I'm Thankful for You
So I know it's past thanksgiving and (most likely) not all of you celebrate Thanksgiving, but I wanted to write this cute little idea I had, and it seemed right to add Thanksgiving into it. Enjoy!
Will's POV
It was a chilly late fall morning when the entirety of Camp Half Blood was loaded onto the Delphi Strawberry Services bus, about twenty demigods packed on, talking loudly and throwing whatever they could find stuck to the seats. Argus already looked like he was beginning to get annoyed with the crowd, his hundred eyes half closed in an expression of annoyance. Chiron stood at the front of the bus, his tail sticking out of the door as he attempted to corral the campers. "Please, everyone, be calm! I know that going to Olympus is very exciting, but you must be civil. It has been years since the gods have invited us to dine with them for thanksgiving, and we want to be invited back again. If you will just let me do attendance to make sure no one went and got themselves killed, we can get going." He rattled off a list of names until he got to Lou Ellen's, stopping in the middle of her name. "Lou Ellen?" he called out. "Cecil, do you know where she is?" Cecil shrugged just as Lou Ellen popped her head out from underneath one of the seats, dust scattered in her green hair.
"Sorry, Chiron, just had to grab something. I'm here." Something squealed in her arms and she shushed it, giving Chiron a sheepish smile. Chiron sighed, doing his best to sit in one of the seats. His body took up the entire thing, and his legs stuck out into the aisle.
"You can go, Argus," he sighed. He already sounded tired.
"I can't believe we're going to Olympus," Nico muttered, sliding down in his seat next to me and crossing his arms over his chest. "We can eat just fine at camp without all of this extra hassle."
"It's going to be fun," I promised him. "It's going to be twenty rowdy demigods running around in Olympus, and maybe the gods will have some food that humans can eat without burning up." Nico groaned.
"You're not making me feel better about this," he said. "All they're going to have is ambrosia and necter, and I'm going to be starving for the entire night." I reached into my jacket pocket, pulling out a granola bar and handing it to my boyfriend.
"Don't worry, I brought supplies," I said. "There's more where that came from." Nico unwrapped it and took a bite.
"Why do you even have this?" he asked. "And why did you say you have more? Why are you carrying around a massive supply of granola bars?"
"I'm your doctor," I reminded him. "It's my job to make sure you don't starve." The bus was moving down a long, winding road, people pressing their faces to the window as they stared out at the bare trees on the side of the highway.
"I don't need you to take care of me," Nico complained. "I'm old enough to take care of myself."
"Don't be so sure about that," I told him. "If it wasn't for me you'd be dead by now, one hundred percent guaranteed." It was just then when Cecil and Lou Ellen leaned over the seat, twin grins on their faces.
"Hey, we have to show you guys something," Cecil whispered. Lou Ellen opened up her arms to reveal a tiny shimmering piglet curled up in her arms, asleep.
"We're going to let it loose in Olympus," Lou Ellen giggled. "It's going to be great."
"They're going to figure it out," Nico said. "You're the only child of Hecate on the bus, and the only way any of us could have gotten a pig is by magic." Their grins wavered for half a second before coming back as strong as ever.
"We'll find a way around that," Cecil said. "It's going to be the best prank ever pulled on anyone. Just you wait." They sat back down and although they were out of sight we could still here them whispering plans to one another. Some part of them thought that releasing a magical pig at Thanksgiving dinner with the gods was a good idea and I wasn't going to stop them.
"How much longer until we're there?" Nico asked.
"About half an hour," I responded. "We're not in the city yet." Nico groaned, pulling his legs up to the seat and leaning his head against the top of my arm. The hood of his black sweatshirt was up and it cast a shadow over his thin face. "Are you bored?" I asked him. I felt him shake his head.
"This is nice," he said. "Right here with you." I put my arm around his shoulders and as he scooted closer to me I could see him smile.
The bus stopped in front of the empire state building and twenty demigods pushed and shoved their way out of the bus. I could see the pig's tiny head poking out of Cecil's huge sweatshirt pocket as he and Lou Ellen attempted to hide it. Nico took his head off of my arm and the two of us unboarded last, although Chiron waited for us to get off before he himself did. "Make sure there are no mortals in the elevator before you get on!" he was yelling to the excited crowd. "Ten at a time, everyone!" Nico and I slid into the second group going up and our ears were bombarded with elevator music for a good five minutes until there was a ding and the elevator opened up to the bustling streets of Olympus. One day I would love to come here with just me and Nico. We would walk the streets, listen to the bards and look at everything there was to see. But we had strict orders to go directly to the dining hall so the group of ten walked in a clump down the street until we reached the palace.
The ceiling of the dining room was at least thirty feet tall, with an ornate silver chandelier hanging down from the middle. The table was the right size for a regular human and I wad relieved that we wouldn't be eating with twelve twenty foot gods. As soon as our entire group was in the hall the gods whisked in, each one thankfully only standing at about six or seven feet, although they still seemed to tower over us.
"So glad you could make it," Zeus said. He was dressed in a dark blue pinstripe suit, his hair and beard neatly brushed. He rang a tiny bell and nymphs rushed in, carrying platters of nectar and ambrosia. "Shall we eat?"
None of the gods seemed to notice that none of the demigods were eating a thing, and they seemed oblivious to the growling stomachs around the table. I nudged Nico and when he glanced over at me I could see the boredom in his eyes. "How about we get out of here?" I suggested, leaning over and whispering so that none of the surrounding people could hear us.
"Won't someone notice?"
"Not if we're subtle," I said. I hopped out of my chair, sliding it underneath the table without a sound. Nico did the same and we slipped out of the dining room without a single pair of eyes on us.
The streets of Olympus were quiet, most of the minor gods, goddesses and other assorted creatures in their houses. Nico and I walked down the street hand in hand, admiring the lights strung up in the thick trees and the burbling stream that seemed to pass through the whole city. I slipped him a granola bar and he ate it readily, swiping a few crumbs from the corner of his mouth. "You should eat one, too," he said. "They should be for both of us." My stomach growled, the day's lack of food catching up to me.
"Yeah, you're right," I said, unwrapping a pumpkin one. The taste reminded me of fall, of cozy nights and walking through the chilly streets with Nico by my side. "Where do you want to go?" I asked.
"It depends," he responded. "How much time do we have?"
"We're not leaving for hours," I told him. "I'm not sure what we're doing until we leave but they probably won't notice that we're gone." We passed a small lit park with a cute white gazebo in the middle, hosting the nine muses. They stood in a semicircle on the gazebo and beautiful music drifted on the breeze back to us. "How about here?" I lead him to the middle of the park, red, orange and gold leaves scattered around our feet. I took his hands, putting them on my shoulders. His hands were warm and although I was wearing a jacket I was still cold, but his hands seemed to help. I wrapped my arms around his waist and we swayed back and forth to the tune coming from the muses. It was light and melodic but at the same time it was full of meaning and hauntingly beautiful. Nico's head was resting on my chest, his hands still lightly holding onto my shoulders. The muses kept playing. Maybe it was for us, maybe it was for them or maybe it was a combination of the two but whatever the reason I was grateful for their music. I couldn't remember the last romantic moment I had had with Nico. It was too long ago, I knew that, and I didn't want this one to end.
"I know it's kind of cheesy to say, but I'm thankful for you, Will," Nico said, his voice muffled as his mouth pressed slightly against my jacket. He looked up and my blue eyes connected with his brown ones and from that connection I understood everything he wanted to tell me. "You know I don't say a lot of things with confidence, but I can say with confidence that you're one of the best things that
"I'm thankful for you, too, death boy," I whispered. "I love you."
"I love you, too." He didn't say anything after that but as we danced to the music of the muses in the moonlight, I knew that he was happy.
Hi guys! I hope you liked that one! Remember, if anyone wants to request anything, go right ahead!
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