Chapter Thirty-Four
Jenny and Dean had spent most of their time on the road singing to whatever music Dean put on. It was mainly Led Zepplin or Kansas, but Jenny didn't seem to mind.
They had finally gotten to Indiana, where Dean had pulled up to a local café. The two got out of the Impala and walked up to the porch. A man sat by a table, Jenny gesturing to Dean that she was going to head inside.
"You want some coffee?" She asked, looking fairly tired. Dean nodded, walking to the man as Jenny headed inside.
The strong scent of coffee was practically a wake-up call for the Hunter, her eyes widened slightly as she trudged too the counter. A woman around her age, maybe older, gave her a smile, leaning against the counter. "What can I get for you, doll?"
"Oh, people do talk like that." Jenny mumbled quietly, clearing her throat. "Uh— Two coffees, black, but could you spike one with a bunch of espresso? Thank you." The woman nodded, walking over to a coffee machine as Jenny looked around, patting her hands on the countertop.
"You a traveler?" Jenny turned her head to see a man looking at her strangely. She looked around in a small hope he was talking to someone else, nodding.
"Uh, yeah... My friend and I are looking for our friends." Jenny fumbled through her jacket, pulling out a small picture and showed it to the man. "They went missing last year and uh—"
"Sorry, sweetheart. People don't usually come around here." Jenny frowned, hiding the picture back in her pocket.
"Is the coffee for here or to go?" The lady said, Jenny looking to her.
"To go. Thanks." She turned back to the man. He stayed quiet, sipping his coffee as the woman handed Jenny two cups. She pulled out a few dollars, handing it to the woman. "You can keep the change. Have a good one." Jenny walked out quickly, noticing Dean standing by the Impala.
She gave a small smile to the man sitting at the table before heading to Dean, giving him his coffee. He took a small sip, retching at the taste. "Is there espresso in this?"
"Shit. Sorry." She flipped the two coffees, taking her's from Dean. "Did he say much?" Dean shook his head, sipping his coffee.
"Nope. But he's a classic rock fan." He grinned as Jenny frowned at him. "Right— Uh just said people don't usually pass 'round here."
"Yeah... Some guy in the café said the same thing." The two got into the Impala, driving away.
"Maybe they didn't pass through here?" Jenny suggested as Dean shook his head.
"Nah. Dad said all three couples came to Burkittsville and never left. Can't be a coincidence." Jenny shrugged as she sipped her coffee.
"Well. You know what they say about three's." She turned to Dean, who gave her an odd look.
"One's a tragedy. Two's a coincidence— and three is a pattern." Dean scoffed quietly, looking to the road.
"Is that supposed to be like— some kind of death quote?" Dean asked, Jenny looking to him with a soft expression.
"Well, not always. Tragedy could be something else. Like ... Someone leaving, but not dying." Dean paused for a moment as the gears turned in his head, and he slowly looked to Jenny. "What?"
"You aren't going to leave... Are you?" He asked as her eyes widened.
"What! No! Of course not." She laughed, Dean kept looking at her. "Don't crash."
He turned back to the road, though her words still stuck in his head. "Dean. I'd never leave you. Not to sound so harsh— but I'm not Sam. And I'm not your dad. And if I did leave you, I'm pretty sure it would be because I died."
"You aren't going to die on my watch." Dean swore as Jenny hummed, shaking her head.
"Same goes for you."
Jenny and Dean had made another stop at a gas station, where a couple was actually helpful unlike the people back at the café.
The duo was currently driving down by an orchard when a frantic beeping startled the two. Jenny looked behind to the backseat, rummaging through Dean's bag and pulled out his EMF reader, which was spiraling out of control. She turned back to face Dean, who looked at it in confusion.
"You thinking it's the orchard?" Jenny turned to the trees as Dean rolled to a stop, parking the Impala.
"It's the only place around for a few miles." The two hopped out of the car, Jenny grabbing her gun from where she had been sitting, hiding it in her back belt loop, walking along next to Dean.
The two walked down the lane, pausing when they spotted a scarecrow high up on a post.
"Dude, you're fugly." Dean scoffed, Jenny shaking her head.
"I swear to god, if this ends up being some god damned Jeepers Creepers shit—" Jenny cut herself off when she examined the scarecrow, looking at its hand to notice a design in the arm. She nudged Dean, who walked up to it.
He moved the shirt back from it's arm and pulled out a photo of Vince, humming. "Same tat."
"Great. It's worse than Jeepers Creepers." Dean turned back to Jenny with a frown. She sighed quietly, staring at the tattoo. "So... Are we thinking it's just a town of psychos?"
"Definitely not. This scarecrow is way to creepy."
Back at a gas station, Dean and Jenny had a quiet conversation about what could possibly be going on with the couples disappearing.
The woman from before walked over to the two with a smile. "You're back." She greeted, Jenny and Dean turning to Emily.
"Never left." Dean replied as the woman gave them a strange look, a siren going off in Jenny's head. She looked at Emily suspiciously, who was grinning at Dean.
"Still lookin' for your friends?" Dean nodded, looking at the necklace around her neck before gesturing to the Impala.
"Why don't you fill her up.. Emily?" Dean smiled before walking off. Emily walked over to the gas pump, Jenny still standing next to the car, looking at Emily.
"Are you and him... y'know?" Emily asked as Jenny's brows raised, shoving her hands in her pockets.
"No... Uh— it's complicated. Anyways—" Jenny cleared her throat awkwardly as Emily pumped the gas into the car's tank. "Uh— You grew up here?" Emily nodded, Jenny glimpsing into the windows to see Dean grabbing a soda from the fridge.
"Yeah. Parents died when i was 13. Car accident. My aunt and uncle took me in." Jenny gave her a somber smile, nodding.
"Yeah, my parents died when I was pretty young. Good to have family you can go to. Nice people." Emily shrugged, watching the numbers on the yellow screen rise.
"Everyone's nice around here. It's the boonies. But I love it. I mean, the towns around us, people are losing their homes, their farms. But here, it's almost like we're blessed. " Jenny nodded, giving Emily a strange look as the gas tinked. She pulled out the hose, stuffing it away.
"You been to that orchard? Scarecrow is pretty freaky." Jenny chuckled while Emily shivered, nodding. "Whose is it?"
Emily shrugged. "No idea. It's been there probably longer than I've been alive." Jenny hummed, turning to see Dean walking over with a can of soda and a donut in his hand. He handed Jenny the soda, taking a bite of the glazed donut and turned to the garage, gesturing to a red van.
"Whose car's that?" He asked with a mouthful of food. Emily looked behind to the car.
"Customer's. Had some car trouble." Jenny and Dean shared a concerned look before looking back at Emily.
"Did it— Did it happen to be a couple? Guy and girl?" Dean asked as Emily hummed in confirmation.
Jenny and Dean walked into Scotty's Café, strolling up tot he counter and leaned against it with two wide smiles.
"Scotty. Can I get a coffee, black?" Scotty nodded and started walking away. "Oh, and some of that pie, too, while you're at it." Dean hummed, looking over at a couple, still smiling.
"How ya doin'?" The couple smiled and waved, Jenny turning her head to them. "Just passing through?"
"Road trip." The woman answered as Jenny smiled.
"Really? Us too." She spoke up in a fake cheery-tone, linking her arm with Dean's. He held his smile, though a soft rosey tint flushed onto his face.
Scotty walked over to the couple, pouring the girl a refill on her cider. "I'm sure this couple would like to eat in peace." Scotty spoke as Dean raised a hand in defense.
"Just makin' friendly conversation." Scotty walked away again, Jenny sitting down and messing with a napkin as Dean continued. "So, what brings you two into town?"
"We just stopped for gas. And, uh, the guy at the gas station saved our lives." The girl smiled to her boyfriend, who returned the gesture.
"Is that right?" Dean spoke, the two nodding.
"Yeah, one of our brake lines was leaking. We had no idea. He was fixing it for us." The man gave them a grateful smile, Jenny frowning.
Dean gave them a concerned looks "Nice people." Dean hummed and the man nodded in agreement. "So, how long till you're up and runnin'?"
"Sundown." The man answered, Jenny and Dean's brows raised.
"To fix a brake line?" Jenny asked and the man nodded as the two Hunters shared a concerned look. "I mean, you know, I know a thing or two about cars. I could probably have you up and running in about an hour. I wouldn't charge you anything."
"You know, thanks a lot, but I think we'd rather have a mechanic do it."
"Sure. I know." Dean paused, Jenny watching as he walked over to the couple. "You know, it's just that these roads. They're not real safe at night." The couple exchanged a look as Jenny looked over her shoulder at the three, still sitting at the counter.
"I'm sorry?"
"I know it sounds strange, but, uh— you might be in danger."
The man gave Dean an annoyed look, 6. "Look, we're trying to eat. Okay?" Dean raised his hands in defense again, walking back over to Jenny.
"You know, Sam could give them that dumb puppy-dog look and they would have bought it." Jenny hummed in amusement, shaking her head.
The doorbell jingled as Dean's leg bounced up and down nervously, a frustrated look on his face as he looked down at his coffee. Scotty came back from behind the restaurant.
"Thanks for coming, Sheriff." Scotty and the Sheriff shared a hushed conversation, the two looking at Jenny and Dean. Not before long, the Sheriff walked over to them, tilting his head suspiciously.
"I'd like to have a word with you two." Dean sighed in annoyance, shutting his eyes for a moment.
"Come on, I'm already having a bad day." Dean mumbled. Jenny looked over at the Sheriff with an innocent look, attempting a smile.
"Let's go." The Sheriff gestured to the door, Jenny shooting Scotty a harsh glare before she and Dean stood up, walking out with the Sheriff.
"Heard you two were causing a disturbance." Jenny and Dean gave the Sheriff an offended look, crossing their arms.
"We were just talking to the couple in there." Dean defended as the Sheriff shook his head.
"From what Scotty told me, sounded more like a threat." Dean's eyes widened, the Sheriff pointing at the two. "I want you two out of this town right now."
"Now!" He snapped to Jenny, who clamped her mouth shut. The two Hunters shared an uneasy look before slowly getting back into the Impala. The sheriff got into his squad car, following Dean as he started to drive out of town.
"This is ridiculous." Jenny muttered as she leaned back in her seat, Dean nodding.
"Something ain't right with the people here." He looked through the rear view mirror to the sheriff, who was still following them. "Dammit." He whispered as Jenny looked over at him.
"We'll figure something out, Dean." Jenny rubbed his shoulder in an attempt to calm his nerves. And it did for the most part. But he was just worried about the couple.
At least, that's what he appeared to be worried about. But it obviously had to do with Sam running off again and what Jenny had said about that rule of three's.
He couldn't stop wondering about it. The first person to leave him behind was John. Technically it had been Sam, but he came back. And now Sam was gone again.
Dean looked over at Jenny, whose hand was still in his shoulder, even as she looked out the window. She bore no expression on her face, just a soft frown as she glared at the bright sky.
John and Sam had left. Maybe Jenny was next. Even if she had promised to never leave, Dean wasn't too big on people keeping promises.
It was a shame he didn't know how big of a promise that was for Jenny. She never planned on leaving his side. No matter what had happened between them, she couldn't abandon Dean. She couldn't abandon Sam. She loved them too much to throw in the dirt. And she certainly loved Dean too much to hurt him like that.
She knew that the only way she'd leave him is if her bones were burned and her spirit was killed. But she didn't plan on that happening anytime soon.
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