Cheap thrills
(I realized that I put his height as 5"2 instead of 4"9 so I'm fixing the mistake and he is now 4"9 like in canon.)
(Warnings: terror, blood, intense gore)
Jiraiya was interested in what the kid has to offer. The request by Danzo came out of nowhere but ultimately makes sense.
He didn't want to do the bidding of that conman but he wants to see what's happened to Minato's kid. Naruto he thinks is the name. That's what Minato told him at least.
Despite the suns warmth that heated the air, the breeze grew cold as lightless corners in a cave; looking at the short Anbu, he wondered what was going through that head of his head and if it was anything beyond the mission.
Knowing Danzo, that thought would have been drilled into the brat from the second he joined the foundation.
Why he's taken the sudden attachment to Naruto he doesn't know. Maybe it's the thought that he let down Kushina in regards of being his godfather. Or failing to teach him the ways of Minato as he was a fine shinobi.
Or it was just the thought of what he would have had to go through under the thumb of both Danzo and the third Hokage. As pleasant as he might seem; Hiruzen has a dark side to him that revels in his own pride, ego, and taking joy in making those who pose a threat to his power suffer by his own hands.
Guess that makes this jinchuriki no different. How old would he have been when he was first subject to the psychological torture by Hiruzen or the physical turmoil from Danzo and his lackeys. But this isn't really their style. The lacerations on Naruto's arm that peaked from under the covers on his arms look to be from something with backwards facing hooks and the brand on the back of his neck doesn't fit what Danzo might do.
Nearing the forest, Jiraiya noticed the change in stance that Naruto did and it was one that didn't look like it would be pleasant to see in action.
Ducking into the shadows, Jiraiya watched as he documented what would come. Not sure why, but it feels right and trusting his gut has got him this far so he'll continue to listen to it.
Weaving a hand sigh and with a poof of smoke out ran the girl from the Land of waves. Blonde hair; blue eyes radiant under the sun and flawless porcelain skin. Her figure was small but still acted as eye candy for those interested.
As she ran deep into the woods, ducking under trees that had fallen she set her eyes on the target. Panting, she continued to make her move.
A ninja with a foreign headband and bottle of sake in hand had his eyes nearly bulge out of his skull at the sight. Needless to say he spit out the liquid in his mouth and dropped the bottle.
"Oh hell no. Fuck out of here" She locked eyes with him; sweat running down both of their faces. Both were breathing heavily and kept up the stare while Jiraiya felt the fear become tangible in the air.
An uplift of leaf's set the clock ticking again. As fast as his legs could carry him across the grass and through the clumps of bushes that blocked his path. His expression was one as wide as it could get and you'd swear that he was going to start crying. No one would blame him though...
A kunai flew passed him and nicked his ear clean off, leaving a trail of blood. Adrenaline was pumping to heavily for him to notice that his ear fell off.
"Sir wait! I just have a question!"
"Fuck off you demon! You're nothing but a curse so go to hell!!" He screamed, unwilling to stop despite the second kunai thrown his way that cut his thigh. That adrenaline was becoming a water fall, but every faucet ends at some point. And fox is waiting.
They ran further and further until more ninja were in view, and now the gasoline was poured onto the flames. This demon will curse you and your grandmother.
"Take this to Lor-" a gurgling sound and a thump grabbed their attention. A sword laced with blood removed itself from the ninja's neck and the crimson continued to pool and dribble onto the grass. As fox stood on top of the fallen shinobi, they all asked to be spared from the wrath; but what demon would he be if he didn't do his masters bidding.
Leaning forwards, he broke the transformation jutsu and reverted back to his normal appearance. Sword out, his moves were flawless as he danced around the enemy in a vicious death match.
Weapons clanged, fire sparked against the dry bark of trees, and the leaf's that lay on the ground act as distractions.
Heads came clean off in a single chakra boosted strike; blood washed over the land and screams echoed until they blended in with the silence. Fox didn't learn sealing jutsu for nothing.
"So the master's property has returned" one whispered as he dodged the sword and fire. A random tickle ran over the multitude of brands on Fox's skin. A moments weakness might have overcome his thoughts had he not gone through his training...
But for the first time in years, he felt unease and slight fear. Both foreign concepts to him and more than unwelcome.
His breathing became heavy and toxic. Gripping the hilt tighter; he felt those horrid feelings of weakness, vulnerability, and being left behind to rot start to simmer and steam.
Instead of his meticulous and fluid movements before, his style turned into one that was vile and full of bloodlust. Fox didn't care though, he now knows exactly who these ninja are and they won't live their vile life's any longer.
The air took on a sour taste Fox changed his grip; stronger and with an intensity beyond belief. Flipping off a tree, he waited for his chance. As his foot came into contact with the dirt, he released the pent up chakra and dove forwards. His sword made its home in the shinobi's chest until it was brought upwards and cut straight through their shoulder.
Again and again he struck down all the ninja until it was nothing more than a blind rage and his tenant was actually enjoying this fight.
Fox can control and restrict his emotions as needed, but that's not to say he doesn't have- moments of weakness. The one who doesn't pay rent gets a high off of these moments and has let out his own will on more than one occasion. Even once Fox notices the chakra leak it's to late as the seal has already began to loosen.
Nudging it up with his toes, Fox flung a fallen scroll into the air and grabbed it with his free hand.
Weaving a sign two pillars of water sprouted from the air and drove themselves through the 7 remaining ninja like a sewing needle.
Closing his hands to make a fist, the water became a bind that was inescapable as it tightened with each tug.
Rage having finally ran out; Fox stood there and examined the carnage that was beyond grotesque.
Limbs hung from trees, heads stopped rolling and blood was spattered across much of the land. Organs were still spilling out of the bodies and same with the crimson as it pooled.
Creating one clone, it got to work sealing up the gore and cleaning the area. Last thing the leaf needs is bad publicity right now, not with the rumors starting to pick up wind.
Still having the sword in hand, he 'listened' to the pleas of his victims, but didn't give them any attention.
"So this is where you've been hiding all this time. Fascinating"
A/N: sorry for the crappy chapter, hope you all like it and thanks for the many, many views!
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