I'll be your Server (part 2)
Two weeks ago I had a request to do a part two of I'll be your Server, so I thought I'd write it. Enjoy!
Nico's POV
I tapped my feet on the concrete ground at the back of the restaurant where Will had instructed me to meet him, waiting nervously for the blonde haired beauty to show his face. It had been a long time since I had casually dated, and I wanted the rest of the night to go well.
Escaping my parent's talon like grasp had been a nightmare. I had argued, begged and lied to my parents to let me go out without them for the rest of the night, but they wouldn't budge. Finally, I had to say that I was going to bed, paying Hazel twenty dollars to make sure that they didn't notice I was missing. She had greedily accepted the money and I had climbed out my window, making no noise, and soundlessly driving away back into the city. if they asked where my car had gone, Hazel had been instructed to tell them that I had taken it in for repairs. I had set up the night perfectly so that I could stay out all night and if Will bailed on me, I would have done it all for nothing.
"Hey." I heard a voice from the shadows. I turned around to see Will coming from the front of the restaurant. He was still wearing his black pants and shirt, but he had ditched the apron so I could properly see all of his lean but muscular figure. Seeing him looking so good, I immediately felt embarrassed that I was still wearing my wrinkled dress shirt and awful bright red tie that my father had insisted I wore. I hadn't had time to change into anything better looking, for fear of being late. Subconsciously, I brush a twig from the top of my head.
"Sorry I look so bad," I apologized. Will gave me a half smile.
"I think you look incredible." I felt myself blush. Will was sweet, kind and cute. He was exactly what I was looking for.
"So, where do you want to go?" I asked. It was late by now, nearly midnight, but the city was still a bustling metropolis, waiting to be explored.
"Follow me," Will instructed, glancing toward the street. The restaurant was in the quieter part of the city, and we were the only voices I could here. "I know a place."
I followed Will back to the street where he turned left, walking purposefully toward an unknown destination. I had to jog a little bit to keep up with his long strides. Will turned a corner, bringing us onto a small side street, dimly lit by flickering street lights. It might have felt creepy if I was alone but tonight it seemed to give off a peaceful vibe, as if it were an untouched corner of the universe. Will stopped at the front of a small cafe, the open sign hanging in one of the large windows. "We're here," he announced with a huge smile. When he pushed open the thin glass door, I heard a bell chime above us.
Dark oak tables and chairs filled the interior of the cafe, while art and posters covered the wall. The medium sized room was empty, save the young twenty something year old girl behind the counter. Her long brown hair was tied up in a ponytail, and she seemed content listening t the quiet music that was coming out of the speakers on the wall. The room was dimly lit by the lights on the ceiling and there was a smell of fresh brewed coffee in the air.
"I come here every day after work," Will confided, smiling fondly as he gazed around the room. "Laurie and I are pretty tight." The girl behind the counter, whose name, I assumed was Laurie, glanced up from wiping down the counter and smiled.
"That's right," she said. "The usual for you, Will?" Will nodded. "And who's this?"
"We're on a date," I blushed. My eyes flitted to Laurie, and I could see a smile playing across her face.
"Good," she said. "Will doesn't go out enough, and he needs to. I always try to help him get a boyfriend, but he never seems to listen to me." Will rolled his eyes.
"Nico, what do you want? I'd recommend the mocha latte. That's what I always get."
"That sounds perfect," I decided.
"This is the best seat," Will told me, pointing toward a small table in the back of the room. It was a small two seater with a candle flickering in the middle. Immediately, I could see why Will liked it. It was surrounded by an aura of peacefulness and was perfect for late nights by yourself after work. Will pulled out the chair for me and I could feel my face heat up as I sat down. I couldn't help it; Will was a gentleman.
Laurie brought over our lattes, flashing us a sly smile. "Have fun, you two," she smirked.
Will's POV
As the night wore on, I expected to run out of conversation topics. I expected to get tired, or to want to go home. None of those things happened. Nico, I found, was hilarious and kind, the exact opposite of his parents. He regaled me with stories of sneaking out during his childhood, and raved about his younger sister, Hazel. I had been on a lot of bad dates. One had broken my arm on accident, one had sneaked out the window just to get away from me and one had even been an escaped felon, only using me to escape the police. Nico was like none of these people. He was the perfect first date.
"I'm going home," Laurie called out. She tossed the keys onto our table. "Lock up when you leave, will you?" Nico looked at me.
"We can stay longer?" he asked, a hint of excitement creeping into his voice.
"Of course," Laurie grinned. "I trust the both of you. Besides, I don't want to cut your evening short." She winked at us as she waltzed out the door. "Night, guys." The door clicked shut behind her. We were alone now, free to do whatever we wanted and talk about whatever we wanted. Nico took a sip of his latest mocha latte, his third one of the night. When he looked up from his mug again, his eyes met mine.
"I really like you, Will," he pronounced, looking right at me as he said it. "I haven't dated a lot and when I do, it doesn't feel like this. With you, it feels like I can be whoever I want to be and you won't judge me, no matter how strange or crazy I am." He looked back down at his mug, suddenly embarrassed by his touching words. "I'm sorry to spring this on you, especially considering we only met tonight. But it's how I feel, and I hope we can do it again tonight." I felt the happiness that had been in my chest all night form wings and soar.
"You don't have to be embarrassed, Nico. I feel the same way." He looked back up from his mug, looking happier than he had all night. "I've dated a lot of guys. Some good, others not so much. There have been a few that I had really liked, but I know one thing; none of them even compare to you. I know we just met, but I want to give us a try."
"Are you asking me out?" Nico grinned.
"I think I am," I responded.
"Well, there's no way that I could say no to someone as amazing as you." Nico smiled, but it was soon overtaken by a yawn that told me it was time to wrap things up, at least for tonight.
"Are you getting tired?" I queried. "I can walk you home, if you want." Nico shook his head, gazing around the empty cafe.
"I don't want to leave," he pleaded. My eyes fell to the table, where the keys were still sitting.
"There's a break room in the back, I think," I said thoughtfully. "I could lock up and we can spend the night in there. I know everyone who works here, and I'm sure none of them will mind." Nico furrowed his brow.
"Are you sure?" I nodded.
"I'm sure," I promised. I grabbed the key ring, walking over and locking the door to the cafe. Then, I walked to behind the counter, pushing back a curtain to reveal a comfortable break room, complete with a medium sized couch that two people could sleep on if they squeezed. I waved Nico to behind the curtain and the two of us climbed onto the couch. I held Nico tightly in my arms so that he wouldn't fall off the couch, and I could feel his chest rise as he heaved a content sigh.
"Goodnight," I sighed, my face in his soft black hair.
"Goodnight," he responded.
Hi guys! I had a really fun time writing that one, and I hope you liked it. Also, I want to remind everyone that requests are always open so if you want anything written you can let me know.
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