Chapter Fifty-Five
Jenny finished putting the laughing fisherman up in a tree by the HellHouse, tying a string to its own string and pulled it, then tied it to a lower branch. As soon as it laughed, Jenny bolted back to Sam and Dean, who were attempting to unlock the back door.
"Hurry up before the damn cops show up." Jenny waved her hand in a circle as Sam shushed her, fidgeting with the lock. The door clicked open, Dean handing Jenny a rifle as Sam picked his up, the three cautiously entering the house.
"You guys are sure that he won't go after me? Because ghosts are always after me and I really don't appreciate it." Jenny whispered as Dean nodded.
"We all read the page. You'll be okay." A moment of silence as Jenny turned on her flashlight. "So. You think Mordecai is home?" Dean asked, Jenny and Sam shrugged.
"Me either." Jenny flung her arm behind her, slamming the butt of her flashlight into Ed's eye. "Fuck! What the hell, man?!"
"You're lucky I didn't shoot you!" Jenny whisper-yelled, Sam and Dean lowering their guns. "What the bell are you guys doing here?!"
"Trying to get a book and movie deal." Ed answered, Jenny rolling her eyes in annoyance.
"Unbelievable." She mumbled, spinning back around as the sound of knives being sharpened out her back on alert.
"Oh shit." Ed whined, eyes wide. Harry turned on his camera, the two shuffling close to Jenny. She looked at them in disgust, walking over next to Dean.
"Ah... You guys wanna open that door for us?" Harry asked with a wavering smile. Jenny looked back at them, her disgust once again turning to annoyance.
"Why don't you?" Dean asked. Before anyone else could answer, Mordechai burst through the door with his axe, yelling. Ed and Harry screamed in horror as the hunting trio emptied their rifles out onto Mordechai. He held on for a moment before disappearing into a mist.
"Okay, what the fuck! The fuck! FUCK." Jenny yelled, looking down at her rifle and shook it. "It's not WORKING." She yelled angrily, shaking her head and laughed, turning to Ed and Harry. "You barnacles posted what we told you, right?"
Ed and Harry stayed quiet s Dean took the gun from Jenny. "Before you beat someone with it." He whispered, looking at Ed and Harry. "So you posted it?"
"Of course we did."
"But... then our server crashed." Jenny flailed her arms up in defeat. Sam and Dean sighed.
"So. These are useless." Sam gestured to his gun as Jenny nodded.
"Great. Any ideas, Sam?" Dean turned to his brother, who shook his head. "Jen?" Jenny mimicked the younger Winchester, running a hand through her hair.
"We're getting out of here. C'mon, Ed." Harry grabbed his friend before booking it down the hallway.
Screams echoed into the house, Jenny still thinking as Sam ran to where Ed and Harry disappeared. "What if we burn the house down?" She suggested as Dean's brows raised.
"No house to haunt." He said and she nodded, pulling out her lighter as Dean started rummaging through everything, searching for kerosene or any flammable liquid.
Something slammed into a wall, Jenny rounding a corner to see Sam pinned against it by Mordechai. "Hey, dickwad!" Mordechai turned to her, grunting. "Betcha still like killing girls." She waved her arms around, Mordechai dropping Sam and started phasing towards her. "Oh boy." She mumbled, running back to Dean and tossed him her lighter.
Jenny skidded to a halt when Mordechai appeared in front of her, about to swing his axe when Dean took Jenny's arm, pulling her away in time. He started spraying kerosene everywhere before taking Jenny and Sam outside, watching as Mordechai got stuck behind the door.
"Mordechai can't leave the house. We can't kill him— we improvise." Dean raised the lighter to show Sam before throwing it at the house, watching as it quickly lit up in flames.
"That's your solution? Burn the whole damn place to the ground?" Sam frowned as he held his throat.
"Actually it was my solution. Dean just executed it." Jenny pointed out as she watched the house burn.
"Well nobody will go in anymore. I mean look, Mordechai can't haunt a house if there's no house to haunt. It's fast and dirty but... it works."
"But what if the legend changes again and Mordechai is allowed to leave the house?" Jenny and Dean slowly looked at one another.
"Well— well then we'll just have to come back."
Jenny, Sam and Dean sat at a picnic table in front of Ed and Harry's trailer, looking over as the two appeared carrying grocery bags. "Gentlemen. Gentle lady." Ed welcomed, smiling. Jenny didn't return the gesture, too busy glaring as the sun shined in her eyes.
"Hey guys." Sam spoke, waving
"Should we tell 'em?" Harry turned to Ed, who shrugged.
"Hey, might as well, you know, they're going to read about it in the trades." Jenny gave them a confused glare, tilting her head. Harry turned to them with a wide grin
"So this morning we got a phone call from a very important Hollywood producer."
"Oh yeah, wrong number?" Dean joked with a smile, Harry's dropped.
"No, smart-ass. He read all about the Hell House on our website and wants to option the motion picture rights. Maybe even have us write it." Ed and Harry tossed their grocery bags into a very overloaded car, slamming the trunk.
"And create the RPG." Harry added, Dean frowning.
"The what?"
"Role playing game." Ed and Jenny answered in unison. Ed paused for a moment, giving Jenny a weird smile. She turned away from him and his smile dropped.
"A little lingo for you. Anyhoo, ahhh, excuse us, we're off to la-la land."
"Well congratulations guys. That sounds really great." Sam smiled, Dean cleared his throat.
"Yeah. That's awesome, best of luck to you." He continued sarcastically, nudging Jenny, who coughed. She opened her mouth the speak, Ed interrupting her.
"Oh yeah, luck. That has nothing to do with it. It's about talent. Sheer unabashed talent." She deadpanned at him.
"I take back the sarcastic congratulations I would have given you." She held her straight face, Ed rolling his eyes.
"Right. Later." Harry said, getting into the car with Ed and drove off.
After a few moments of silence, Sam sighed loudly. "have a confession to make."
"What's that?" Dean asked, turning to his brother, who hummed in amusement.
"I, uh... I was the one that called them and told them I was a producer." Jenny let out a loud laugh, Dean following
"Yeah well I'm the one who put the dead fish in their back seat." The three continued to laugh as Jenny raised a hand up.
"I put a dead squirrel in Ed's underwear." Dean let out a loud laugh, nodding.
"Well deserved." He said, waving a finger. The trio had all calmed down, Sam looking to Jenny and Dean.
"Yeah truce. At least for the next 100 miles." Dean shook his brothers hand, turned to Jenny. She smiled, taking Sam's hand. He jolted back in surprise.
"Jesus! You shocked me." He shook his hand as Jenny held up hers, revealing a cheesy hand buzzer.
"Didn't think this would work." She grinned, Sam shooting her a glare. "Alright fine." She took the buzzer off. "Truce."
"You're childish." Sam grumbled, shaking her hand.
"And you're blind. Do you see how big that buzzer is?"
five episodes left omg... this is the longest book i've ever written and i'm so proud of it despite me just copying and pasting 85% of it 😻
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