Out of the Attic
I just want to say thank you so so much for 100k reads! When I started this book just over a year ago I never expected to get over 1k, let alone 100k. Each and every one of you helped this book so much just by reading it an I can't thank you enough<3. I think this will be the last installment of the disney princess series but if there's anything else special you want me to do, let me know. With that said, enjoy the cinderella AU!
Will's POV
The only thing I could hear was the pounding of feet on the wooden floorboards of the house I shared with five of my friends and the drumming of a dance song in my ears, shaking my ear drums and putting a strange vibrating feeling in my chest. I stood in the thick of the party, the rhythms of the dancing making me slowly sway back and forth, clutching a quarter way filled red solo cup, the generic drink cup of every college party in the world. The room was hot and sticky, a hundred fifty bodies moving at once. I fought my way through the crowd, attempting to maneuver myself out of the massive throng of people and to the sides of the room where about twenty five people mingled about, watching the rest of the party move to the beat of the music. Amid pats on the back and comments like "Nice party, Will!" and "Yo, Will, rockin' party, bro!" I slid out of the masses to the snack table where I could spot one of my roommates, Percy, lingering with his girlfriend, Annabeth, his hand seemingly stuck in the chips bowl.
"You look lonely," he stated when I walked up to him, his mouth full of partially chewed chips. "We should find you a boyfriend!"
"Finish chewing before talking," Annabeth reprimanded, folding her arms over her chest and rolling her eyes. "I swear, sometimes it's like I'm talking to a two year old."
"Shut up," Percy complained, swallowing the chips. "Seriously, though, let's get you a guy! There's a guy in my marine biology class who I think you might like. He's right over there." He gestured to a boy leaning against the wall closest to the door, holding a bottle of water and glancing nervously at his watch every five seconds. He was pale, a stark contrast to his jet black hair and black clothes. When he glanced up I caught a glimpse of deep brown eyes, which seemed to absorb the sight of the party in a single look. There was no denying that he was ridiculously attractive.
"I think you two would be a good match," Annabeth mused. "I don't know much about Nico, but judging by his appearance I'd say you would compliment each other. You're light and he's dark. After all, opposites do attract."
"Go!" Percy urged, giving me a light push on the back. "You'll never know if you don't try." I stumbled towards Nico, his eyes flying up when he saw me approaching.
"I'm Will," I said, sticking out my hand. "I'm gay."
"That's good, so am I," Nico chuckled, shaking my hand. "Are you always this formal when you're meeting new people?"
"Only with the cute ones." Nico blushed a deep red, the color lighting up his face like a light bulb. It looked good on him, although I couldn't imagine anything that wouldn't look good on him. "Do you like dancing?" I nodded toward the moving mob of people, screaming the lyrics to a pop song that was being played by the dj.
"Not usually," Nico admitted.
"Come on," I said. "We can do it together." I stuck out my arm for Nico to take. "I'm only this formal for the cutest people." Nico took my arm.
"I guess I can give it a try, if it's with you."
Our bodies melded together on the dance floor, two people seamlessly becoming one. I fit with him like a puzzle piece. Dancing had never been my ideal activity but with Nico I felt like dancing forever.
Nico's POV
With Will, I almost forgot my responsibilities. I almost forgot that I had the worst roommate in history, and I almost forgot that I had to be home in one hour, 23 minutes, 41 seconds and counting. I forgot my life. As soon as I stepped onto the dance floor my problems melted away and the only two things in my mind were Will and the beat of the music. It was impossible to say how much time we spent out on the dance floor; the only thing I knew was that the people around us kept changing, coming and going, but Will and I stayed exactly the same. The only thing I knew was that just after the first beat of the slow song, just after Will offered me his hand, my watch went off.
The ringing ruined the blissfulness we had been building the past hour and a half or so, bringing me back to reality. I pulled away from Will, glancing down at my watch to confirm that it was midnight. I had to be home in fifteen minutes, my chores finished, or I would be homeless by dawn. "Nico?" Will's voice made my head jolt up and I was staring into baby blue eyes filled with confusion.
"I'm sorry," I cried, already running toward the door. "I have to go. Maybe I can come and find you again. We can hang out." I knew that was impossible. Between classes, homework and chores I had zero minutes of free time, and zero minutes with Will. I could hear him begin to run after me but I was fast and soon I lost him, sprinting toward home.
I was finished with my chores not seconds before Octavian and his lackeys busted through the door, talking and laughing. All noise ceased when they saw me and Octavian strutted up to the sink, observing the dishes I had just cleaned. "There's still egg on this one," he stated, pointing at a tiny speck of yellow I had missed on one of the pans, so small it was barely noticeable.
"I'm sorry," I muttered, avoiding eye contact with Octavian. His eyes reminded me slightly of Wills, but they lacked all of the color and creativity Will's seemed to have an abundance of. If Will's eyes were a garden Octavian's eyes would be a single dead stem, the beauty long gone.
"I'm sorry, but I think you're forgetting that my father gives you a home and food," Octavian said. "If it wasn't for my father you wouldn't have a home, and you wouldn't be able to go to college. All I ask of you is that you do the chores, and I will be happy to let you stay in the attic bedroom. I do not want to come home after a long night and see imperfection. Do you understand?"
"Yes," I muttered, still refusing to make eye contact. Once I graduated the first thing I would do would be to punch Octavian right in his stupid rat- like face but for now I needed to stay on his good side unless I wanted to be homeless. My scholarship didn't include housing and the last thing I wanted was to be doing homework on the streets in the middle of winter.
"Just go up to your room. I don't want to see your disgusting face any more tonight." Octavian's lackey's guffawed as I walked up the winding staircase, going up four flights until I finally reached my drafty attic bedroom. I flopped down on the coarse bed, the scratchy blankets digging into my skin. The bed was uncomfortable, but there was one good thing about sleeping. Whenever I closed my eyes Will's face popped into my head, smiling at me as I drifted off.
Sound carried well in the huge house, so I was awakened at six a.m by a knocking sound and someone shouting.
"What do you want at six in the morning?" Octavian screamed down the stairs, angrily stomping down and flinging open the door. I peered off of the banister, watching as the door revealed Will, Percy and Annabeth in the doorway, looking exhausted in rumbled clothes.
"Does someone named Nico live hear?" Will asked, his voice tired, and my eyes widened. He was looking for me! I opened my mouth to call out, but Octavian beat me to it.
"Sorry, don't know him. Now can you please leave so I can go back to sleep?"
"Please?" Will begged. "We've been up all night looking for him, this is the last place to live on campus we haven't checked." I was speechless, shocked at the fact that he would stay up all night to look for a guy he had just met.
"Sorry," Octavian pushed, nudging them out the door. "Check the apartment complex near here. if there's a place off campus a student would live, it's there."
"Will, wait!" I called down, finally regaining my voice. I pounded down the stairs, ignoring Octavian's shocked look to run up to Will. "I'm right here!" Will's eyes widened in shock as he scooped me up into his arms, giving me a full kiss on the lips.
"I've been looking for you all night!" he gasped, setting me down. He side eyes Octavian, his smile turning into a slight frown. "Do you really live with this guy?"
"His dad gives me a roof over my head and food," I explained. "If it wasn't for this place I would be homeless. I can't afford a house myself, and my scholarship doesn't cover dorm rooms."
"Come stay with us!" Will grinned. "We have plenty of room, and plenty of food."
"Are you sure?" I asked tentatively. "I don't want to be a burden."
"Yeah, are you sure?" Octavian echoed. "I don't want to lose my maid!"
"I'm sure," Will promised. "You shouldn't have to live with this guy, anyway. Do you want to grab your stuff?"
"Don't need to," I responded. "I can come back for it. For now, I have everything I need right here." I slug my arm around Will's waist, walking into the sunrise with my prince charming.
Hi guys! Updates might be a little bit shorter for a little while because I just started ninth grade, so I don't know how much time I'll have to write. Anyway, I hope you liked this one!
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