I'm yours
This is a request for @stitchthecat, so I really hope you like this! Also, about half of you got my Hamilton reference last week, which was great.
Will's POV
Nico bounded down the street, tugging on my hand like an excited child. All around me, pride flags hung in windows and store fronts in honor for the epic pride week that was happening in New York, the one that Nico and I had somehow convinced Chiron into letting us go to.
"Will, look! They're selling rainbow pancakes!" Nico gushed, staring at the multi- colored food in awe. "Can we get one?"
"Nico, we're not eating a pancake made in the street, even if it is rainbow color," I laughed. "Anyway, I'm surprised you're this excited, considering the minimal effort you put into your outfit."
"What are you talking about? I put in plenty of effort," he said, gesturing to the rainbow shirt he had worn, vastly different from the usual black he always wore. "Besides, I didn't want to go to far out. Have you looked in the mirror recently?"
"I thought the pride flag on my face was a great idea. Although the dyed hair might have been overkill." Nico laughed.
"You know how much I love you right?" A smile lit up his face, and I could see how happy he was. It filled me with joy just to see him smile like that.
I bent down to his level, puckering my lips. "You can kiss me, if you want." In response, he gently punched my arm.
"I'm not that much shorter than you," he muttered.
"Well, more than a head is quite a bit of height." In response, he rolled his eyes.
"Come on, lets just go get food. I'm hungry."
"You know, I could give you a piggyback, if you wanted." I watched his eyes light up like a child.
"Really?" I crouched down, and Nico hopped onto my back.
"So," I laughed. "Where to, your majesty?" Nico pointed to the hot dog stand.
"Over to the stand with the meat in a bun, if you please."
I started walking, Nico pointing out the sights as we passed. We didn't get much time out of camp, so when we did get to escape it was like a gem.
"Look at that!" Nico said, pointing to the rainbow balloons that were lining the shops. Music reached my ears, and I smiled at the happiness around me.
"Alright, we're here," I said. Nico slid down off of my back and examined the menu that was stapled to the side of the stand.
"I'll have a cheese dog," I told the woman behind the counter.
"Make that two," Nico said, standing at my side. The woman gave us a warm smile as she put the hot dogs in a microwave so that the cheese could melt.
"I love pride week," she sighed. "It's always so nice to see couples young and in love, proud of who they are." Nico grinned back at her. He stood on his tip toes and gave me another small kiss on the cheek.
"I told you you were shorter than me," I laughed. Nico swatted me on the arm.
"Shut up, you."
The lady smiled as she handed us our cheese dogs. "That'll be four dollars." I reached into my back left pocket and fished out four crumpled one dollar bills.
"Thank you," I said. Nico and I turned around and when we did, a boy about our age was standing directly in front of us.
He had to be about six feet, definitely taller than me. His hair was the same color as mine, a golden blonde, but somehow it seemed to fall better, more attractively. His eyes were a brilliant emerald green that sparkled as he gave us a cheeky grin. His huge muscles bulged through his Green Day tank top, and he wore casual blue jeans and sneakers. To sum him up, he was a lot cooler, and a lot better looking, than me.
"I'm Robbie," he said, speaking primarily to Nico and completely ignoring me. "What's your name?"
"Nico," he said flatly, clearly uninterested in the guy. That made my heartbeat slow down a little bit, but not by much.
"I like your shirt," he said.
"I like yours, too," Nico responded, the boy clearly growing on him. I knew that Nico was a huge Green Day fan.
"Hows your hot dog?" asked the boy. "I don't usually eat them but if you like it, than I'm sure it's good enough for me." What had previously been casual talking, albeit casual talking that made me nervous, had now turned into obvious flirting. I saw a faint blush start to creep up Nico's cheeks, and I couldn't blame him. This guy was pretty much Will Solace 2.0.
"It's good," Nico said, looking down at the hot dog. I didn't think he was buying into Robbie's flirting thing, but I could never be sure.
"Well, if you don't mind, maybe I could try a bite of yours." I saw Nico's face go a full shade of red, similar to the cherry slushies that were being sold a few stands away.
"I- I," Nico stammered, clearly uncomfortable. He took a step away, a little bit closer to me. I figured it was time to intervene.
"Hello," I said loudly, stepping between Nico and Robbie. "I'm Will, Nico's boyfriend." I stuck out a hand, trying to seem nonchalant, but really I could feel anger roaring in my ears. I put on a huge smile, trying to scare Robbie away.
It seemed to work. Robbie stepped away from me, clearly awkward. "So, uh, I guess I'll get one of those hot dogs now. Bye, Nico." I couldn't help but feel satisfaction as he ordered his hot dog, shifting his weight uncomfortably. I grabbed Nico's hand, and he squeezed back.
"Come on, I wanted to buy one of those light up flower lanyards. They're so stereotypically gay that I've been wanting one since we got here."
"Will," Nico said, looking up at me. A serious voice had crept into his tone. "You know you're my boyfriend, right?"
"Where did that come from?" I laughed. "I thought we made it official months ago, or am I not remembering right?"
"Its just that, back there with Robbie, I knew you felt a little bit threatened. If it was the other way around, I know I would be. So I just wanted to tell you that I'm yours, nobody else's."
"Same goes for me," I said, getting in line to buy the flower lanyards. "I'm yours."
So, I hope you guys liked that. Also, we're super close to 20k, so I'm really happy about that!
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