Third Person POV
"So who is this woman that I'm meeting?" Namjoon raised an eyebrow at Hoseok, who rolled his eyes and continued to drag his friend.
"I want you to meet the woman I've been seeing."
"Oh, is she the one who broke you of your habits?"
Hoseok once again rolled his eyes.
"Why are you so mean to me?"
"Oh come on, don't act offended. I literally had to sit through every single discussion of the adventures you've had. I'm just glad you've finally found yourself a respectable person to settle with."
"Okay, not all of us can find a Jin so easily."
"You're right, Jin is pretty amazing, isn't he? Too bad he doesn't have a brother or a sister that you could take."
Hoseok groaned. "Let's just go. I don't want to be late and make her mad at me again. I'm already treading on thin ice from last week."
"What happened last week?"
"Some guy approached me and was trying to flirt and she was literally standing right next to me. She got mad."
"Well, I mean, I would too with your kind of reputation."
"Yeah, I guess. Anyway, come on."
Hoseok entered the cafe and smiled when his eyes landed on Hyeri, who was sitting there and waiting for her boyfriend of three months.
"Hey, baby." He said as he walked up to her table, leaning down and kissing her.
"Hey." She smiled and turned to Namjoon. "Who's this?"
"My friend."
"Your boss."
"He's my friend, I'm his hyung."
"Hello, I'm Hyeri."
"Hello Noona. It's great to finally meet the woman who broke Hoseok."
"Wasn't easy, I'll tell you that."
"Hey! I told you I'd stop if you went out with me!"
"And yet you still let that guy flirt with you last week, while I was standing right next to you, Hobi."
"I rejected him and told him to get away! It's not my fault that I'm good looking and people want to flirt with me."
"Yeah, okay." Hyeri rolled her eyes.
"Noona~" Hoseok whined. "You know I only have eyes you~"
"You better, otheriwse I'll drop your ass faster than you can drink a shot."
"Oh, she means business, Hyung."
"Shut up." Hoseok muttered.
"Anyway, I have some things that I need to do. I was hoping you could have a bonding day with my boss. I'll see you later, okay?" Hyeri nodded as Hoseok kissed her cheek and walked out.
The next day, Namjoon walked into the training room, ready to train with Hoseok. "How was the day with Hyeri? Can I trust her?"
"I don't know. Something seemed off about her."
"What do you mean?" Hoseok immediately stopped what he was doing and looked at Namjoon. "You don't trust her?"
"I only met her once, Hoseok, everyone is suspicious to me the first meeting. Just given it some time, yeah?"
"I guess." Hoseok muttered. Namjoon nodded.
"She was nice, I'll give you that, but she was a little weird to me. She kept like...I don't want to hurt your feelings, but I think she was flirting with me."
"Hyeri? Don't be stupid, hyung. She's not like that."
"Are you sure? You've been dating her for what? Three months? What do you really now about her?"
"Don't tell me, tell yourself. What do you really know about her?"
Hoseok shook his head and sighed.
But he had a nagging feeling in his head.
Now that Namjoon mentioned it, what did he know about Hyeri?
He didn't know anything about her parents or even her job...
He sighed. He'd just ask her, she'd probably not told him because he'd never asked her. They just had such a great time together all of the time, that he didn't feel like he needed to know every single little detail about her past or her daily and such.
But in his kind of lifestyle, those things we're important, so maybe he should ask her.
After all, if he was going to tell her about himself then he'd needn't know that he could trust her.
That's why he'd had her meet and spend the day with Namjoon. He was seriously thinking about telling her and moving along with their relationship, which was marriage. If he told her, then that meant he would have to eventually marry her and spend the rest of his life with her, and that's what he wanted.
But he'd had to get Namjoon's permission, as he was still the boss, but Namnyjoon brought up a fair point that Hoseok was too blinded to see.
And he never said he disapproved, he just said to find out about her and ask himself what he really knew about her.
And when he asked, it wouldn't be anything bad...
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