Will knocked on the door of the Hades cabin. He was a nervous reck. Today he was going to tell Nico his secret. He had wanted to tell him many times before, but he always ended up chickening out. Last night, Nico had said I love you for the first time (Will said it back obviously), so he decided now was a good moment to tell him.
"Hi, Will." Nico smiled as he opened the door for his boyfriend. "Come in."
Will nervously stepped in and started fiddling with his thumbs. "Nico, I need to tell you something."
Nico sensed Will's nervousness, and for a second, he was afraid he wanted to break up with him. "What's wrong, sunshine?" He loved Nico, though. Right?
"I have a secret that I've been meaning to tell you. You might want to break up with me after I say it, though." Will said, taking a sit on the bed.
Nico was confused now. "Did you cheat on me or something?"
"No! Never. I just.... I'm..." Will took a deep breath. "I'm trans. I was originally a girl."
"Really?" Nico said annoyed. Will was ready for the yelling to start. For Nico to kick him out of his cabin. But then he spoke again. "And you're still taller than me?" Nico groaned. "This is disappointing. I can't believe I'm that short."
Will laughed relieved. "So you don't care that I'm not a boy?"
Nico looked into Will's eyes and took his hands. "You are a boy, William. You're more of a man than most guys. You gender has nothing to do with your sex. You are a boy. No matter what anyone says."
Will started crying happy tears and hugged Nico. "I love you. Thank you."
Nico pecked Will's lips. "I love you too, Will."
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