The Story of Minnow and Jupiter(Also those other two)
A request for @Monsterfalls9 who wanted an AU where everyone has a dragon on their shoulder, and eventually it flies away to meet your soulmate's dragon. Small backstory for this I've made: you get your dragon around your early teen years, where one will come and find you. Around your late teen years your dragon flies away to find your soulmate's dragon. They all live happily ever after. Also, I won't be taking requests for a little while, but I'll let you know when they open back up again. If I've already told you I would write your request it's coming, but I want to focus on a few other ideas I've had. Enjoy!
Nico's POV
I sighed, rolling over in my small, cramped bunk in my college dorm to gaze at my small dragon Minnow, hovering in the air next to my face. Her light yellow wings beat, keeping her scaly body afloat. She gazed at me imploringly with her deep orange eyes, silently asking me what was wrong. I ran a finger across her tiny head, smiling softly when she closed her eyes in happiness.
"When am I going to find my soulmate?" I sighed. I was staring straight ahead, my eyes adjusting to my dark dorm. Minnow purred, nudging my hand gently, urging me to continue my light massage. I scooped her out of the air, letting her rest in my palm as I stroked her head with my other hand. "Almost everyone my age has already found theirs, and I'm still alone. You're the only thing I really talk to, and you don't exactly answer back. Can't you, like, speed up the process? This is supposed to be your job, finding my soulmate's dragon, and you haven't been doing the best job." Minnow blew a small flame above my finger, just barely grazing the tip.
"Hey!" I complained, jerking my finger away from her. "I love you, you know that, but I need another human. I need my soulmate." Minnow lazily flew off of my hand, landing to rest on my shoulder, nuzzling my neck comfortingly. She laid down, closing her eyes. In a few seconds I could hear small puffs of air ejaculating out of her nose. Once in a while a small flame would shoot out of her, and I would feel a small blast of heat just above my shoulder. She was asleep, leaving me alone with the fact that I may never find my soulmate.
Will's POV
Music thundered in my ears, feet pounding all around me. There was beer spilled on the floor, and someone was passed out in the chips bowl. I closed my eyes for a brief moment, trying to block out the noise surrounding me. It was my first official college party, one that my friend Andrew had convinced me to go to, and I was already regretting my decision. My dragon, Jupiter, bumped up against me with her navy blue scaled head, the bright neon lights flashing across her pitch black body, making it seem as though she herself was the dance floor.
"Remind me again why I came here?" I sighed, gazing out into the thick of the party. Andrew, the friend who had dragged me here in the first place, was in the middle of the dance floor, doing the cha- cha with his soulmate, Erica. Their dragons had found each other at the beginning of the semester, and they had been inseparable ever since. I scanned the dance floor for any of my other friends but they were with their own soulmates, clearly occupied by more important things than a friend in need. Obviously, I was on my own tonight.
Jupiter stared at me with her huge purple eyes, letting out a small puff of smoke to show her sympathy. I'd had Jupiter since I was thirteen, longer than most people have had their dragons, and I had gotten pretty good at figuring out what her puffs of smoke and fire meant. She started to fly circles around my head, flashing me a toothy smile. She was trying to cheer me up, I could tell, but it wasn't working.
Across the room I heard a squeal of delight and I craned my neck to see two girls squeezing one another, their dragons happily uniting above their heads. Another two people had found each other. This would probably be remembered as one of the best nights of their life, meanwhile I was leaning against the wall, with only my dragon for company and regretting my decision to come to the party in the first place.
"When's that going to happen to me?" I asked, gesturing to the two girls, who were sitting on folding chairs, giggling madly. "I'm nineteen, you know. When are you going to find my soulmate?" Jupiter blew out a small flame, annoyed at the question that had been on my mind recently. I was nearing twenty, my window to find a soulmate rapidly closing. "I know," I muttered. "I have to be patient. I'll find my soulmate eventually."
Nico's POV
I was woken from my slumber by something hot blowing on my face. I cracked open my eyes top find Minnow flitting around in the air anxiously, blowing hot puffs of air on my face. "What?" I croaked, rubbing my eyes. "I was asleep." Minnow beckoned to the door, zooming around, her wings beating at the air. "Alright, I'm coming," I groaned, flinging the sheets off of my body and crawling out of bed. Thankfully I had fallen asleep in a grey tee shirt and black sweatpants, so I wouldn't have to run around outside of my dorm in nothing but boxers. I approached the door, Minnow flying away as soon as I got close.
"What?" I wondered, peering out into the hallway. She was waiting at the end of it, waiting for me to open the door that would lead to the rest of the campus. All of a sudden, the realization dawned on me. I was nineteen, the last of my teen years. It would be about time, wouldn't it? "I'm coming, Minnow!" I called, sprinting down the hallway to meet her, my bare feet skidding against the linoleum. I thrust open the door, the chilly fall air blowing in my face. Minnow took off to one of the other buildings, trusting that I would follow.
We ran past building after building, my feet pounding against the damp grass as I fought to keep up with Minnow. I knew she was a fast flyer; clearly I had no idea how fast. Finally she stopped at a building about a half mile away from mine, nearly slamming against the door, begging me to open it. i pushed it open and she flew into the first room to the left, disappearing into the unknown room.
It was a party. I was immediately surrounded with pounding music, sweaty bodies pushing up against me. I scanned the throng for Minnow, finally spotting her halfway across the room. She was hovering near the speakers, waiting for me to catch up. I shoved through the crowd, reaching her just as she flitted off to her final destination.
She nearly slammed into a solid black dragon, the only bits of color its navy blue scales and deep purple eyes. The black dragon let out a small squeak, sidling up to Minnow. I turned to my left, taking in the black dragon's owner. He was tall and tan, much taller or tanner than me. He had a surfer's hair, blonde and flopping over his forehead. He was wearing a shirt that showed off his lean but muscular body, and he gave me a sweet smile. I had been waiting for that smile my entire life, even though I had only just met the boy.
"Our dragons seem to like each other quite a bit," he grinned. "Mine's name is Jupiter, by the way."
"Mine is Minnow," I responded, staring into his soulful blue eyes. "So, I guess we're destined for each other?"
"I guess so," he chuckled. "Although, I don't think I mind much. I'm Will."
"I'm Nico."
"So, Nico, do I seem like a bad person to be soulmates with?"
"Not at all. In fact, I don't think I mind at all."
Hi guys! I'm so, so sorry that ending was so rushed, I'm getting this out at literally the last minute. Remember that requests are closed, but I'll finish the ones I have. I hope you liked that one!
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