Trivia, anyone? (college AU)
Sorry for the late update, I've been in Washington D. C. all weekend at the woman's march. Anyway, this is a request from celia2233, so enjoy!
Will's POV
"This'll be fun," Jason said as he brought the group of six, consisting of him, me, Nico, Percy, Annabeth and Piper into the dimly lit diner, the best on the college campus. "Trivia night! Triple date. Is anyone else as excited as I am?" Percy rolled his eyes.
"You're only excited because you have Miss Genius on your team," Percy said, intertwining his hand with Annabeth's. Annabeth laughed and pulled him into the restaurant.
"Just hurry up, seaweed brain. I want to get a good table before they're all gone."
"I get seaweed in my ear one time," Percy complained as he was dragged by his excited girlfriend into the diner. "One time, and the name sticks." Jason and Piper laughed, and Piper grabbed Jason's hand and followed Percy and Annabeth into the restaurant.
I glanced down at Nico's left hand. Trying to be casual, I nudged it with my hand, my finger tracing a line across the back of Nico's hand. Instead of taking my hand like I had been hoping, Nico's eyes flitted away from me and he shoved his hand into his sweatshirt pocket.
"Come on," he muttered. "I don't want to fall behind." Without another word to me, he walked through the doorway. Feeling my heart crack a little bit, I followed my boyfriend through the doorway.
"The Death Eaters!" Annabeth laughed, writing down our team name at the top of our whiteboard in neat print. "I love it, Nico! It's like we're telling the other teams that if you mess with us, you won't live to tell the tale.
"You get way to into these things," Percy chuckled, giving her a small kiss on the cheek. I couldn't help but feel a small, white hot burst of jealousy at how comfortable Annabeth and Percy were around each other. And it wasn't like Jason and piper were awkward around each other, either. Next to me, I watched Jason wipe a thick lock of brown hair out of Piper's kaleidoscope eyes, Piper blushing faintly. Slowly, I lifted my arm and moved to wrap it around Nico's shoulders, but he swatted it away without even glancing my way.
"Not here," he hissed. "Not now." I could feel the cracks in my heart grow bigger. I glanced Piper's eye, and she just shook her head, silently telling me it would be wise not to push it. Discouraged, I turned to the announcer, who was holding a microphone and a sheet of paper. He was wearing tight black leather pants and a shimmery gold- sequined vest over a plain black tee shirt. A sequined gold fedora sat atop his head.
"Is everyone ready to get their trivia on!" he yelled into the microphone. The crowd, around thirty five people, erupted into cheering and clapping. At least Nico was having a good time, judging from the elated expression on his face. That made one of us.
"First question!" yelled the announcer, whipping out a note card. His face was lit up with positive energy. I wanted to throw my glass of water at him. "Which titan in Greek Mythology ate his children?"
"Hey, I know this one!" Nico grinned. He gestured Annabeth to lean over to him, whispering the answer into her ear. I took a sip of my water, resisting the urge to throw my water at someone, anyone. It didn't matter who at this point. I took another sip, the coldness washing down my throat, relaxing me a little bit, but my temper still felt like it was about to explode. It was going to be a long night.
"And, after round one, the Death Eaters are in first place, closely followed by the Demigods of New York University..." the rest of the announcer's words were drowned out by the loud cheers from my friends. Annabeth and Nico, tonights power team, high- fived. Percy ate another nacho from the plate we had ordered halfway through the first round. I still hadn't been able to eat anything.
"And onto the first question of the second round! What huge city is often referred to as the city of love, and what language is spoken in the city?" I watched Percy kiss Annabeth, smearing a little bit of melted cheese on her forehead, but she didn't seem to mind. Jason was resting his head on Piper's shoulder, mindlessly twisting a strand of hair around his finger. I glanced at Nico, but his gaze immediately shifted away from me.
"I have to go to the bathroom," I suddenly announced, startling the five others at the table. I hadn't spoken yet all night. "Piper, you're coming with me." I stood up, and stared at her expectantly.
"Oh- okay," Piper said, clearly perplexed. She hopped up, and followed me to the bathroom area. Nico avoided my eyes.
"Is it just me," Jason muttered to Percy. "Or did the gay guy just steal my girlfriend?"
"Okay," I said, once we were out of eye shot of the table. "Have I been a bad boyfriend or something? Have I done something wrong, because Nico has been awkward around me all night. I just don't know if I-"
"Will, calm down," Piper said, cutting me off and putting a comforting hand on my arm. "I can tell you that you did nothing wrong. You're not a bad boyfriend. In fact, you're a great boyfriend. It's just that some people might not like public contact. It's common among couples, and even more common in gay couples because of the judgement. Nico might not like public contact, or he might just be feeling uncomfortable. It has nothing to do with you and if you really want to, talk to Nico. He loves you, and he just wants you to be happy." I nodded, the cracks in my heart being sealed up by Piper's words.
"Thanks, Piper," I sighed. "You go back to the others, I'm just going to get some water." She nodded and left me at the water fountain. I bent down and took a swig of cold water, my head feeling more clear than it had all night. When I straightened back up, wiping the excess moisture from my lips, Nico was standing in front of me.
"Sorry about tonight," he said, the words rushing out of him. "I heard you talking to Piper, and I just wanted to say I love you and it has nothing to do with you." I nodded, and he gave me a big hug, then looked up at me. "You know, I don't think anyone is in the bathroom. And I doubt we'll be missed at the table." A sly grin replaced my smile.
"Lead the way." he grabbed my hand, and lead me into the bathroom. The door banged shut behind us.
Hi guys! So again, I'm sorry for the late update, but I hope you liked that. Remember, requests are always open.
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