the cafe
Will pov
I stood behind the counter at starlucks taking peoples orders for ridocoulsy over priced dirty bean water.
"Next please" I called out to the line as the lady who had just orderd 2 extra large espressos for her self and would probably have a heart attack later from drinking that much caffeine in one sitting stepped away the next customer stepped up.
And man, he was breathtaking. His outfit of black ripped skinny jeans,a black t-shirt with a white skull on the front and his brown leather flight jacket perfectly complemented his black messy hair, dark chocolate eyes and pale skin.
"Hey umm... you listening?" the breathtaking customer asked shly as if hesitant to say the words and I quickly snapped out of dream land and mumbled a apology
"Sorry about that, could you please repeat your order" I asked him giving him a bright smile.
"could I please have the medium double chocolate chip mocha frappachino" he repeated looking up at the board above my head.
"Of course one medium double chocolate chip mocha frap coming right up. Your total will be $8.99, have a nice day! " I responded happily ringing up his order and taking the card he handed me. I quietly noitedced that it was a platnium hades bank card.
taking his coffee and going off to a table in the corner to drink his coffee.
I sighed for I knew I would probably never see the handsome stranger again
"Hey will, don't worry he comes in here every friday after 6. You still have a chance to get his number" jason my co worker said next to me elbowing me in the ribs and grinning at me.
"How..did you even know" I said well blushing furiously and laughing nerviously wondering if it was really that obvious.
"Dude you were blushing up a storm and fading in and out of dream land." Jason laughed and we got back to work.
And Jason was right he came in every day at 6 and got the same thing. Yet no matter how hard I flirted he would just ignore me. One Monday I was fed up with it.
"Jason cover my shift. I said shoving my apron into his hands and walking over to where nico was sitting. At least I knew his name from all the times I had to put it under his order.
I plopped down right next to him and said "wanna be freinds?" Smiling my biggest and brightest smile.
He looked up from whatever he was reading looked at me for a minute took a long drawn out sip of his coffee and went back to reading.
I shiged and went back to the counter resinging myself to beong single yet the next day when he came in he was acting very strange.
"Double choclate mocca frap." I said before he could order shooting him a small smile. and suprisingly he gave a shy smile back. "So should I ring you up as nico or handsome?" I said feeling emboldened by his small smile.
He laughed and I didnt know why but he seemed a bit more open today. "isnt handsome your name?" he said. Before suddenly turning bright red and sprinting off as if realising what he had just said.
Nico's POV
I ran out of the starbucks as quickly as he could. Before stopping in a ally to catch his breath. He felt bad he really liked that boy with the golden hair and pure sky blue eyes and those beautiful freckles that spoted his tan cheeks...
Nico sighed that boy liked him and I liked him back but it would never work out his father would never allow it.
He walked into the cafe thr next day filled with dread at meeting the golden haired boy again. But he forced one foot in front of the other untill he was at the front of the line.
"H-h-hey again." Nico gulped a huge blush across his cheeks. As he waited for the georgeous chashiers answer.
"Im sorry if I presured you and flirted to much. I shouldnt have been so pushy." He siad a small sad smile on his gorgeous lips.
"Thanks but im sorry for being a jerk and not responding to you because I do really like you." Nico said blushing furisouly. As he confesed his feeling to the cashier.
"Want to restart? Im will." He siad and stuck out his hand across the counter a glowing smile on his face.
"Im nico. And its nice to meet you will" I said taking his hand and shaking it firmly.
hey guys I hoped you enjoyed that jsut then meeting in a cafe. Have a great day!
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