Tagged for le second time!
This tag is once again from Cakecat001 and I'm sorry I have been inactive for I bit, I'm in
Italy, Perugia now.... it's REALLY HOT... and my dad came in while I was sleeping and started snoring like a tractor...so, this is what I am doing right now xD
1: Do I like someone
HA. HA. HA...
2: Do they like me back?
3: Middle name?
Don't have one, HAAAA... I'm special
4: Am I single or taken?
... I am single *smirks* forever alone I am, don't need no boy in my life ;)
5: Last person I texted?
Cakecat001 with an ongoing conversation, actually xD
6: Last song I listened to?
I can't look at Spotify right now cus it's not working? But from memory, it's Would You Mind by PRETTYMUCH
7: Battery percentage?
Um, is this question to like, assume how many kids you'll have or something? xD But, it is 68% right now, uncharged.
8: Girl best friend
Um... in my normal mortal life?
But in CHB, i'd say any girl from the Apollo cabin really, I really like Kayla though, she's cool.
9: Guy best friend?
Once again, in real life?
In CHB, it has to be Will, I guess Nico like me but he thinks Will and myself are slightly on the crazy weird side... hehe
10: Favourite OTP?
Seriously? Have you seen my page?
It is
11: Why I made my account?
Um, I guess I was searching fanfiction and I came across this website (because I have no life) and the stories on here are so good, like, seriously.
12: My lock screen?
Riiigggghhht... here for my confession....
I don't actually have a phone... *waits for your reactions*
But I have a computer... and my lock screen is a picture of a winged unicorn that I drew, my home screen is visible on my profile picture, that is once again, my drawing :)
Lock screen ^
Home screen^
13: Birthday
13th August AAAAAAHHH so close
14: i'm tagging
Nico_Dam_Cupcakes Thank you so much for your votes :)
and I can't think of anyone else, sorry if you have already done this tag
AND, NEXT CHAPTER... *cue the movie music*
another tag
and hopefully
So, keep voting, commenting, and GIVE ME IDEAAAAASSS ;D
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