Let's Be Nerds Together(p2)
Here's a part two to last week's one shot, also I figured that I'd have Nico speak Italian since in this he lives in Italy. There's not much in there and it's not too hard to figure out what they mean but lettera means letter and grazie means thank you. With that all said, enjoy!
Will's POV
His mom patted his back as he watched the plane soar into the sky, bringing Nico far, far, away from him. "Such a shame that he's leaving," she sighed, her hand resting on his back. "You two had such a special connection. It was beautiful, honestly, so see you reach out to someone like that."
"You have no idea," he sighed, fighting to keep his expression neutral. His face was a mask, covering up his true feelings. Every inch the plane moved away from him it was pulling two pieces of his heart further and further apart. After what felt like a single second his mother was tugging his shoulder gently, urging him away from the window and in the direction of the car. When he slid into his seat he was numb and he barely registered the gentle bumps of the car as they moved down the highway with one less passenger than before. His heart leapt with a short burst of joy when he saw the sleek silver body of a plane splitting through the clouds but it plummeted as soon as it had sped past him, the hundreds of feet between them quieting the roar of the engine to a quiet whizz as it carried Nico through the sky.
He shut himself in his room as soon as he stepped through the door, collapsing onto his bed and letting sunlight filter through the window. He buried his face in his pillow and amidst a mass of soft fabric he could almost feel Nico's presence in the room, could almost hear as he turned the page of yet another comic. But when he opened his eyes the comics were still shoved inside the drawer next to his bookshelf, collecting dust. If he closed his eyes he could bring himself back to the hot summer days tucked inside of his room with Nico by his side but when he opened them again he was still in his room, alone with the heat burning his back. He heaved a sigh, turning over and splaying his arms across the bed.
He pushed himself up when he heard a knock at his door and when he pulled it open Kayla was standing in the doorway, holding a wide ceramic plate with Oreos rimming the edge and welch's fruit snacks piled on the inside. "I made you a snack," she announced, offering him the plate. "The Oreos are double stuff."
"Didn't you only have one pack of Oreos left?" he asked, taking the plate. She shrugged.
"Yeah, but you seem sad," she said. "You need Oreos right now more than I do. And I picked out all of the grape fruit snacks, I know how much you hate them."
"Thanks," Will said, laughing. "You're a pretty good sister sometimes." She wrapped her arms around his waist, squeezing tightly.
"I'm sorry Nico left," she said. "I know how much you like him." Will sighed, a watery smile spreading across his face.
"It's okay," he sighed, fighting back tears. "I'm just sad he's gone."
The first letter arrived two weeks after his departure. "Will!" Naomi called up the stairs. Will took his eyes off of his game boy, standing up and throwing open his door.
"Letter came for you!" he frowned as he thumped down the stairs, swinging on the banister to face Naomi.
"From who?" he asked, grabbing the letter.
"Nico," she responded. "He sent one to the family, but this one was specifically addressed to you."
"Thanks." He ripped it open as he pounded back up the stairs, shutting the door behind him and hopping onto his bed. He ripped it open, unfolding a letter filled with curvy black lettering. He smiled at the slight slant to the left, the way that he wrote the date the European way and way the c and o of his name tied together ever so slightly.
Dear Will,
I'm going to start out with the complete truth and say that I miss you. A single day hasn't gone by where I haven't thought about you, and I can't decide if I hate it or love it. Every time I close my eyes I see your smile, and I still can't get your comic voices out of my head. I've been reading the comic you gave me a lot. Sometimes I try to recreate the voice you used for Batman, but I can never get it quite right. It's been really hot here, too, and my house doesn't have air conditioning. All I want to do is sit next to you and read comics and watch movies but you're an ocean away, and I miss you. I want to kiss you again. I miss your lips.
Love, Nico.
Will felt himself smiling. He could almost see Nico leaning against the wall in his bedroom, trying to escape the hot Italian summer as he scrawled words to Will on a sheet of paper. The words felt like magic to him and he stared at then until they blurred and doubled in front of his eyes and he forced himself to fold it up gently, slipping it back into the envelope decorated with smiley faces and set it on the corner of his desk as he sat down, smoothing out his own sheet of paper and grabbing a pencil from his case. It hovered above the paper for a few seconds before touching down, scrawling out a Dear Nico.
Nico's POV
"Nico! Lettera!" his mother yelled up the stairs, and when he appeared at the mouth of the stairs she was waving a white envelope at him, decorated with peeling batman stickers plastered over the paper. His face lit up and he catapulted down the stairs, plucking it from her hand.
"Grazie," he muttered, his attention already diverted to the envelope. It was the size of a small book, thick between his fingers. He tore it open, careful not to rupture any of the batman stickers smiling up at him, chiseled face masked behind a piece of black cloth. He sat on the edge of his bed, running his fingers over the folded piece of paper. Underneath it sat a colorful book but he gave all of his attention to the letter, the neat black writing leaking through the paper. He grinned when he saw Will's handwriting for the first time in what felt like centuries and he sunk into his pillow as he let himself be absorbed in the words.
Dear Nico,
I almost cried from happiness when I saw your letter come in the mail. I'd say that you have no idea how much I miss you but from the sound of your letter, you miss me just as much as I miss you. I'm dreading school starting soon. I'm not sure when your's starts but all I know is that you were here during the summer, and I associate summer with you, and with our relationship. When fall comes I know the memories are going to start leaving, and I think that's one of my biggest fears in the world. Anyway, I read in your letter that you had been reading the comic I gave you over and over, and I gave you a little something so you don't have to read the other one five million times. I love you and I miss you, and hopefully I'll see you again soon.
Love, Will.
He stared at the letter for a few seconds before folding it up carefully, setting it on his bedside table so that it would be the first thing he saw in the morning and the last thing he saw at night. He pulled the book out of the envelope, the cover depicting Batman standing heroically on the top of a building with Robin by his side. When he opened it he could almost hear Will's batman voice in his head, laughing under his breath when he imagined his voice raising slightly when he switched to Robin. He flipped through the pages, each one murmuring memories of Will. He would have to stop reading soon, though; he had a letter to write.
Will's POV
He would bring his folding chair out to the mailbox, setting it up on the edge of the driveway and waiting patiently for the woman in blue to stick a handful of envelopes into the baby blue box. After three weeks, he began to lose hope. During the fourth week, as leaves blew circles in the wind around his head, she handed him a box. The light brown sides were taped down with batman duct tape and when he shook it gently something hit the edges before settling down at the bottom. "Thank you," he rushed out as the woman slid the rest of the envelopes into the mailbox. If it had been any other day he would have sifted through the envelopes desperately but the only thing that stood out that day was the box, like a diamond shining amid a pile of pebbles.
The house was too far away so he pulled his legs up onto the folding chair, gently tearing the duct tape off of the sides and spreading it out on the front of the box so that he could see the many heroic poses of Batman staring up at him. He lifted the sides of the box so that he could see the piece of paper sitting on top of whatever else was in the box, picking it up and feeling the paper in his hands for a few seconds before opening it. That single piece of paper had flown across the ocean, just to tell him Nico's thoughts. Just that made magic spark from the letter and he hastened his actions, his eyes flying to the date. Four weeks ago. That letter had been written four weeks ago. Nico had never intended to ignore him.
Dear Will,
I was so happy that you wrote back. Part of me didn't think you would. I had a feeling that you would, but there was still this little part of me that didn't think it would happen. Anyway, school sucks. It would suck less if I could look over and see you, though. I miss seeing your face, and I miss you. I'm planning a surprise for you, and I think it's going to be amazing. In the meantime, I bought you a present. I felt bad for all of the comics you've given me. It's small, but I hope you like it. I miss you, and I love you.
Love, Nico.
He was smiling as he folded up the letter, sticking it safely inside of the box and pulling out the smaller box tucked inside. A small, heart shaped sticky note was covering up a part of the Batman action figure stuck inside the plastic mold and he pulled it off, his eyes scanning the writing. Hope you like it, Will. He stuck the sticky note on the side of the box- maybe he would keep it next to his bed, or fold up the box and frame it. He wasn't sure, but he knew that the box would be in his room for years to come. He pulled the action figure out of the box, grinning at the removable mask and the legs that bended. As he explored all of the options the action figure had to offer, one line in the letter stood out. I miss your face. There was something about that line that he couldn't shake so he leapt up, grabbing the box underneath his arm and pounding inside.
"Kayla?" he called. Her head appeared from behind the couch, flyaways sticking up from her hair and a frown on her face.
"What?" she muttered.
"I need your help with something," he told her.
"Will, can't you see I'm watching tv? Can't it wait?"
"No, I need help right now," he gasped. She rolled her eyes, pushing herself up and turning the tv off.
"What do you need?" she grumbled, crossing her arms and tapping her foot on the floor.
"I need you to take a picture of me."
Nico's POV
As soon as he heard mail being pushed inside of the mailbox he jumped up from his bed, sprinting down the stairs and running out into the snow dusted driveway, rummaging around inside of the mailbox until he pulled out an envelope wrapped in comic pages, a speech bubble cut out of the page where Nico's address was written in Will's handwriting. He smiled as he opened it, a letter covering up something slightly bulkier. He read the letter first, his heart fluttering at the Dear Nico scrawled at the top of the page.
I think about you every night, just thought you should know that. I miss you like crazy and honestly sometimes our time together feels like a dream. Speaking of dreams, I'm taking one of those psychology classes as one of my electives. It's really cool, and I think you'd like it, too. I learned that my recurring dream about you is probably caused by the fact that I miss you a ton. I just want to go back to summer again, just so I'll have you back. I have this really mean math teacher, too. Mrs. Dodds. She smells like mothballs and thinks that comic books are the end of real books and takes them away whenever I read in class. I wish you were here to make fun of her with me. Also, I remembered what you said about missing my face, and I put in something else for you, just something I think you'll enjoy. And thank you so much for the action figure. I keep him on my nightstand and whenever I see it, it makes me think of you. Crazy how little things like that can make someone's life so much better. Just like you. Lastly, what's the surprise you mentioned? I'm so curious now, and I can hardly wait to find out what it is.
Love, Will.
Nico could feel tears welling up in his eyes as he pulled the polaroid out of the envelope, showing Will spread out on the floor, surrounded by his comics and hugging the action figure to his chest. Love you to the moon and back was written on the white bottom and Nico slipped it with the letter safely inside of his back pocket. Soon he would write back but for the time being, he needed to get to work. The surprise wouldn't happen without it.
Will's POV
The letters continued as the year progressed, coming paired with small gifts ad polaroids that seemed to act as portals across the ocean. Three days from Christmas a thick package arrived and Will tore it open to find a six inch bat mobile with wheels that rolled and the newest set of comics and he knew that his present of batman footie pajamas were folded carefully into a box, most likely already at Nico's doorstep as he sat in his bed on New Year's Eve, flipping through the comics as snow fell like powdered sugar on the ground. Kayla and their parents were gone, at a New Year's party that he had refused to go to. He would rather be home, reading his comics and wishing that Nico was by his side.
When he heard a knock at the door he rolled his eyes, setting his comic down and slogging down the stairs. The moon was spilling a dull light onto the ground as he opened the door, revealing a black haired boy with a suitcase underneath his arm smiling at him with a body wrapped in Batman footie pajamas. At first, Will thought he was hallucinating. He could feel his mouth dropping open and his hand moving to rest on Nico's arm, solid in his grip. Hallucination's weren't solid, he told himself. "Nico," he gasped, tears dripping down his face. They stood with snow brushing their shoulders for a split second before Will flung his arms around Nico's shoulders, squeezing him tightly. "Nico."
"I missed you," Nico grinned, wrapping his arms around Will's waist. It felt right, like they fit together and for a few magical seconds Will was brought back to the short period of time when they were together, the worries about Nico leaving far, far away from them. For a few magical seconds they stood on Will's doorstep with snow drifting gently down onto their heads. When they broke apart Nico was still there in Will's arms and Will was feeling the best feeling he had ever felt in his life.
"How are you here?" They were both crying and Will would have been scared that they would freeze on their faces but in that moment, nothing could go wrong.
"I got a job," Nico replied, wiping the tears from his face with the back of his hand. "I saved up for the cheapest plane ticket I could, I couldn't bear not seeing you again. My vacation lasts another week, so I'm staying until then. I called your mom ahead of time, she said it was fine."
"I think I'm dreaming." Nico slung his arms around Will's neck, pressing a kiss to his lips.
"Still think you're dreaming?" Will laughed, kissing Nico back.
"I can't believe this," he said. "I actually can't believe this."
"And I'm coming back next summer," Nico grinned. "Hopefully the school year, too. I talked to your mom about it and she said that if I did, I'd always be welcome here." Will was still crying as the snow piled around him, his socked feet freezing but he could barely hear it.
"I love you. I love you so much." In his state of shock it was the only thing he could say and Nico engulfed him in a hug, his tears falling onto Will's shirt.
"I love you, too."
Hey guys, I've been doing a little bit of thinking and I really like these multi-part stories I've been doing recently, and I might try to do more of them in the future. I feel like they let me dig deeper into the story a little bit and explore the characters, so let me know what you guys think about that and I hope you liked it!
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