the grocery store quest
chiron pov
"ok campers today jason got a job at the local super market so to celebrate we will be playing a game."
" you will all be given a list of foods to buy in 2 hours. each food item is worth 10 points there are also rare items worth more dependong on there rarity. after you get and pay for your food meet back here in the parking lot." he said as all the campers stood in the parking lot as chiron passed out lists of food.
"can we choose our partners?" percy asked looking at chiron with the most pleading expersion possible. anabeth sighed and shook her head well evreyone else also asked chiron.
"fine. but be careful and be back here in 2 hours" choiron said sternly shaking his head as if antcipating the chaos that was to come. "oh and one other thing the first group to find jason and capture him will receive a extra 50 bonus points." he said and waved them away as they headed for the supermarket.
nico pov
me and will ran tthrough the super market looking for the items on our list and racing against other teams. "will look out!" i shouted as i stood on the side of the cart as he pushed it full speed torward the ice cream asile and a old lady right in the path.
will threw the cart to the side bolth of us tumbling to the ground releaved that the old lady only to see percy take of his shawl and wig as annabeth grabed our supplies and bolted down the asile laughing the whole way.
" ha suckers that was the last primum limted edition kkellogs unicorn flakes in the whole store!" he said waving the pink cereal bock over his head as he ran off with anabeth torward the bread section.
"god damn it will! that cereal was worth 100 points!" i shouted slamming my fist on the ground in frustration as i looked at our now empty cart that was laying side ways on the ground.
"at least i still have you nico." will smilled pulling me into a tight embrace my dark jet black hair pressed up against his shoulder in what i will never admit was a very strong shoulder.
"well will either way we need to go get back that cereal." i said blushing and pulling up the cart. as i put the scatred goods back inside the metal casing. as i brushed my slef off and hoped back on the front. "full steam ahead will we have some theifs to catch!"
percy pov
me and anbeth stood next to our cart in the bread isle trying to find the very elusive unbaked ready to barbque garlic dough "this cant be real. can it? like who the heck would barbeque garlic bread!" i asked annbeth a eye rasied as we scanned the isle.
"i have no idea why anyone would do such a thing as barbeque garlic bread but i d..." she said in that matter effact tone before stopping as they heard a clattring getting louder and louder. suddenly will and nico litearly drifted around the corner in there cart.
"Fire nico!" yelled will who was riding on the back and stering the cart around the corner. nico pushed up from inside the cart and started pelting the two of them with tomatoes before grabing the pink unicorn ceral box from there cart and the Garlic dough from the asile they were looking through. And before anabeth had even had time to make a snarky come back they were gone just leaving the two of them covred in tomato juices and 150 points down.
wills pov
"nice shot nico!" i yelled as we soared down the asiles suprising customers and other demigods alike pushing as fast as i could looking around for jason. suddenly we heard a famliar voice come over the loud speaker.
"now that team solangelo has gotten over 300 points i will give out a clue to my wheareabouts so listen carefully yeast nowhere around but everything here has been ground. ok good luck campers this is jason out!" then over the speajers we heard
"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING IN HERE!! YOU WILL BE FIRED THIS INSTANT IF YOU DONT LEAVE IN 5 SECONDS!!!" then the mike fizzled out and we saw a lot of shoppers looking very confused at what was happening.
"nico whats ground other than bread?" will yelled over at nico from the back of the cart as they skidded stoped to catch there breath next to the cake section.
"will can we get cake?" nico asked me toatlay off topic, looking at me with those dark brown puppy dog eyes that melted my heart.
"but nico we dont have the monney and are you sure you dont want a beef burger at wacdonalds?" i asked looking at the money we had to pay for all the food and then at the 50 dollar cake.
"OMGS will you figured it out!" nico yelled jumping up and down waving his arms "will! beef is ground!!!" he yelled jumping around a giant smile on his face. i smiled and gave him a quick peck on the lips bolth of us realing back and blushing. "alright will lets get moving over to the butcher area. Also yes I would very much like some wacdonalds."
piper pov
Me and hazel honed in on the butcher area ducking behind displays of meat and fruit. We got some curious glances but were largely ignored. Suddenly we heard a clatering and looked over to see team Solangelo heading right for us!
"Hazel lets get ready to ambush them!" I called to her as we hid behind the shelves.
"How?" Hazel asked looking at me for guidance. I felt a bit sweaty i had never planed a ambush before.
"OK I have a good idea..."
Leo pov
Me and frank headed in on the butcher area I was wearing heavy dark sunglasses pretending to be blind and frank was a therapy dog. A lot of kids wanted to pet frank which i found quite hillarious.
We walked down the center asile right torward the butcher.
"Ok you god doggy lets do this." I teased petting him behind the ears and tugging at the leash.
Nico pov:
"Wooooh!" will yelled as we went soaring down the asile bolth of laughing as we rushed past customer after customer.
I looked from inside the inside the cart to see something in front of us.
"Will!" I shouted but it was to late we went catupulting over the hand rails only to have our goods stolen again. Piper and hazel ran off with the unicorn ceral laughing all the way.
"Will they forgot the garlic dough! If we get jason we could still win! We ran off torward the butcher shop only for our jaws to drop.
Leo pov
I was hunched behind a over turned sample table as I was pelted with tomatoes. Frank was down due to his snout being stuck in a pineapple. I grabed the cereal box in my arms and got up to run only to be picked up and a below roar out.
"ALL YOU DAMN TEENAGERS ARE OFFICALY BANNED! YOU TO GRACE!!!" the manager screamed and they all found themselves sitting in the van chiron starring at them.
Will pov
"Will im sorry. We didnt win." Nico said sitting down looking dejected as he fidled with his coat.
Hey nico its fine. The greatest prize of all is you." Nico looked up at me a smile on his face pecking me on the lips.
"I still want my burger solace."
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