Chapter Sixty-Eight
"I'm telling you, Dean, we could have taken him." Sam started as Jenny shook her head in disagreement, but still stayed quiet.
"What we need is a plan. Now, they're probably keeping Dad alive, we just gotta figure out where. They're gonna wanna trade him for the gun." Sam just shook his head, and Dean glanced over at him. "What?"
"Dean, if that were true, why didn't Meg mention a trade? Dad, he might be...."
"Don't." Dean snapped, and Sam sniffles quietly.
"Look, I don't want to believe it any more than you. But if he is, all the more reason to kill this damn thing. We still have the Colt. We can still finish the job."
"Screw the job, Sam!" Jenny awkwardly sank into her seat, slowly flipping open her phone.
"Dean, I'm just trying to do what he would want. He would want us to keep going."
"Quit talking about him like he's dead already!" Dean yelled, Jenny looking between the two brothers. "Listen to me, everything stops until we get him back, you understand me? Everything."
Sam fell quiet, thinking. "So how do we find him?"
"Maybe we go to Lincoln. Start at the warehouse where he was taken." Jenny clasped her phone shut, leaning forward.
"Come on, Dean, you really think these demons are going to leave a trail?"
"Sam's right. I know someone that could help us." Jenny gave the two brothers a grin. Dean looked at Jenny for a moment before her idea finally clicked in his head, and he started driving a little faster.
Jenny quickly got out of the Impala as they pulled up to a junkyard, a grin on her face as a Rottweiler started barking.
"Rumsfeld! Hey, boy!" She rushed over to the dog, who quickly jumped at her eagerly. After a few more minutes of Jenny petting the only big dog she's never been scared of, she followed Dean and Sam up to the porch.
Jenny knocked loudly in the door, a smile on her face as Bobby Singer answered. "Well it's about damn time."
Bobby picked up two round silver flasks with crosses on them and handed one to Dean. Sam was sitting at a cluttered desk reading a very large book, and Jenny popped open a beer.
"Here you go."
"What is this – holy water?" Dean frowned, looking at the flask.
"That one is." Bobby gestured to the one Dean was holding, and showed the other one. "This is whiskey. He took a swig of the whiskey before handing it to Dean, who also drinks.
"Bobby, thanks. Thanks for everything. To tell you the truth, I wasn't sure we should come."
"Nonsense. Your Daddy needs help. Plus, gives me an excuse to finally see Jenny. Who hasn't returned any of my calls." Bobby said, slowly turning to the girl he raised. She gave him an apologetic look, taking a swig of her beer.
"I've been busy!" She defended as he rolled his eyes.
"Well, yeah, and last time Sam and I saw you, I mean, you did threaten to blast him full of buckshot. Cocked the shotgun and everything."
"Yeah, well, what can I say? John just has that effect on people." Jenny quietly nodded in agreement, sipping her beer.
Dean chuckled in amusement. "Yeah, I guess he does."
"None of that matters now. All that matters is that you get him back."
"Bobby, this book... I've never seen anything like it." Jenny walked over to Sam, humming.
"The Keu of Solomon? Yeah, Bobby made me read this three too many times." She hummed, looking over at her adoptive-father.
"You always gotta be prepared. It's the real deal, alright."
"And these, uh, these protective circles. They really work?" Sam continued, pointing to one of the circles in the book.
"Hell, yeah. You get a demon in - they're trapped. Powerless. It's like a Satanic roach motel." Sam chuckled, flipping through the pages.
"Man, you and Bobby know your stuff."
"I was raised by a paranoid bastard." Jenny joked, and Bobby gave her a grumpy look.
"I'll tell you something else, too. This is some serious crap you three stepped in." Bobby sighed, walking over to the cluttered desk.
"Oh, yeah? How's that?" Sam asked.
"Normal year, I hear of, say, three demonic possessions. Maybe four, tops. This year I hear of 27 so far. You get what I'm saying? More and more demons are walking among us– a lot more.
"Do you know why?" Sam asked, a nervous look growing in his face.
"No, but I know it's something big. The storm's coming, and you three, your Daddy— you are smack in the middle of it." Rumsfeld started barking, Bobby and Jenny walking over to the window when he suddenly stopped with a whine.
"Oh boy." She mumbled, looking out to see Rumsfeld's dog chain was now missing the dog part.
"Something's wrong." Bobby told her quietly. And in that moment, the front door swung open, Meg standing in the doorway.
"No more crap, okay?" She seethed. Dean started unscrewing a flask. Before he could douse her in its contents, Meg tossed him across the room, sending him into a stack of books and knocked him unconscious.
Jenny jumped between Meg and Bobby, pulling out her knife. "I want your dagger, Jennifer. The real dagger and Colt."
"Sorry, I buried them." Jenny snapped, and Meg laughed.
"Didn't I say "no more crap"? I swear – after everything I heard about you Winchesters, I got to tell you, I'm a little underwhelmed. First Johnny tries to pawn off a fake gun, and then he leaves the real gun with you three chuckleheads. Lackluster, men. I mean, did you really think I wouldn't find you?" Jenny and Meg circled one another, Meg stepping forward as Jenny stepped back.
"Actually, we were counting on it." Dean said from behind.
Meg turned to look at him. Dean stared at her and then looks up at the ceiling. Meg paused for a moment before slowly looking up to see one of the demon circles from the Key of Solomon was painted above her.
"Gotcha bitch."
Jenny tightened the rope on Meg's arm and the blonde hummed, smiling. "You should make them tighter."
"Good idea." Jenny snapped, pulling her hands and tightened the ropes even more.
"You know, if you wanted to tie me up, all you had to do was ask." Jenny grimaced at Meg, backing away from the demon as Bobby walked in with a large container of salt.
"I salted the door and windows. If there are any demons out there– they ain't getting in." Jenny nodded in response and Dean stood up. He walked over to stand in front of Meg, who gave him a sly smirk.
"Where's our father, Meg?"
"You didn't ask very nice."
"Where's our father, bitch?" He repeated, annoyance in his tone.
"Jeez. You kiss your mother with that mouth?" There was a short moment of silence before Meg hummed. "Oh wait, I forgot, you don't."
Dean gripped the arms of the chair, leaning in close to Meg with a hateful expression. "You think this is a fucking game?" He yelled as Jenny took the flask of Holy Water from Bobby. "Where is he?! What did you do to him?"
"He died screaming. I killed him myself." Meg seethed, grinning. Dean shook his head before backhanding her. Meg mused, looking back at him. "That's kind of a turn on— you hitting a girl."
"Oh, shut up." Jenny snapped, shoving Dean to the side and poured the holy water down the blondes throat. Meg groaned in pain, and Jenny gripped her face, forcing Meg to look at her. "Where. The hell is John Winchester." Bobby took Sam and Dean out of the room as Jenny stared dead into Meg's eyes.
"I told you. He's dead." She shook her head.
"No. You stop lying before I empty this bottle down your throat." She pressed the flask to Meg's lips, which sizzled. "Now I know I can't hurt you, because the real Meg Masters, or whatever her real name is, is still in there. Despite her falling from the top of a building. She could very much still be alive."
"Oh no. She's been dead for a long time."
"You see... J just can never believe a word that. ones out of your fucking mouth." Jenny looked at the flask and hummed. "You know... Lying is a sin. Maybe some holy water should cleanse you."
Jenny opened Meg's mouth, fighting against her as she poured the holy water down her throat. Meg yelled in pain, Jenny getting pulled back by Dean.
Sam walked in holding a book, Meg spitting out the holy water she hadn't swallowed. "You boys gonna read me a story?"
"Something like that. Hit it, Sam." Dean turned to his brother, who flipped a page in the book
"Regna terrae, cantate deo, psallite domino—"
"An exorcism? Are you serious?" Meg laughed as Dean shrugged.
"Oh we're going for it— head spinning, projectile vomiting, the whole nine yards." Meg flinched in pain as Sam continued, the four Hunters looking at one another. Meg looked over her shoulder to Sam, seething.
"I'm gonna to kill you." She snapped, turning to look at Jenny, then Dean. "I'm gonna rip the bones from your body."
"No, you're gonna burn in hell. Unless you tell us where our Dad is." Meg stayed quiet, smiling viciously. "Well, at least you'll get a nice tan."
"Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus, omnis satanica potestas, omnis incuriso infernalis adversarii, omnis legio, onmis congregatio et secta diabolica—" Meg started to shake, reeling in pain as Sam continued to read the excorsism ritual. She gasped in pain as Sam stopped, looking at her.
"He begged for his life with tears in his eyes! He begged to see his sons one last time. That's when I slit his throat." Meg yelled, Jenny fighting to interrupt Sam and finish Meg herself.
"For your sake, I hope you're lying. Cause if it's true, I swear to God, I will march into hell myself and I will slaughter each and every one of you evil sons of bitches, so help me God!" Dean yelled in Meg's face as she just laughed again.
A wind blew through the room as Sam continued, Jenny swiping her hair out of her face, Meg yelling in pain again. "Where is he?!" Dean repeated, Meg heaving.
"You just won't take "dead" for an answer, will you?"
"Where is he?!"
"No, he's not! He's not dead! He can't be!" Dean yelled, visibly upset and angry. Sam paused the ritual for a moment, looking at his brother. "What are you looking at? Keep reading."
Sam continued, Meg's chair sliding in and around the circle as she yelled. "He will be!"
"Wait! What?!" Dean took a step forward.
"He's not dead. But he will be after what we do to him."
"How do we know you're telling the truth?" Jenny asked as Meg spat up blood.
"You don't."
"Sam!" Dean snapped, his brother continuing the ritual.
"A building! Okay? A building in Jefferson City."
"Missouri? Where, where? An address!"
"I don't know." Meg shook her head as Jenny turned away for a moment, body itching to attack the demon for more answers.
"And the demon – the one we're looking for - where is it?"
"I don't know! I swear! That's everything. That's all I know." There was silence for a moment before Dean inhaled sharply, gesturing to his little brother.
"Finish it."
"What? I told you the truth!" Meg argued as Jenny turned back to Meg.
"I don't care." Dean murmured, grimacing at the blonde woman.
"You son of a bitch, you promised." Meg cried as Sam stayed quiet, Dean walking over to him and mumbled for him to continue.
"You're gonna kill her." Bobby finally spoke up, Sam and Dean turning to him.
"What?" They asked in unison, frowning
"She fell from that building. Her body is broken, Dean." Jenny said, staring at Meg. "Even if we exorcise the demon out, the real Meg is dead.
"Listen to me, all of you, we are not gonna leave her like that." Dean snapped, pointing the Meg.
As the three men continued to bicker, Jenny leaned on the arms of Meg's chair, staring at her. "You better hope and pray I never meet you in Hell."
"Oh baby, I'll dream of it." Jenny scowled at Meg, taking in a deep breath.
"Dominicos sanctae ecclesiae, terogamus audi nos, terribilis deus do sanctuario suo deus israhel—"
"Jenny wait—" Jenny ignored Sam's attempts to stop her, staring Meg dead in the eyes as the blonde cried out in pain.
"Ipse tribuite virtutem et fortitudinem plebi suae, benedictus deus, gloria patri." Jenny stepped back as Meg threw her head up, a large cloud of black escaping her mouth. The demon disappeared into the ceiling and Meg's head dropped.
The four stared at Meg, not truly sure if it was all over yet.
Meg slowly lifted her head.
"She's still alive." Dean mumbled, turning to Bobby. "Call 911. Get some water and blankets."
Dean and Jenny started to untie Meg, who looked over at the other woman.
"Thank you." She whispered in pain, Jenny shaking her head, knowing that the ambulance wouldn't make it in time to save the poor woman
lJust take it easy, alright?" Sam said, joining Dean in setting her on the ground. Meh screamed in pain as her bones crunched, Jenny backing away as Sam lifted her into his lap
"Sorry, sorry. I got you. I got you. It's okay. It's okay."
"Sam—" Jenny spoke quietly, Dean looking to see Jenny had a knowing look on her face.
"It's been a year." Meg strained out, blood trickling from her lips.
"Just take it easy."
"I've been awake for some of it. I couldn't move my own body. The things I did – it's a nightmare." Meg cried, Jenny just watching it with a stone expression.
"Was it telling us the truth about our Dad?" Dean asked, Sam quickly looking to his brother.
"We need to know." Jenny spoke up, crossing her arms. "Was it?"
"Yes. But it wants... you to know... that... they want you to come for him." Meg strained out again, coughing up more blood.
"If our Dad's still alive, none of that matters." Dean said quietly.
Bobby rushed in with a blanket and a glass of water. He handed the glass to Dean while he and Sam covered Meg.
Dean knelt next to Sam and Meg, lifting her head up so she could drink. "Where is the demon we're looking for?" Sam asked, and Meg stayed quiet for a moment.
"Not there. Other ones. Awful ones." Meg started to tear up, shaking.
"Where are they keeping our Dad?"
"By the river. Sunrise." Meg's voice slowly trailed off as Jenny slowly fell down, staring at Meg with a small hole she'd be more specific.
"Sunrise" Dean repeated, shaking his head in confusion. "What does that mean?" He looked at Jenny then back to the blonde woman, but Meg's eyes were trained on nothing. "What does that mean?"
She didn't answer.
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