part, Jenny." She mocked Sam before snatching the heels, plopping down on the bed.
"Remember the last time I wore heels? Nearly snapped my ankles!"
"Well, YouTube exists." Dean joked, Jenny slowly looking up to glare at him.
"If these heels were just a little sharper."
apologies for delayed updates! i got my job back and i'm actually getting hours i need. plus school so i won't be on here as much! but i'll try to put time in to give you guys what you deserve :)
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