Chapter Thirty-Five
thought i'd share a picture of my raccoon bc he's cute and everyone should meet him. his name is Loki :)
It had become dark now as Jenny and Dean drove to the Orchard, knowing that that had been the place where everything was going down. They drove in silence, Jenny gripping a small throwing knife in her hand, spinning it around.
Dean eyed it cautiously when they hit a bump, looking at Jenny. "Why don't you put it down? You might stab one of us." He commented as she continued to spin the blade, humming.
"Would you rather hear me play Tetris?"
"God, what is it with you and that damn theme song?" Dean frowned as she chuckled in amusement, pausing when she noticed the familiar car of the couple.
"Yeah I see it." He pulled up quickly, parking the car as Jenny got out, grabbing her gun from the glove compartment. She stuffed her gun in her belt loop, spinning her blade as Dean pulled out his gun. The two sped-walked in the Orchard, searching for the couple.
The two paused when they heard a scream, looking at one another before breaking into a sprint. Jenny pulled out her gun and stuffed her knife away, skidding told a halt as she almost slammed into a man.
"Go! Back to your car!" Dean ordered as the man grabbed his girlfriends hand, the two sprinting away. Jenny and Dean looked over to see the scarecrow stalking towards them, Jenny's eyes widening as she aimed her gun at it. She cocked the gun, shooting it square in the face as Dean shot at it's chest.
The scarecrow paused for only a moment before walking towards them again. "Yeah. I'm not going to be a Jeepers Creepers victim." Jenny grabbed Dean by the shirt and ran, the man stumbling from her speed for a moment before catching up.
Jenny kept running, turning her torso to aim at the scarecrow, shooting it again. It kept walking. Dean shot at it next, but it barely faltered.
When the two reached the clearing with the couple, they all gasped in exhaustion, Jenny filling for air, as she liked back at the Orchard. The scarecrow was no where in sight.
"What the hell was that?!" The girl asked as Dean shook his head.
"Don't ask."
"I think it's a god we're dealing with." Jenny assumed as Dean and her sat in the impala, talking to Sam on the phone.
"Like... A Pagan God?" Sam asked as Dean looked over at Jenny, who nodded.
"Yeah. And it would make sense, too. The ritualistic disappearances. Male and female go missing around the same time every year. Not to mention the surrounding towns have been suffering but this one is completely fine." She went on as Sam hummed.
"Do you know what god you're dealing with yet?" Sam asked.
"Not yet. But, Dean and I are going to a community college soon. He's got a an appointment with one of the professors."
"Well, you said you'd do the research." Dean frowned as Jenny shook her head.
"And I will. In the comfort of this seat." Dean rolled his eyes, turning back to the phone.
"You know... If you guys need my help—"
"We'll be fine, Sam." Dean interrupted, Jenny frowning at him. "Actually, uh—I want you to know....I mean, don't think-"
"Yeah. I'm sorry, too." Sam cut in, Dean shaking his head softly.
"Sam. You were right. You gotta do your own thing. You gotta live your own life."
"Are you serious?" Sam and Jenny asked in unison, Dean looked at her, nodding.
"You've always known what you want. And you go after it. You stand up to Dad. And you always have. Hell, I wish I—anyway....I admire that about you. I'm proud of you, Sammy." Silence from the phone, and Dean chuckled. "Besides, I got Jen to keep me company."
She chuckled, Dean looking at her with a small smile. "I don't even know what to say." Sam killed the silence, Jenny and Dean looking at the phone again.
"Say you'll take care of yourself." Dean spoke. Sam was silent again.
"I will."
"And call us when you find John." Jenny smiled softly. Silence once again. "Be safe, Samurai. Don't get yourself killed.
A soft chuckle, followed by a saddened tone from Sam. "I will. Bye guys." Sam hung up the phone, Jenny and Dean turned to one another.
A small tear rolled up to Dean's eye and Jenny rested her head in his shoulder. "He'll be back." She said quietly, feeling Dean rest against her head. She took his hand in hers, turning to look up at him.
Jenny wiped the tear from his cheek, giving him a pained smile. "So. You don't want to be late for your appointment, do you?"
Jenny sat in the Impala in front of the community college, laptop open as Dean fixed his shirt, turning to her.
"Alright. If I'm not back in an hour—"
"I'll assume the worst and barge in guns blazing." She joked, turning to Dean. She tilted her head down, smiling. "You'll be fine. I don't think that the professor is a serial killer."
Dean looked at her for a moment before nodding, getting out of the car. Jenny looked back at the computer, which had an entirely different case on it.
Couple killed in crazed animal attack in Springfield, Illinois
Jenny sighed quietly and looked back out the window to see Dean walk into the doors, disappearing. She continued looking at the article, eyes hovering on the photos of her parents.
She rested her arm against the open window, head propped up with her hand as she scrolled to the next tab, reading through different Pagan Gods.
After nearly an hour, Dean was back in the car, looking at Jenny with a knowing glance. "Vanir."
"Vanir?" Jenny frowned as she shut her laptop.
"Yeah, The Vanir were Norse gods of protection and prosperity, keeping the local settlements safe from harm. Some villages built effigies of the Vanir in their fields. Other villages practiced human sacrifice. One male, and one female." Jenny pressed her lips together.
"So... If I didn't know any better... If that couple didn't come in—"
"Then it would have been us." Dean chuckled nervously, shaking his head. "It's energy is kept by a sacred tree. So we gotta find that tree and burn it."
"Well. We got one more match in the back. So we better make it count." Dean started up the impala, driving away.
"Well. This is fantastic." Jenny said sarcastically as she attempted to yank the cellar doors open, blowing a strand of hair out of her face. She looked over at Dean, who was pacing back and forth, looking out the very tiny window.
The cellar door opened, Jenny and Dean turning their heads to see Harley, Stacy and Emily. Emily was crying softly, shaking her head at Jenny and Dean.
"You don't have to do this." She begged, turning to her aunt and uncle.
"It's for the common good." Stacy spoke, staring at Jenny.
"Come on, we aren't even that good enough for a sacrifice." Jenny tried to lighten the mood with a soft smile, Harley glared at her. "I mean, I've done some pretty bad shit. Would a Pagan God even want me?"
"Quiet." Stacy snapped, Jenny frowned, her shoulders dropped.
"Can't you just— at least switch out Jen for Emily?" Dean asked as Emily's mouth dropped open.
"Dean!" Jenny yelled, and he gave her a hard look.
"We would never!" Harley argued as Jenny scoffed, turning back to them.
"Right. And I'm Beyoncé." The family left, leaving Jenny and Dean back in the cellar alone.
Jenny patted her belt loop, groaning in frustration. "They took my fucking knife." She complained, turning to Dean, who frowned at her.
After what felt like decades, Dean started to pry open the door. But, to no avail, it barely budged. "Shit. We have to get out of here."
"No shit. Not to mention we have to find this sacred tree." Jenny looked out the tiny window again, gripping onto the bars and attempted to break them off. They didn't move.
"Yeah. It'll be real helpful when neither of us no what a sacred tree looks like." Dean muttered, slamming his side into the door.
"Well. I read that the immigrants that moved here planted an apple tree in the Orchard. Maybe that's the sacred tree." Jenny supposed, Dean turning to her.
"Well that's fantastic. An apple tree in an orchard." Jenny deadpanned at him, dropping her arms to her sides. Dean turned away, back to the door.
Dean jumped back as the doors slid open, four elders walking in. Stacy smiled softly, nodding her head. "It's time."
Harley grabbed Dean as Jenny attempted to run past them, the sheriff grabbing her by her elbows with his and locking her in place.
"No!" She hollered, kicking her legs as she attempted to free herself.
"Let her go!" Dean yelled, stomping on Harley's foot. He yelled in pain, but didn't let go of Dean. "I swear to god—"
"Hush up!" Stacy yelled as Jenny groaned in restraint, growing limp so the man would struggling to carry her. But it seemed as though it was easier for him.
Jenny and Dean were tied next to one another, the Sheriff tightening Jenny's restraints and she hissed in pain.
"How many people have you killed, Sheriff?" Dean asked as the man paused, looking at him.
"We don't kill."
"Right. You sacrifice. Because that's any different." Jenny laughed. The sheriff grabbed her face, forcing her to look at him. Dean thrashed around, starting coldly at the sheriff, his jaw clenched to stop himself from spitting out profanity after profanity.
"We do this for good reasons." Jenny whipped her face out of his grip.
"Don't touch me." She spat, glaring at the sheriff as he stood up. "I bet you've sold dozens of cars. Or hidden them. Burned the poor couples' clothes. Just so you'd have some good fruits."
"Try to understand. It's our responsibility. And there's just no other choice. There's nobody else but you." Stacy smiled softly, painfully as Jenny only thought of the things she'd do if Stacy was an actual monster. The four walked away.
"Hope your apple pie was fucking worth it!" Dean yelled, turning to Jenny. "You alright?"
"I'm about to be sacrificed for a Pagan God so their pies will taste good. I'd say i'm... Peachy." She joked, forcing a fake smile. Dean sighed quietly, shaking his head. "So... You don't have a plan?"
"Nope. You?" Jenny pressed her lips together, shaking her head.
"Awesome." They muttered in unison. Jenny rested her head against the pole she was tied against, waiting for the inevitable.
Jenny dropped her head, eyes widening to see a shadowy figure looming towards them. "Oh god. Dean!"
Dean's eyes snapped to see the figure moving closer to Jenny.
"Dean? Jenny?!" Sam appeared into view as the two sighed in relief, Dean laughed.
"Oh thank god. I take everything I said back. I'm so happy to see you." Dean grinned as Sam untied Jenny first. She wiggled the ropes off quickly, standing up.
"How did you get here so fast?" She asked, watching as Sam untied his brother.
"I uh— stole a car." Dean cheered, patting his brother after he had been untied.
"That's my boy! And keep an eye on that scarecrow. He could come alive any minute." Dean gestured to the post the scarecrow had been on in front of the three. Sam turned his head, frowning in confusion.
"What scarecrow?" Jenny's eyes widened as she slowly turned to the post. The scarecrow was gone.
"Alright. Time to bogey." Jenny, Sam and Dean all ran from the post, skidding to a halt to see the townspeople standing in front of the Orchards's entrance. "Terrific."
"It'll be over quickly. We promise." Harley spoke as Sam shook his head.
"You guys don't have to do this." Jenny frowned, watching as Harley nodded.
"You have to let them take you. You have to—" Just then, a sickle went through Harley's stomach. Emily and Stacy screamed in fear, Dean grabbing Jenny and pulling her closer in case the scarecrow decided to take her.
Stacy was then snatched by the scarecrow, Emily backing away quickly as she cried out, watching the monster disappear with her aunt and uncle. The townspeople scattered, screams fading away.
Dean still clung into Jenny, whose eyes were wide with shock. She looked around, nodding slowly. "I think we should go."
Dean, Jenny, Sam and Emily all walked up to a large apple tree, which had Vince's tattoo design carved into the trunk. Jenny popped open the gasoline can, splashing it all around and walked back over to Dean, who had lit up a branch.
"Let me." Emily spoke up, outstretching her hand.
"You know the whole town is going to die?" Dean said with raised brows. Emily paused for a moment before nodding.
"Good." She muttered, taking the branch. She walked over to the tree, tossing the branch onto it. Emily jumped back as the tree burst into flames, the four watching it burn.
"Well. Who wants some apple pie?" Jenny joked as the three slowly turned to her. She looked over at them, then back at the fire. "Tough crowd."
Jenny, Dean and Sam waved goodbye to Emily as her bus drove off waiting for a moment before walking to the Impala. "You think she'll be okay?" Sam asked, the other two shrugging.
"I hope so." Dean sighed, shaking his head.
"And the rest of the townspeople, they'll just get away with it?" Sam looked at Jenny and Dean, who shrugged.
"Well, what'll happen to the town will have to be punishment enough." Silence for a moment. "So, can I drop you off somewhere?"
"No, I think you're stuck with me." The three stopped in front of the car.
"What made you change your mind?" Jenny asked and Sam shook his head, looking away for a moment.
"I didn't. I still wanna find Dad. And Dean, you're still a pain in the ass." Jenny snorted, turning away from the brothers before looking back. "But, Jess... Mom—" Sam looked to Jenny, who stayed quiet. "They're all gone. Dad is God knows where. You two... me. We're all that's left. So, if we're gonna see this through, we're gonna do it together." Jenny and Dean paused, smiling softly.
"Hold me, Sam. That was beautiful." Dean put his hand on his brother's shoulder. Sam slapped his hand away before the three laughed.
"You two should be kissing my ass, you were dead meat, dude." Sam had a small smile on his face as Dean scoffed.
"Yeah right. We had a plan. We were gonna get out." Dean lied as Jenny rolled her eyes.
"Says you. Turn around, Sammy." Jenny spun a finger around as Sam laughed, shaking his head. Dean frowned for a moment before Sam walked over to the passenger side, Jenny and Dean to the drivers side.
"Hey." Jenny turned around as Dean tapped her arm. "About what I had said— You know, replacing you with Emily—"
"Dean. It's fine. Nothing happened to you. Nothing happened to me. Besides, I'm sure Emily won't hold a grudge." Dean shook his head, looking at her.
"I wasn't joking when I said that." Jenny pressed her lips together, staring up at Dean. "I meant it. I wanted them to switch you out with her. I couldn't let you be sacrificed for some damn fruits to flourish."
Jenny was silent, slowly nodding. "I know you weren't joking. I mean... If Emily had been a dude— I'd be forcing them to switch her out with you."
Now it had been Dean's turn to fall silent. After a moment, he cleared his throat. "I just don't want anything to happen to you." Jenny smiled softly, bringing Dean into a hug. He stayed frozen for a moment, slowly hugging her back tightly. He rested his head in the crook of her neck, staying quiet.
"If I could promise to you that I'd stay completely safe in the line of work we are in... I would." Dean pulled away, looking at Jenny, who then shrugged. "But I'm going to get hurt. And I'm going to get taken a few times. But I will promise you this."
Jenny cupped Dean's face in her hands, smiling softly as she finally pulled him into a gentle kiss. After a short moment, Dean kissed her back, holding the back of her head.
Jenny pulled away, the two resting their foreheads together. "I will always come back to you, Dean." She whispered and he smiled softly, kissing her again.
The two jumped apart when Sam knocked in the window, a grin on his face. "We got places to go!"
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