Snowed In Pt 1
Another probably cringey story for you lot, requested by my loyal friend Cakecat001
I just realised that i've started writing this with the doors being opened the wrong way. They open outwards in this, not inwards...
Curse Dionysus for all he's worth.
Yes, yes i know, it's winter, it's meant to snow.
But not like this!!
Even when i left my cabin this morning i had trouble opening my door.
And then as soon as i got to the dining pavilion Will bloody Solace sent me straight back to my cabin to get some 'proper clothes' on .
I walked back with him in tow, tugging my cabin door open and going in, hearing the muffled sound of Will grunting and falling to the floor outside after i had slammed the door in his face.
I stopped and smiled to myself, turning round and re-opening the door to see Sunshine sprawled on the thick layer of snow with one hand around is nose.
'you didn't think i was going to let you in... did you?' i asked, grinning slyly, 'what a perv, Solace'
I barked out a small laugh and went back into my warm cabin once again, shutting the door on Will for the last time.
I had just taken my top off when i heard the door trying to be opened... again.
I huffed and got my sword from the bed and stood in a fighting-like stance. Stupidly what didn't go through my brain then was that i wasn't wearing a shirt and it was highly unlikely it would be a monster, since it would already be dead by now.
As my door finally got opened by my stalker, he then stood in the doorway looking quite proud of himself for a second before inviting himself in.
'WHAT THE BLOODY HADES MAKES YOU THINK YOU CAN COME INTO MY CABIN LIKE THAT YOU MORON!??' I screamed at Will as he turned around, now looking shocked at my current state.
'You...You're umm... your scars are healing up nicely?' His answer was more of a question than a statement.
I blushed greatly and turned my back to him to get warmer clothes on. (My sword now had taken up residence on the floor)
I mumbled a few expletives under my breath as i heard Will sit down on the bed and fidget.
'um...the snow is quite high out there already...' He tried to make small talk. Which, obviously, wasn't going to go anywhere with me.
I turned around and glared at him, now wearing and long sleeved top and and a fluffy jumper.
'So?' I made a point to his fail at making conversation.
I huffed once more, 'come on, Solace' i made my way towards the door as he trailed behind and lazily pushed against it.
Nothing happened.
Okay this is part one because i'm sure if i wrote anymore it'll take ages to save, as i found out yesterday xD
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