Percy and Annabeth Play Matchmaker
A request from @Blessed_by_Hypnos! I hope you like i this is going to be kind of pg-13 ish, nothing too bad, but I thought that since some of you guys are younger I'd let you know.
Nico's POV
He heard a knock at his door and before he could answer Percy pushed his way inside, flicking on the light and standing in front of Nico's bed, his arms crossed over his chest. "Nico, come on. It's been two weeks."
"He cheated on me, Percy," Nico groaned, turning over and throwing Percy a watery-eyed glare. "You can't expect me not to be sad."
"Octavian's a piece of shit, and so is Bryce," Percy said, offering up his hand. "Come on, get up."
"I found them in their bed together," Nico muttered, latching onto Percy's hand and leaning over the edge of the bed, making no move to stand. "Can you believe that? In our bed, just- going at it. What kind of inconsiderate-"
"I get it, he's a monster," Percy said, rolling his eyes. "I've heard this story ten times in the past two weeks. It's time for you to try and start getting over him."
"I can't," Nico whined. "I really liked him, you know."
"Yeah, I do. That's why Annabeth and I are stepping in."
"We have this friend, Will Solace," Percy explained, throwing Nico a pair of black jeans laying in a heap on his floor. "He just figured out he's gay, broke up with his girlfriend, he's looking for a completely new start. You're going out with him at six. It's a blind date, it'll be good for both of you."
"I'm not going on a date with someone I've never met." Nico threw the jeans back at Percy, collapsing onto his bed. "Just leave me alone and let me wallow in my own self pity."
"You're so emo, you know that?" Percy scooped up the jeans, grabbing a plain black tee shirt off of the floor that didn't smell quite as bad as the rest. "Get dressed, I'm serious. Be downstairs in half an hour or I'll be back up with Annabeth and we'll drag you to the date ourselves."
Annabeth squealed when Nico walked down the stairs, brushing crumbs off of his shirt and combing his fingers through his hair. "You look so good! Will's gonna love you." She snapped a picture.
"I feel like shit," he muttered, his arms crossed and a scowl on his face. The same black sweatshirt he had been wearing for two weeks was draped over his shoulders, junk food receipts from the convenience store downtown crumpled up inside the pockets.
"Hey, this'll be good for you," Percy reminded him, wrapping him in a hug.
"Remember you don't have to fall in love with him," Annabeth said. "This is just to get your mind off of Octavian. You deserve someone better, Nico." He blew a shaky sigh out of his mouth, nodding slowly as he squeezed the receipts in his pocket with his hand.
"Yeah, thanks," he said, his eyes focusing on the cracks in the floorboards that seemed to stretch on for miles.
"Will's a really good guy, too," Percy was saying as Annabeth snapped another picture. "He's super sweet and nice and funny. You'll like him. Even if there's no romance, he's still a great friend."
"Yeah, thanks," Nico repeated. His voice sounded hollow and he felt shame stab at his heart as he looked at Percy and Annabeth's excited faces, watching him with happy eyes. "I should get going though, right? It's almost six."
"Right, yeah, go," Percy grinned. "You know where you're meeting him, right? Just that little movie theater a few blocks away?"
"Got it, thanks," Nico said. A small part of him felt bad for acting so ungrateful but every inch of his brain was screaming at him to crawl back inside of his bed and fall asleep, so he thought that they were getting the reaction they deserved. "See you later."
"Hey, wait." Percy grabbed him by the shoulder, pulling him into a bear hug. "Have fun. Forget all about Octavian, okay?" Nico nodded into Percy's chest, breathing in the scent of fresh air and sea salt.
"I will. Thank you, Percy. For everything." That time, he meant it.
As he stepped into the movie theater with music blaring through his earbuds he scanned the movie theater for a tall blonde boy with bright blue eyes, the only image of him the one that Percy had put into his mind. He stepped up to the ticket window, pulling out his wallet. "One for Lia's Secret, please," he said, grabbing a twenty.
"Make that two," came a voice from behind him and he spun around to see a tall blonde boy with bright blue eyes grinning at him, money already in his hand. "I've got it, don't worry," he grinned. "That is, you are Nico, right? I didn't just pay for some random person's ticket?"
"I'm Nico, don't worry," Nico laughed, sticking out his hand. "I'd assume you're Will?"
"Nice to meet you." Will shook his hand and Nico couldn't help but notice the striking resemblance between Will and Octavian. The height, the blonde hair, the bright blue eyes ; it hurt to see. But Will's smile was genuine, and he radiated a happiness that seemed to draw Nico in. "So, should we go in?" He offered up his hand and Nico hesitated for a couple of seconds before grabbing it, giving Will a wide smile.
"Let's go."
"I'm so sorry, I had no idea it would be that bad," Will gasped as they walked out of the theater. "The trailer looked good, it really did. That was awful."
"Don't worry about it," Nico laughed.
"The next part of the date should hopefully be better," Will promised as they stepped out onto the street, the sun already set over the city. From a distance the people looked like nothing more than moving shadows, the buildings shapeless blobs on the side of the street. "There's this place with really good bread and cheese, we could grab some and make sandwiches for dinner in the park. Unless you're full from the popcorn?"
"I could eat," Nico said. "Honestly, I'm fine with anything." They began walking, Will's hand wrapped in Nico's. "I'm just glad you're not an asshole."
"Yeah, so am I," Will grinned. "Percy and Annabeth told me what happened to you. That must have sucked."
"Yeah, it did," Nico said with a dry laugh. "Probably one of the worst things that's ever happened to me. Just walked right in on them, on what used to be our bed. I kicked him out after that but it still feels like he's everywhere. I find one of his socks kicked underneath the bed, or his favorite ice cream shoved in the back of his freezer. He's always there, no matter how much I try to get rid of him."
"If it makes you feel any better, he sounds like an asshole," Will said, rubbing his thumb up and down Nico's hand.
"Thanks, actually it does," Nico said, grinning at the sidewalk. "This date might not be going too well, but you're pretty amazing."
"Glad to know I'm not half bad," Will said as he stepped inside the doorway of a small store tucked in between twin brick buildings. "Come on in. We're here." Nico hovered by Will's side as Will payed for the bread and cheese, his eyes focused on the darkening sky above them. The blackness seemed to deepen as they stepped back outside and Will pulled him across the street, their feet touching grass on the other side. "Nico?" Will asked, his brow furrowed. "Is something wrong?"
"I think it's going to-" A rain drop splashed onto Nico's forehead and he groaned, flicking it off. "Rain." Will muttered a curse underneath his breath, pulling Nico down a long stone path snaking through the park as more raindrops began to fall, peppering the ground and soaking through their clothes.
"Follow me, I know where we can go."
"Shouldn't we go inside?" Nico asked. "We're going deeper into the park."
"I know a place, don't worry," Will promised. "You don't want to end the date, do you?"
"Of course not."
"We're almost here." They rounded a corner and Nico was staring at a weeping willow with branches sweeping at the ground, the grass underneath dry. "Come on, under here." Will pulled Nico underneath the canopy of branches and they were protected as raindrops splattered against leaves with fat plops, sliding down to the ground. "Here, have some of this," he offered as they huddled against the trunk, watching the tears of the clouds thunder onto the ground around them. "It's good,"
"Thanks," Nico sighed, ripping off a piece of bread and sticking a piece of cheese inside. He shivered and Will wrapped his arm around Nico's shoulders, pulling him close. "You're really good at all of this stuff. The seducing me, making me like you and all that."
"Thanks. I looked up how to be good at all of this first date stuff. You know, went on Google and typed How to make Nico DI Angelo like me into the search bar." Nico laughed, shaking his heads.
"There's something about you, something that just makes me want to-" he cut off when he found himself staring into Will's bright blue eyes, the best sight he had seen all day. He found himself cupping Will's face in his hands and before he knew it they were kissing with the rain thundering down above their heads, seeping through the canopy of leaves and soaking their heads but Nico didn't care because Will tasted like movie theater popcorn and root beer and he loved it.
But then the realization hit, the memories of Octavian slamming into him like a truck going a hundred miles and hour and he pulled away, his hands trembling. "I- I'm sorry," he stammered, jumping up and brushing imaginary crumbs off of his body. "I have to go."
"Nico, wait!" he turned back around and Will was staring at him desperately, eyes full of sadness. "What happened? Did I do something?" Nico shook his head, wrapping his arms around his body as the rain soaked him through.
"I just can't do this right now," he cried. "I just got out of a relationship, and Octavian-"
"Nico, do you still like Octavian? Even a little?"
"I-no. Not at all."
"And do you like me? Even in the tiniest little way?" Nico paused before answering.
"Yeah. I do."
"Than give me a chance," Will begged, meeting Nico in the pouring rain and cupping Nico's hands in his. "Let me treat you right, let me take you out and appreciate you and respect you. Let me do everything that Octavian didn't."
"You know what?" Nico grinned. "Screw Octavian." He threw his arms around Will's neck, giving him a tight hug, burying his head inside of Will's shoulder. When they broke apart they were staring into each other's eyes, blue connecting with brown as rain thundered around them.
"Let me kiss you," Will asked, looping his arms around Nico's waist. Nico nodded and they were kissing, kissing, kissing as rain poured over them.
Hey guys, sorry for any mistakes because I legitimately didn't have any energy to look this over, but I hope you liked it!
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