Nico is graduating high school. But he's upset cause Will can't be there.He knows will isn't dead cause he would be able to feel it.So he hasn't given up all hope. Will went in the military and he has been MIA for a year and a half .Nicos friends are telling him Will will show up eventually.The eventually part makes him more upset.But he is determined to go across the stage tomorrow with a smile on his face for his Will.The morning of graduation two of
Nicos friends from school comes over his house (he lives with Sally and Paul *Mr Blofis* he also calls them mom and dad) to drive him to graduation. Nico heard a knock on the door confused on why anyone would be knocking on the door. Then he remembered his friends were coming.He was lost in thought.He opened the door and was greeted by his friend Jessie pushing herself through the door with Jamie behind her. "Hey Nico are you ready." Jessie said. Jamie,Nicos other friend said "Will would be proud." Nico didn't mean to snap it just happened he snapped "stop making it sound liked he's dead cause he isn't." Then right after he said it he felt bad cause he didn't mean to get snippy he said "I didn't mean to be snappy and I'm sorry." He doesn't admit when he's wrong often.
They heard another knock at the door it was Nicos dad ( actual dad ) hades. "Hi dad" nico said with a smile. "Hello son I wanted to come and pick you up for graduation if it's ok with you." Nico isn't one to show much emotion only infront of Will would he have showed what was about to occur and usually he feels like his dad doesn't care.But that's how all demigods feel about their godly parents and maybe even their mortal ones. So he did something neither him nor his father expected he started tearing up with tears of joy and he lunged himself at his father.Hades tensed up and then Nico felt him starting to relax and hugged Nico back with a smile on his face. His friends were standing off to the side confused.They always thought that Mr Blofis was Nicos dad cause Nico calles him dad also.Nico then remembered his friends were there when he heard Jamie clear his throat.He turned around and introduceshis dad to his friends."Ok dad these are my mor- I mean friends Jessie and Jamie. And Jessie and Jamie this is my Biological father."Nico asked his friends if they were cool with him riding with his dad. Jessie said "of course" and Jamie was complaining about driving all the way over their for no reason in a good suit. Jessie said "I'll see you their" while pulling Jamie out the door by his ear.
Nico turned to his father thinking about Will "let's get this over with" he said with a forced smile.
If his dad noticed he didn't say anything. His father was out the door.Little did nico know his father had a suprise for him.
When they got inside Nico could see the whole Camp HalfBlood and some of New Rome was taking up the whole middle section and that was a huge space. He looked at his family who were waving and calling his name and he could just feel the love . But what would make that moment better would be if Will was their with him. He got in his seat cause the principle would start calling names soon.(not sure how high school graduation works) A few people were called then the principle said " Jamie Kendall" Nico smiles as Jamie gets his diploma.Few more people gets called up then the principle called"Jessie Lampshade."He smiles again as he sees Jessie going to get her diploma and trips up the stairs and let's out a small laugh.I guess she could feel him laughing cause she turns arounds and glares.
A lot more people being called and then..."Nico Di Angelo." It wasn't in the Principles voice but it was in Wills.Nico looks up so fast anyone looking at him would have gotten whiplash.He gets up and starts running on the stage till he jumpes into wills awaiting arms and he hugs him so tightly.Then he starts crying and he just can't seem to stop he's so happy.He cried for what feels like ages but really is just 10 minutes.He just couldn't believe that Will...his will is right in front of him after so long.He looks into Wills crystal blue eyes (will was also crying)and will looked back into Nicos beautiful dark chocolate eyes and kissed him.When their lips touched the world around them disappeared.In that kiss they can feel how much they missed one another and how much they love each other . There was SOOO much love that almost everybody had tears in their eyes.(Even the gods of Olympus had tears)They broke away from the kiss and Will said "I missed and love you death boy soo soo much."
Nico says "I love and missed you to sunshine"
With the biggest smile the whole school has ever seen on his face.
Hades was so happy to see his son happy. Now both his daughter and son has the love of their lives.
He can't wait to see what is in store for them but he's hoping it will all be good.
Only the fates will know.
Authors note: I went back through and edited this a bit the grammar is probably still really bad and the spelling still isn't any good either but I tried so please remember that it's my first time writing so no flames and Thank you for reading I hope you like it as much as I liked writing it soo enjoy!!!
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