On the Open Road(p4)
Part four! This has honestly been such a great series for me, I love doing longer things like this and let me know if you liked it, too!
Will's POV
Will isn't exactly sure what he's supposed to say. Every part of his body feels as if it's on fire and he wipes his sweaty palms on his pants, nervous eyes flitting from Nico to the tiny side road that feels as if it's closing in on them. His mouth is dry and he glances down at the cupholders for any drop of liquid; a cold cup of coffee or a water bottle with bubbles clinging to the plastic, but there's nothing. He can't speak and he watches as Nico's expression gets more and more desperate. "Will?"
"I-" he can't get out any more than that and mentally he's kicking himself as he watches Nico's face fall further than he thought possible, and he slumps down in his seat, his arms crossed over his chest. "Nico, I-"
"No, it's fine," Nico says, his voice quivering, a single shimmery tear barely clinging to his eye. "This was probably the wrong place to do this, anyway. Sorry. Just forget I said anything. You should just try and get some rest."
"No, Nico, wait," Will says, chewing on the inside of his lip. "I didn't mean for it to come out like that. Like I didn't like you. Sorry, I'm dumb, I just got a little nervous." He sets a hand on Nico's thigh and Nico's head snaps up and Will isn't sure if it's the light from the dim streetlamp or sheer joy, but Nico's face lights up.
"You don't have to stop, you know." Will laughs softly.
"It's like, you're my best friend and everything, but you've always had this thing around you, like this air that's always just drawn me into you and I could never really explain it, and I always get this really amazing feeling when I'm around you. And I've had other best friends before I moved to New York, but I never got that feeling with anyone else. It also doesn't help that you're really, really hot." Nico is grinning widely, and the look on his face makes Will's heart flutter. Nico's hand is inching closer to Will's body and it's drawing his body closer, too, and Will can feel electricity crackling between them and he feels the hairs on the back of his neck stand up as he leans forward to meet Nico in the middle and their lips crash together. Will's thought about it lots of times, what it would feel like if they kissed. He imagined Nico would taste sweet like candy but he can't taste a thing for the first second, as if his senses suddenly cut off but when they turn back on he tastes honey, and he's so close that he can smell the faint scent of Nico's shampoo and he presses his hand into Nico's cheek, trying to get as much of Nico as he can before they split apart.
"So," Nico says, a grin lingering on his face. "You wanna go out with me?"
"Shut up," Will says with a laugh, sinking down lower in his seat and propping his feet up on the dashboard. He grabs a pillow from the back seat and lets out a long sigh, his chest deflating. As they begin to drive Nico grabs his hand, kissing it lightly before setting it back down. When Will looks into Nico's eyes they glitter in the warm sunlight, and his cheeks are rosy.
"Go to sleep," Nico says quietly. "I'll wake you up when we get to Nashville."
"How much time do we have?" His voice comes out a murmur, exhaustion beginning to weigh down on him and he hides a yawn behind his hand.
"About eight more hours."
"Are you sure you want to drive that long?"
"Will, you just drove for fourteen," Nico says. "Go to sleep." He sets one hand on Will's thigh as he drives with the other and with the reassurance that Nico's only a handful of inches away Will drifts off, happier than he's ever been in his life.
The sun is setting when Nico shakes him awake, and the bright lights of the city are just beginning to stand out against the backdrop of the sky. "We're here," Nico says, the car moving slowly in line with everyone else. Will pushes himself up, his body cramping from being tucked into a small space and he groans as his neck cracks and he begins to regain feeling in his legs. "Are you hungry?"
"Yeah," Will says. "I missed lunch."
"Good that I missed lunch?"
"No," Nico said. "Good that you're hungry. I have an idea."
"Are you going to tell me what it is?"
"That would ruin the surprise," Nico says with a smile. The smile reminds him of days past, of summers spent by the beach and winters spent throwing snowballs when school got canceled. Nico had changed since the day Will met him, from a tiny kid obsessed with Mythomagic to an angsty middle schooler who considered himself too good for any of the other kids in school to someone who managed to made Will's heart flutter even with sarcasm, to someone who's laugh was infectious and whose eyes glittered like the ocean when he smiled. Nico had changed quite a bit but his smile never did and Will was glad for that. His smile was the thing that made Will fall for him in the first place.
Nico pulls the car into the parking lot of a restaurant with lights shimmering in the night sky, with the faint sound of a cello rising up from inside and the smell of mouth-watering food drifting to his nose. "I thought we could splurge a little tonight," Nico says. "I know we said we were gonna stay in a hostel but there's this really nice hotel that I found. I got us a top-floor room with a view of the city, and it has a pool on the roof of the building. Also, our room has one bed." He glances at Will. "That's ok with you, right?" Will feels his heart leap in a way that it never has before.
"Yeah, yeah, that's great. That sounds amazing." His face feels hot and Nico smirks, giving Will's hand a squeeze.
"You look like a sixth grader who just got asked to his first school dance." Will's face flushes even more; he can tell my his reflection in the mirror that he looks like a cherry with a mop of blonde hair. "Come on," Nico says with a soft laugh. "Let's eat."
They're greeted by the hostess, who leads them to a tiny table in the back, with a window overlooking the garden and the celloist playing a soft tune that makes Will feel like he's in a movie. "Get whatever you want," Nico says, glancing over the top of the menu to smile at Will. "I'm buying."
"Are you sure?" Will asks, frowning at the twelve dollar soups and the thirty dollar lobster roll. "This place looks expensive."
"Yeah, I'm sure," Nico says. "Think of this as a first date. Anyway, you know what they say. The one to awkwardly blurt out his feelings for his best friend on a road trip two months before they both have to leave for college pays the bill." They both laugh but something in Nico's words makes Will's heart sink in his chest.
"Wait, what are we gonna do?" he asks, setting his menu down on the table. "We're both leaving for college soon. I'm going to California, how are we supposed to make this work?" As he's talking a waitress comes over to their table, pencil, and paper in hand.
"Can I get you two drinks?" she asks, her smile bright.
"I'll just have a water, thanks," Will says, his eyes still trained on Nico. He looks nervous under Will's gaze and he tells the waitress that he wants a coke with a tremble in his voice, and his face looks pale.
"Maybe now wasn't the best time to confess my feelings," he says with a light laugh that doesn't cover up the worry. "Sorry. I feel like maybe I just made things more complicated." He glances down at the table, smoothing out a wrinkle in the cream-colored table cloth and they listen to the celloist play his song, hoping that the music will suck the awkwardness out from between them. "We were gonna have to make it work anyway," Nico says finally. "Even when we were just friends, we knew that it was gonna be hard to stay so close, but we were gonna make it work. It's basically the same thing. We're still best friends, we're just best friends who kiss sometimes, you know?" He glances into Will's eyes, reaching his hand out across the table and giving it a light squeeze and Will feels warm, protected. "Everything's gonna work out. But for now, let's just live in the moment. Let's enjoy the time we have left." Will nods.
"Yeah. That sounds really, really good."
Will orders the fanciest burger he's ever had in his life and they spend the rest of the night talking and laughing about the past, asking questions about the future that neither of them has the answer to. When they're done the stars are high in the sky and Will plants a firm kiss to Nico's lips, one that he feels as if he's been waiting for forever. Nico brings them to the hotel, the interior clean white and the air smells like roses. After checking in they grab their bathing suits and race up to the pool, plunging into the water and coming up inches apart. "It's beautiful up here," Will says, gazing at the night sky that looks mere inches above him. He feels that if he stretched his arm up high enough, he could hold the moon in his hands. "We're gonna be broke at the end of this trip."
"It's ok," Nico says. "It's practice for college." Will laughs but even the mention of college sends a pang through his chest. For the first time in months, he's regretting his choice to pack up and go to California, almost three thousand miles away from the person who means the most to him. But when he looks at Nico, his skin wet and dewy from the pool and the lights from below illuminating him like an angel, he can't be sad so he cups Nico's face in his hands, kissing him slow and hoping that he can stay in that moment, forever and always.
Their room smells fresh; not particularly like anything, but fresh and Will takes a deep breath, his eyes sweeping around the room, over the crisp white sheet that's falling over the king-sized bed, the curtains parted to show a view of the city, the lights in the buildings glittering underneath them. "God, this place is gorgeous," Will says, his fingers reaching for Nico's hand. "It's like I'm in a palace."
"It's too bad we can't stay here longer," Nico says. "It would be nice to just hang out in a five-star hotel for a few days. But we're behind on our route to get home, and also it's expensive." He collapses onto the bed, his arms spread eagle on the comforter. He glances at Will and there's something sparkling in his eyes, something that Nico's never seen before. Like love but different somehow, almost hungrier. "We can enjoy tonight, though."
"Yeah." Will feels himself smiling and he sits on the edge of the bed, his hand on Nico's arm, their thighs touching. He can feel his entire body tingling and he presses a kiss to Nico's cheek, the tingling in his body intensified. "Have you ever done anything like this before?"
"I haven't done anything and you know it," Nico says, grinning. He turns his head, kissing Will hard on the lips, his hands caressing Will's cheeks. "And I know you haven't, either."
"Shut up," Will says, laughing. "Let's just work on enjoying tonight, okay?" There's a gleam in Nico's eyes as Will nods and they slip underneath the covers, Will's heart pounding faster and faster as the seconds go on.
He wakes up to the sun streaming through the blinds, golden rays dancing across Nico's face. His mouth is parted and a strand of black hair flutters with every breath as if it's a long finger sweeping across his face. He looks peaceful and Will doesn't want to wake him, but it's five thirty and if they're going to make it to Washington DC in time to see the museums before they close, they're going to have to leave fast. "Wake up, Neeks," Will says, shaking him lightly. "We have to go." Nico groans softly, his eyes fluttering open and when they finally do they're thick with exhaustion and he nearly turns over and falls back asleep before Will shakes him harder and Nico groans again, sitting up and rubbing at his eyes.
"What time is it?"
"Five thirty. We have to get going, Neeks. Come on, get up." Will slides out of bed if only to act as a good example, tossing his toothbrush and his clothes from yesterday into his suitcase and zipping it up. "It's a ten-hour drive, you can sleep if you want."
"I'll sleep the first half," Nico says, pushing himself up. "But you should sleep the next few hours. It's only fair." He slides out of bed, met with a soft kiss from Will as he shoves his things back into his suitcase. "Come on. We still gotta check out."
The woman at the front desk looks half asleep and she's yawning as she takes their keycards back, wishing them a good rest of the day before they walk outside. The sun hasn't yet risen and the world is quiet, even the rowdiest of partiers sleeping inside, with only a couple of cars on the road. It's strange, to see a city normally so busy so quiet, but Will likes it. It's like he's seeing something that he's not supposed to, and he loves it.
They stop at McDonald's for breakfast and Nico chews his egg McMuffin with eyes half closed as Will steers with one hand, eating with the other. "You're sure you'll wake me up at the halfway point this time, right?" Nico says. "Because last time you didn't."
"Yes, Nico, I promise," Will says with a light laugh, finally bringing the car out onto the highway and ramping up the speed until there's a steady rumble underneath them. "Go to sleep, seriously." Nico doesn't look convinced but he seems too tired to argue and he sinks down into his seat, his lashes falling over his face and his breathing slowing. He's giving off the vibe that he's an angel once again, the look as if he's been brushed in gold but he snorts in his sleep, flipping over and Will can't help but laugh as the illusion is broken. But, of course, that's the Nico that he fell in love with in the first place.
He's beginning to get tired once they hit Virginia so he pulls over in a tiny town called Fincastle, in the parking lot to a convenience store that, if there wasn't a person sitting inside, he would think was deserted. "Hey," he says, shaking Nico awake. "Your turn."
"Is it exactly halfway?"
"Well, I've been driving for about six and a half hours, but-"
"Will!" He winces as Nico slaps him lightly on the shoulder, his face scrunched up and his face red. "You told me you'd wake me up halfway. Halfway was an hour and a half ago."
"I wasn't tired," Will says, climbing out of the car. "Besides, you're really cute when you get mad." Nico's face bunches up more and his eyes narrow, and Will can't help but laugh. "Come on, let's grab something to eat."
The woman inside of the store is talking to a woman buying diapers and they seem friendly, the employee asking how the woman's baby is doing and the woman laughing about how little sleep she's getting, and how her husband is no help. It's sweet, Will thinks to himself, the bond that they seem to have together. But when he glances out onto the empty street with nothing but a thin layer of dust blowing across the sidewalks, maybe there aren't many other people.
They get cold premade deli sandwiches and eat them quietly in the car, and Will can feel himself nodding off even as he chews. Nico keeps glancing over at him, quiet concern hidden in his eyes and Will can't help but roll his eyes. "I'm fine, Nico," he says, wiping a spot of mustard off from the corner of his mouth. "Just tired."
"I know." Nico reaches over, running his hands through Will's hair, weeding out all of the snarls and knots that had accumulated throughout the trip. "You've just been doing way more than your fair share of driving recently. I'm driving the whole way back home tomorrow, okay? No arguing."
"I said no arguing," Nico says. "You've been driving so much, I feel bad." He presses a pickle-tinged kiss to Will's lips. "Take a nap, Will. You look like you need it." Will smiles softly as he finishes off his sandwich, tossing the empty wrapper onto the floor of the car and sinking down low in the seat as Nico pulls the car out of the parking lot and it rolls down the road with a soft purr. He feels warm and comforted, and occasionally Nico reaches over, giving Will's thigh a soft squeeze or running a hand through his hair. He would be able to fall asleep even without Nico's touches but they make him feel warm happiness in his chest, one that seems to simmer inside of him and lull him into a soft sleep.
It's three forty-five by the time they get to DC and Nico parks the car in a garage before they hop out onto the bustling streets. They're passed by a tour group of what must have been fifty people, holding cameras and snapping pictures of the monuments that are everywhere, or the top of the white house, peeking out above the trees. "Over here we'll be approaching the White House," the tour guide says, gesturing to their left. "And then it's a quick walk to the Smithsonian's."
"We're going to the art museum," Nico says, leaning in to talk to Will. "And I've never seen the White House before." There's a sparkle in his eye as he looks at Will and it doesn't take long until they've been absorbed by the tour group, making their way through the city.
"It's kind of underwhelming," Nico whispers when they're standing in front of the White House, the fountain in the middle of the lawn spraying drops of water on the crowd gathered in front of the gate. It's boiling under the summer sun and Will is grateful for the moisture as a droplet lands on his face, soaking into his skin.
"The president lives in there, dumbass," Will says.
"He's kind of underwhelming, too."
"Yeah, you're kinda right." Will frowns, tilting his head at the White House. "You wanna get out of here? The museum is only a few minutes away."
"Yeah, sure," Nico says. "We don't need these loser tourists to help us find where it is."
"Nico, we're loser tourists."
"I didn't say we weren't." Nico grins as he reaches for Will's hand and even though they're both sweating in the hot summer sun their hands fit perfectly together, and it feels as if Will's life is falling into place.
It's bigger than Will ever could have imagined and they pass what must be thousands of pieces of art, each one more beautiful than the last. The walls are painted different shades of pastel, making the paintings pop and despite the fact that it's teeming with bodies everyone keeps their voices hushed, and it feels as if he and Nico are the only two in the room. "You know," Will says as they stare at a painting, one of a field on a windy day. The colors are gray and muted, but somehow it's gorgeous. November First, the card next to it says. Will loves that title. It sounds like it holds the potential for new beginnings. "The art is beautiful, but I think you're the most beautiful piece of art in this museum."
"Oh, God, are we going to be that couple now?" Nico asks, grimacing. "I don't want to be that couple."
"You liked it, though, didn't you?" Will asks, smirking. "You're blushing, I can tell that you did."
"Shut up," Nico laughs, pressing a soft kiss to Will's cheek. His heart flutters. "Nerd," he adds almost as an afterthought, a smile spreading wider across his face. "Come on, let's keep going. We only have another hour left, and we have a lot more museum to see.
It's cooler once they get out at seven, and they walk to their hostel, curling up in bed and ordering a pizza as they watch the final rays of the sun slip underneath the horizon. "Part of me can't believe this is our last night," Nico says, chewing thoughtfully on a piece of pepperoni with his other hand holding Will's. "It's like, we've been thinking about this for so long and tomorrow it's just gonna be over."
"We can stop in the city for lunch," Will says. "I've always wanted to go to Katz's Deli."
"Yeah, that's cause you really wanna see a famous person."
"That's a valid goal."
"Yeah, I know," Nico says quietly. He sets his pizza slice down on the box, watching the grease sparkle on the tips of his fingers and frowning.
"What's wrong?"
"Dunno," he shrugs, leaning on Will and wrapping his arms around his stomach. Will pulls him closer, kissing the top of his head and brushing a strand of hair out of his face. "It's like, when this is over, we have to go home and start thinking about how we're gonna get through college, and how we're gonna make our relationship work. We planned this trip when we were just kids, but now that it's over, we're gonna have to grow up. I don't know if I'm ready for that."
"You will be," Will promises. He isn't sure how he is, but he's sure. "I'll be there with you."
"No, you won't be," Nico says with a bitter laugh. "You're gonna be three thousand miles away from me."
"Yeah, but we'll face time, and call, and text," Will says. "And we'll see each other on vacations, and we can plan more road trips to visit each other. We can meet halfway or something. Everything's gonna be okay."
"I don't know how you do it, but you always manage to make everything seem so much better than it actually is," Nico says, sinking into Will's grip. He buries his face in Will's chest and Will cards his fingers through Nico's hair, pressing soft kisses to his forehead. At some point, he set the pizza down on the floor, pulled the blankets over their body and at some point he realizes that Nico's asleep, his breath warm on Will's skin. Will smiles as he sinks down into the bed, holding Nico tightly, almost as if to anchor himself to that one moment so he can hold it in his chest forever and ever.
As per Nico's request, he sleeps on the way to the city and he wakes up to flashing lights, honking horns and loud talking, and his heart sinks a little bit in his chest as he realizes that they're back in the city. There was once a time he was excited to be there, there was a time that it felt so foreign but after being across the country and back, it just reminds him of home. "You wanted to go to Katz's Deli, right?" Nico's voice is dull as he pulls into a parking spot and Will knows that he's feeling it, too, the weight on his chest that means that soon, they'll be home.
"Yeah," Will says. He should be more excited but his voice comes out flat, the dread of going home weighing down on him. They walk with heavy steps to the deli with each ticking second bringing them closer to the minute they'll have to leave and they eat their sandwiches quietly, and Will watches Nico stare at the portraits on the wall with blank eyes.
"Tell you what," Will says at last after the silence becomes too much to bear. "We extend the trip."
"Will, you know we can't," Nico says with a sigh, setting down his sandwich. "We're basically out of money, and we need some time in the summer to relax and get ready, and I have my family reunion in a week, and-"
"Hang on," Will says, reaching across the table and giving Nico's hand a light squeeze. "I didn't say forever. What about just for tonight we get a hotel somewhere in the city, get some room service for dinner and just extend this trip for one more night. Come on, we both need this." He can hear the pleading in his voice. "I'm not ready for this to end." Nico seems to be thinking about it, chewing on his fingernails but after a few seconds that make Will's heart pound he nods, a small smile spreading across his face.
"You know what?" he says. "Fuck it. Yeah, let's do it. Do you have anywhere in mind?"
"The Hilton a few blocks down is having a deal." Nico looks hesitant, his eyes flitting back down to his sandwich. "Come on. We still have some money left."
"This is definitely gonna put us over budget."
"Yeah, but you want to," Will says. "I can see it in your eyes, Neeks. Please?"
"Yeah, sure, why not?" Nico says, a grin spreading across his face as he stands up, pressing a long, hard kiss onto Will's lips over the table. "You're right, anyway. This can't end. At least, not yet." Will feels himself smiling and suddenly the pictures on the wall seem more vibrant, the smells wafting off of the thick slabs of meat are richer, the chatter surrounding them happier. And Will feels something bubbly in his chest, something that he knows is pulling up the sides of his mouth and making his eyes sparkle because it isn't for long but they have a few more hours until they have to go back home.
Their room at the Hilton is pristine, white towels folded on top of a white comforter spread over white sheets. They got lucky and their window stares out over the heads of the city and in the low light of the ending day the lights look like gemstones. "What do you want to do?" Nico asks, changing quickly into his pajamas. His suitcase is a mess at that point; Will notices that he's lost a few socks on the way and there's sand scattered at the bottom but it's a reminder of the trip, the miles driven and the laughs shared.
"Nothing," Will says after a long silence. "Let's just watch bad tv and stay in bed for the whole night." Nico grins and after Will changes he pulls him down, running a finger through his hair.
"That sounds really nice," he says, kissing him. Will feels the butterflies in his stomach again, the ones that he got when Nico told him he liked him and the same ones he knows he'll get every single time he looks at him. If there's anything that he was glad that came out of the trip he was glad it was him and Nico.
The only thing that they can find is a kid's show that neither of them had ever heard of before and they curl up, Nico in Will's arms as Will runs his hands through Nico's hair. He smells strangely sweet despite the weeks they've been on the road and Will can't explain it but his skin is soft underneath Will's. "Are you getting hungry?" Will asks quietly once they can see the shadow of the moon behind a tall skyscraper next to him.
"A little," Nico says, picking himself up from Will's arms. His hair is sticking up in the back and he groans as he stretches out his limbs, rubbing his eyes. "Is there a menu?"
"Yeah, take a look." Nico frowns looking at the menu.
"It's all fancy and expensive."
"Yeah, but that's what we want. We have to spend the rest of our money."
"That's not what we want, and we've already spent the rest of our money. I'm gonna be dipping into my college money."
"It's one meal," Will says, glancing over Nico's shoulder at the menu. The twenty-six dollar salmon stands out, and the thirty-four dollar filet mignon. "Let's get a pizza." Nico is side-eyeing him but Will can see the smile on his face and the way his cheeks look rosy.
"Fine," Nico says. "I'll call." He shakes his head, reaching for the phone. "You really know how to convince me."
"It wasn't that hard," Will says, wrapping his arms around Nico's waist and kissing him softly on the cheek. Nico laughs lightly, his face flushing even more.
"I'm trying to order," he says, but Will can hear the happiness in his voice. He keeps glancing over at Will as he talks to the person on the other end of the phone, and Will can tell that he's fighting to keep his laughter at bay. "I hate you," he says once he's hung up, his face bright red.
"Why?" Will asks.
"Every time I see you, I just can't-" he shakes his head. "Never mind." He takes Will's face in both of his hands, kissing him hard until Will feels as if his heart will explode. "Hey," he says quietly once they're done. "What time do we have to leave tomorrow?"
"Check out time is eleven." The mood in the room drops instantly and Will feels Nico curl into a ball, dull eyes staring at the screen.
"Maybe it's time," Nico says. "Nothing will change once we get back though, right?"
"Never in a million years." He watches as a smile spreads across Nico's face and he relaxes, right in Will's arms. Maybe going back won't be quite as disappointing as he thought it would be, he thinks to himself. And maybe, just maybe, he's ready.
They wake up later than they ever had on the trip, packing their clothes in fifteen minutes before sprinting down to the hotel desk to check out. They stop at the breakfast bar before they leave, where Will shoves bacon and eggs into his mouth and Nico douses a waffle in chocolate syrup and cramming it into his mouth as they walk out the door. "I'll drive home," Nico says, swallowing the rest of the waffle in one bite. Will winces as he watches the lump go down his throat.
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah, idiot, get in the passenger seat." Will sits down heavily, part of him wishing that it was his hands that were maneuvering the wheel to bring them out of the city his feet pressing on the gas. He isn't sure what he's supposed to do for two hours but think about what's behind them, and wonder what's ahead. There's a small sense of comfort when Nico sets his hand on Will's leg, giving him a small smile as he drives. "Only two and a half hours," Nico says, a tiny quiver in his voice.
"Yeah," Will says quietly. "Only two and a half hours."
When he sees the sign welcoming them to Albany his heart sinks in his chest and he glances at Nico to see his face a few shades too pale, and his knuckles are white around the wheel. Almost as an instinct, he sets his hand on Nico's shoulder, giving it a light squeeze and earning a strained smile in return. Yes, when they get back they'll have to face college and moving three thousand miles away from each other, and they'll have to begin to leave high school behind. But maybe, those won't be the worst things in the world.
"Are you ready?" Will asks, staring around at his surroundings as the streets become more and more familiar, and he sees one of his old classmates.
"Yeah," Nico says, pausing at the corner of the street that will lead them into their neighborhood. "I'm ready."
Hi guys, so I just want to start out with saying that, once again, I'm sorry this was late. But if it makes it any better ever part of this series was at least twice as long as my other one-shots, so you're kind of getting two for one. Also, I honestly loved doing this series, I think that it tested my ability to plan out a plot and develop characters, and I liked that it went a lot more into depth than most of my other one-shots so if you like these longer ones let me know! Anyway, I hope you liked this one and I really hope you liked the series!
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