Shifting Dunes
It was breezy, and any other day she might have had the time to enjoy the refreshing air. But while the air is filled with flying puppet parts, the feeling of enjoyment just isn't there. The longer this battle carried on, the more her stamina depleted. She wanted to throw up at the thought of Lady Tsunade's training having gone to waist all these years, so that left her with no other option than to fight until someone caved.
Sakura's expression was tough, even though her breathes betrayed her and exposed the anxiety that sat inside her chest in a lump. Wooden shards flew through the air and were flung in every direction. Needles attempted to hit her at every angle. She knew her gratitude lay with Lady Chiyo who had attached puppet strings to Sakura so that attack speed and agility could be increased.
The kunoichi let out shouts as she struck down Sasori's puppets. The puppeteer was more talented than what she initially gave him credit for, but she made the mistake of underestimating an Akatsuki member. Sakura's mind drifted in the middle of this battle to her comrades who were off fighting elsewhere; Kakashi Sensei was chasing after the blond Akatsuki member while Guy Sensei and his team were busy elsewhere. It was just her and Chiyo, but there was no telling how long Chiyo would be able to hold out. It was up to her. It always is.
"I will give you this, you are impressive, Kunoichi." Sasori's voice cut through the chaos. Sakura gasped as she analyzed what was happening. Even with the struggle it caused, the pink haired girl went against the strings she was attached to and tossed her body in front of Chiyo's. The pain was unreal, her face distorting at the indescribable feeling climbing inside her body. "But that is not nearly enough to defeat me."
Warm blood trickled down her lips. Determination crossed her maturing features. Sakura clenched her fists and funneled the chakra she had into her right hand. This would hurt, and she counted on it. The old woman's cried had not even rang in her ears before she forced herself further into the blade that ran through her. Making contact with Sasori's wooden body, she hit him and sent him flying backwards.
Come on Sakura, you've got this! She repeated to herself. She had to get this before he made another move. It was just her, anyways. She has to complete this on her own. Launching off her feet, she brought her leg down onto Sasori while he was still down. An angered grunt came as she noticed it hadn't even created a crack.
Sakura was forced to jump back before making another attempt at breaking him. The man didn't even flinch. Her eyebrows dipped and her lips pressed tightly together, creating a dark scowl. Her foot was about to make contact with the ground when a force pulled her back. She let out a yelp. Looking back, it was Lady Chiyo who forced her back.
"Sakura," she sounded out of breath. "You cannot simply charge this boy like that. Not with that wound of yours." Sakura's face filled with a touch of guilt. She muttered a small sorry under her breath but it wasn't heard. "You heal yourself while I take care of this." She sounded determined, so she followed orders, sure to keep an eye on the battle that would take place. Holding a hand over the wound, she subconsciously stitched herself up. It would take a lot of concentration to heal a would like this, so a quick stitch would have to do. She must be ready to strike at the first opening created. Hopefully Kakashi Sensei was doing alright. Sakura shook her head clear, of course he was alright! What was she talking about? A jonin of his calibre would make easy work of someone like that.
Both puppeteers pulled out countless puppets. The speed was absolutely incredible! It was something she could only ever dream of achieving. Each decibel echoed in her ears. Out of her peripheral vision, Sakura saw Lady Chiyo staggering and adjusting her stance constantly. It struck Sakura as unnatural, as compensation. Standing up, she was quick to move behind the sand elder and planted her hands near her back before she started to heal Lady Chiyo. Sakura still kept her eyes on the field, but focused on the internal operations of the jutsu.
Neither one was slowing down now and if anything their speeds were increasing. This went of for mere moments before everything suddenly came to a stop. Multiple puppet strings became entangled and caused many to collapse. Sakura was perplexed: what would cause this? She had never seen puppet strings become tangled up. Sasori's momentary distraction was noticed and Chiyo delivered the killing blow. Two unique puppets stabbed the Akatsuki member, ending the battle.
Sakura was both relieved and confused. What on earth was it that messed with Sasori's puppets? Lady Chiyo and Sakura walked over to Sasori, who shortly slipped them the information the young woman was searching for. It was a strange moment as Lady Chiyo reunited with her grandson for the first time in decades, but Sakura was focused on everything else.
It was strange. Something inside just would not let it go or brush it off as mere coincidence. The action was too precise to by chance. Sakura's mind had wandered so far that she failed to notice Lady Chiyo trying to gain her attention.
Unfortunately, the strain of this jutsu would get the better of him. Without backup, Kakashi was without any form of defense, having diverted so much energy into his new ocular ability. The Akatsuki member still held Gaara in the mouth of his creation and the ex-anbu tailed him at what he perceived to be a safe distance. Using large logs that spanned across the middle of the ravine, Kakashi jumped off the wood and kept up. He just needed a little more time for his plan to be executed.
A familiar chakra pattern was fast approaching from behind him and he soon recognized what was two signatures. It was promising that both of them were alright, considering who the adversary was. Kakashi remained steady in his demeanor, understanding what his best tactic would be. He watched his target closely. A sudden feeling in his gut told him something was wrong. Even in the air he could sense the change. It was unnerving and reached the marrow of his bones. It was so bitter and cold to the point it felt like fire. Glancing each direction with one eye, he didn't see anything but his guard increased.
The distance between both men shortened and Kakashi took his chance. Unleashing his new ability, he pinpointed the man and opened his sharingan. The air around the man closed, almost being suctioned into a small area. He seemed to noticed and made to move when Kakashi quickly adjusted his sight and managed to squeeze an arm off. The limb disappeared but the Akatsuki member made not a noise, just giving a surprised expression instead.
Flying towards the right, the large white creation landed on the elevated ground. Leaping up and onto the logs, Kakashi was quick to follow. A rush of wind blew past him, blowing dirt and dust into his eye. It watered and blurred him vision. Undeterred by the discomfort in his eye, Kakashi followed the blond Akatsuki member. Acting blindly, he diverted the chakra back to the rest of his body and performed his next jutsu. Earth broke apart and a shout and cry could be heard. Pakkun, his canine companion, reported to him immediately.
"We've got him, Kakashi." already aware of the threat they captured, the dogs all appeared pleased with their own actions. The ex-anbu was pleased with his summoning. Rushing over, he was weary of the large bird-like thing near him. It didn't fight, rather it was docile in its mannerisms, a stark contrast from the thing he saw earlier.
Gaara's limp limbs hung out of the mouth of the Akatsuki members creation. Pakkun and Kakashi, now face to face with the creator of such a thing, stared him down. Feeling his energy leaving him, Kakashi formulated a plan. "Pakkun, Sakura and Lady Chiyo are on their way. Let them know we've caught this one and will bring him to the leaf village."
"You got it." Pakkun said with a gruff voice. The canine ran off, leaving Kakashi alone with this man. The man was silent, another contrast noted by the silver haired ninja. No unfamiliar chakra signatures were in the area, no strange feelings in the air, and the earlier sensations were fleeting, already abandoning him. Was this a trick? Surely it couldn't be this easy to capture a member of this elusive group. No, they're far too intelligent to allow this to happen.
A cold rush of wind prompted Kakashi to pull out a kunai, wielding it in his right hand. Searching around with short twists of his head, nothing seemed to be wrong.
"What are you looking for now? The Kazekage is dead, your mission was a failure. A waist of a good piece of art!" the witless words were ignored. In his peripheral vision, Gaara's legs no longer hung out out of the mouth of the white thing. A bubble of fear rose to the surface. He turned to the man, expecting an immediate answer. The man looked where Kakashi did and his expression animated. "Where'd the damn body go?"
This was curious. A Kazekage's body was missing. The murderer himself was clueless as to the whereabouts of this corpse. "You're telling me your thing didn't simply swallow him?" Kakashi carefully selected his words. The man scoffed. The ring of a sharp blade hummed in the air. Kakashi's grip on his kunai tightened. Using his sharingan, it picked up nothing. Not a chakra signature, not a body, nothing. Was this part of the Akatsuki member's plan? Kakashi looked back at the man and his eyes instantly widened. A fresh scar dripped across his face, spanning from chin to ear. Blood seeped through the dangerously precise cut. His guard up, he listened to his surroundings. The man was alive, just in shock.
In response to his questions, the wind whistled.
"Kakashi Sensei!" He heard Sakura call out from behind. Lady Chiyo was alongside her, looking sickly and pale. Mind still focused on finding whatever cut the Akatsuki member, he acknowledged his former student and they spoke of what happened, making quick mention of Kakashi's plan with the men currently acting as his prisoner.
Guy and his team were busy escorting the Akatsuki member back to the leaf. In an open prairie, a body was seen, the singular thing acting as shape in the otherwise flat are. Immediately Sakura recognized it and rushed over, Kakashi and Chiyo on tow. Sakura slid to her knees. Assessing the invisible damage, everyone's worst fears came to fruition. It had been quite some time since the young leader had passed, body simply left to rot by whoever took it.
Sakura removed one of her gloves and pressed two fingers on Gaara's wrist, hoping beyond anything that a pulse would magically be found. She knew what to expect, the reality was simply a little harder to swallow than expected. Though her time with him was few and far between, Sakura couldn't help but mourn the boy. It seemed that everyone her age was leaving now, either in death or physically.
A though struck Chiyo. She contemplated it, considering the cost it takes to perform. But looking at the weeping girl before her and considering her failure as a grandmother, it felt right to the old woman. "Sakura, place your hands on the boy." The girl paused, looking at her curiously. Not being one to ignore instructions, she did as she was asked.
Lady Chiyo's cold, wrinkly hands touched hers and a green glow enveloped their hands. Sakura watched in pain. "Lady Chiyo," her voice didn't waver. "He's gone."
"Hush child." the words surprised both Kakashi and Sakura. Gaara is gone, that isn't something that can be changed. "Focus." Lady Chiyo sounded out of breath. Sweat dripped down her face in thick beads. Sakura poured her chakra into Lady Chiyo's, draining her already low sources. In silence, they worked. No one spoke, there was no need to. "Sakura, Kakashi. Please ensure Gaara makes it back safely. I won't be able to make the trip back." both student and teacher were caught off guard once again.
Sakura noticed a flicker of energy inside the boy. Green eyes widening, she looked at the elder in amazement. As the chakra depleted from inside Lady Chiyo, Sakura gave her parting words. "Thank you, Lady Chiyo." and a trade was completed. A life for a life.
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