Twenty Seven
“Mr. Kim.” Namjoon sat down at the booth, looking around at his surroundings as the man in front of him smiled and clashed his hands together. “Thank you for agreeing to this meeting.”
“Yes. I was surprised when you called me, Mr. Kun. You don’t seem the type to reach out to mafia bosses.”
“Well, What can I say?” Mr. Kun smiled at the man, turning to the waiter who was walking to their table and ordering some dinner for himself, Namjoon doing the same.
When the waiter left, Namjoon turned back to Kun and took out the papers he’d brought. “May I ask why you’re so interested in the club?” He asked, his eyebrow raised as he placed the documents onto the table.
“My wife, actually.” Kun said honestly. “She had expressed interest in turning it into a ladies club or something for her and her friends. She insisted it was the prime location, even though it is out of the city, but I can’t seem to deny her.” Kun smiled, thinking about his wife, a loving gaze sweeping over his eyes.
Namjoon took note of that. He knew Mr. Kun from some of the parties he attended, but Kun was a businessman who conducted his business legally and was usually never caught dead even talking to someone like him. So the fact that he had been the one to reach out had kind of turned on some red flags for Namjoon.
But the mafia boss knew what it was like, having the love of your life demand something and you wanting to do everything in your power to give it to them, so he understood.
Plus the club Kun wanted to buy was no longer useful for Namjoon, so he wasn’t losing anything he particularly wanted to hang onto. In fact, Jin had been nagging him to get rid of it for the past few months, not wanting to know that his husband owned the place where Taehyung had endured so much.
Yes, Kun wanted to buy the club that Taehyung used to live at, was held captive at. The strip club was no longer in use, the man who had been running it for Namjoon having been disposed of long ago for trying to make profits behind his back, and the dancers transferred to a different club.
“Well, I think everything is in order.” Kun nodded and Namjoon flipped through the pages signing his name. He slid the stack over to Kun, who took the pen and signed his name underneath.
Namjoon grabbed a twin set as well, having Kun sign those just for legality reasons, but after that everything was set. The two men enjoyed a pleasant lunch together, talking about their significant others and such, but after that they parted ways like nothing ever happened.
“You finally got rid of the club?” Jin stared down at the papers. Namjoon smiled and nodded.
“Some business man’s wife wanted it for a lady’s club or something, I don’t know. Moral of the story, it’s gone and no longer my concern. Yours, either.” Jin smiled brightly and wrapped his arms around Namjoon’s neck, pulling him down for a kiss.
“ you, Joonie.” Jin whispered. Namjoon smiled into the kiss.
“I love you, too, Jinnie.”
Taehyung awoke with a groan, feeling a sharp, stabbing pain in his back as soon as he moved. He whined and flopped right back onto the mattress, ignoring the low chuckle from the pillow he was currently using.
“Why is my pillow laughing at me? Am I going crazy right now?” The boy pouted out. Hoseok grinned and ensnared the boy into his arms, drawing him closer and giving him butterfly kisses all along his shoulder.
“I’m sorry. It usually hurts the day after.”
“Wow, couldn’t tell.” Taehyung snorted out. Hoseok rolled his eyes and slid out of the bed, picking up his boyfriend and walking them to the bathroom.
He set his pouting kitten onto the counter and turned to the bath, drawing some warm water. When the tub was filled, he picked up the man and set him down, crawling in behind him and pulling him to his chest.
“Mmm...this is nice.” Taehyung mumbled, relaxing in the warm water and the gentle embrace of his boyfriend.
“Yeah, no complaining and no—“
Hoseok snorted as Taehyung flicks some water into his face. “Shut up, you meanie. You did this to me.”
“You sound like you’re pregnant and about to give birth.”
“Shut up.” Taehyung whined, flopping his head against Hoseok’s chest. “Just let me live.”
Hoseok rolled his eyes, laughing quietly at the younger’s antics.
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