Julia (frazel)
Heyy I'm Julia. I am 100% awesome.All those popular kids can kiss my butt. I have rainbow colored hair.i wear pretty much any thing I want. I'm not gonna wear any of that gross ness those popular girls be wearing it's revolting. I mean who wants people to look at them so grossly eww. Anyway I'm best friends with Frank Zhang.He is really cute.Very well built.His hair in a buzz cut what really ruins the whole scary image is his face. It's like an adorable baby panda.And I just can't see him being mean he's just so sweet. As you can probably already tell I like him a lot I mean we have been best friends since the beginning of the school year.This is our last year here I want to leave with him possibly being my boyfriend.Its really gonna suck if he says no but I don't need a boyfriend to be happy. But I just hope he'll say yes. So anyway I have to go to class I'm gonna try to ask him out at lunch.
~~~~~~~time skip to lunch~~~~~~~
I walk into the cafeteria and I see my friends sitting at the usual table.Sam and Maddie are dating Carl and Coral are dating Reggie and Cynthia are dating that just leaves Frank and I with out a girl/boyfriend. I sit next to Frank. They are talking about something I'm just not sure what. I ask "hey what are y'all talkin about." Carl says "Frank is telling us about his girlfriend" my heart felt like it literally stopped when he said girlfriend but I kept my smile on and said " when did you get a girlfriend Frank" trying not to sound sad. He says "Iv had a girl friend for a long time" I'm suspicious "why haven't you told us about" he says "it never came up"like it was no big deal Cynthia spoke up "tell us about her" he says ok and starts telling us about her appearance he says "She is shorter than me with beautiful brown skin and perfect curly hair that frames her face with the most beautiful gold eyes anyone could ever see" he could tell we didn't believe him Maddie says " she sound to good to be true how does she act" franks face lot up in a smile and the jealousy was probably written all over my face cause one of my friend kicked me in the shin. Frank starts talking "she literally has a heart of gold. She's so kind and anybody who meets her can't help but love her. I lover her." Frank must have just realized he said that out loud and started blushing.Coral asked another question" Tell us things you love about her" Frank started blushing some more.then her says "um ok so the things I love about her is her smile her eyes her hair the she comes to me if she has a problem and so much more." Reggie was last and asked a question we only have a few more minutes left of lunch.he asked "how old is she you didn't mention that."Frank looked up and answered Reggies question" she is 14(I can't remeber if she just turned 14 in BOO or not)" we all look at him weirdly.i speak up "why are you with someone who is so young" I so serious I'm pretty sure he muttered if you only knew. All he says to me is "I love her" and then the bell rings signaling that lunch is over.
~~~~time ship to after school~~~~
I walked out of school and seen Frank standing by the big tree in front of the school. I walk and stand next to Frank and I was about to tell him how I felt even if he didn't feel the same way. I just had to get it off my chest. But before I can say anything a van with Delphis Strawberries on the side. And I had expected old guy to come out the van but instead it was beautiful people here let me describe them. First came out this little Latino guy and he was cute in his own way his eyes told me to watched my back or else I'm gonna get pranked which freaked me out a bit but whatever. He seem to be messing with something. I looked closer and I could see he was building something once it was done I could tell it was a mini robot dinosaur. Anyway then next it was a tall blonde guy with blue eyes and he obviously had muscle and he was hot. Then out came a guy with a little tan. He looked to be Italian he was cute in a super mysterious way he had jet black hair and pitch black eyes. He had his head resting on the blondes chest while his arms where around the his waist. The blonde had both one one arm around the Italians shoulders I seen him kiss his head. I had a mini Fangirl attack but I kept it down. Then out cam a pretty African American girl who looked younger than all of them she had gold eyes and curly hair. She reminds me of someone. She looks like she is looking for someone. I feel a tap on my shoulder. Frank says " do you want to meet my friends" I at sure. Then at that moment I remember who she reminds me of that is Franks girlfriend. I'm upset I was really hopping he was joking but I knew he couldn't have been joking. Because you could hear the love I'm his voice. I follow behind him to go meet his friends. I stop Frank for a second I say " ok Frank I know you have a girlfriend but I'm tell you this because it's gonna stay on my mind until I get it out." I pause for a moment and say " I like you and I know you have a girlfriend and you love her but I really like you. I'm just scared something is going to happen with your realationship because she is so young. I'm not trying to break y'all up or anything and I'm rambling I wish you would have stopped me from talking so much." I get that all out in one breath. Which is very tiring. I stand up straight and say " well let's go meet your friends." He seems to go out of shock and we walk over the to his friend and the girl as he told me her name Hazel jumps on him and hugs the life out of him and it was sooooo cute she kissed his cheek and said to me as she got off of him " hi I'm Hazel the guy with the black hair is Nico my brother. The guy with the blonde hair Nico is leaning on is his boyfriend *whispers* future brother and law* Will and the guy over there building stuff is Leo his girlfriend is back at camp. By the way I love your hair."she sticks out her hand so I can shake it I shook it. After a nice pleasant conversation I see Nico falling asleep on Will. Hazel and I look and aww out loud those two are adorable l. Hazel says " that's our Q to leave it was nice meeting you." She says with a nice smile and then she hugs me I say the same thing and hug her back. As they leave I can't help but think that I'm glad he doesn't like me back cause he and Hazel are so cute together.
A/N I threw some Frazel up in here cause they are an cute couple I just had to as some Solangelo this is the longest chapter I did so far. I think I did good I enjoyed writing it!!! I hope you enjoy reading it!!! Enjoy!!!
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