I'll be your Server
Nico and Will are about twenty in this
Nico's POV
I surveyed the restaurant, taking in the shiny walls and the fancy looking servers rushing around, carrying gleaming silver trays of decedent food. My family of four; my mother, my father, my younger sister Hazel and I arrived at the front of the restaurant. My mother, always used to getting the best service, tapped her black heel on the sleek floor.
"Server!" my father called out, glaring around the restaurant. "My family and I are waiting!" We waited a few more seconds, my parents getting more and more impatient as time went on. We had only been waiting half a minute, but they were unreasonably frustrated.
The door to the kitchen slammed open and a boy of about my age stumbled out. He was wearing the uniform of the restaurant, which consisted of a black button up, black pants and a white apron, which complimented his wavy blonde hair and his sky blue eyes. He had a spray of freckles across his tan face, and I could almost hear my heart from inside of my chest as I looked at him.
"I'm so sorry to keep you waiting," he murmured, grinning sheepishly. His smile slipped from his face when he saw the disapproving glares of my parents. I wanted to slap them for even daring to hurt the feelings of the adorable waiter standing before me. "Allow me to take you to your table."
"Finally," my mother sniffed. "Nico is home for spring break, and I want this dinner to be perfect. He works very hard, you know."
"I'm home for break myself," Will said, trying to start up a light conversation. "I go to New York University. I'm studying to become a doctor, but I have to work here part time to pay for my tuition."
"That must be awful, having to work for your education," I told Will. My father shot me a look, telling me not to talk to this boy, who was so "obviously beneath us", and I shut up. I could guess that Will got the idea as well, because he didn't talk for the rest of the walk to our table.
"Here you go, ma'am," Will grinned, sliding out the chair for my mother to sit in. "For you, we have the best table in the house."
"I should think so," my father grunted. "I want nothing but the best for my family."
"I'll be back shortly with the menus, but can I start you off with some drinks?"
"Wine for my husband and me," my mother instructed.
"I'll have a coke," I decided.
"I'll have the same," Hazel said. Will flashed us all a smile, and I got the sense that he was still trying to win over my parents.
"I'll be right back with your drinks and menus."
As soon as Will had turned around, I pulled my phone out of my jacket pocket, opening up my string of messages with Jason, one of my closest friends and roommate.
Our waiter is so hot! I typed out. I waited, hiding my phone underneath the table so my parents wouldn't see, until the three tell- tale dots that said Jason was typing popped up.
Can you get a pic?
I'll try, I responded. I kept my phone underneath the table until I saw Will hurrying back to our table, arms laden with drinks. I raised my phone up, snapping a selfie that captured Will perfectly in the background, sending it to Jason. Before I managed to close the app, I thought I saw Will's eyes travel to the message saying that he was hot, but I couldn't be sure.
"Nico Di Angelo, put that phone away," my mother snapped as Will laid out our drinks in front of us.
"Yeah, yeah," I sighed. I slid my phone back into my pocket as Will whipped out his small notepad and a pen.
"Can I take your order?" he asked.
Will's POV
"Can I take your order?" I asked. I glanced at the dark haired boy, whose name I had figured out was Nico, hoping that he would order first, but his mother started talking before Nico could even open his mouth.
"I'll have the caviar to start out with," she decided, surveying the menu.
I zoned out while the first three family members ordered until I finally got an excuse to look at Nico. His dark hair fell into his face as his dark brown eyes scanned the menu. "I'll have the tacos," he settled. He looked up at me, and our eyes met. I was sure my face was bright red, and I thought I could detect a faint flush spreading across his cheeks as well. "Are they any good?" he wondered.
"They're my favorite thing here," I informed him.
Well," he grinned, handing me his menu. "You seem like a very trustworthy person." I heard his mother scoff, but chose to ignore it.
"Your food will arrive shortly," I told the family of four.
"Hurry up," muttered the father. "I don't want my family to wait long."
"Will do," I said, straining a smile. Nico was amazing and his younger sister Hazel seemed sweet but their parents were the definition of a bad childhood.
I was absentminded as I took the orders of the others, deep in thought. I was good at reading people and the vibe I was getting from Nico was that he had noticed me, like I had noticed him. Besides even if he hadn't noticed me, there was no use not trying. I'd probably never see his again, so why not give it a shot?
As I was wrapping up the silverware in their slips of black paper, the idea struck me. I grabbed a knife, a fork an a black slip of paper. The paper was small, but I just managed to squeeze my number onto it, as well as call me, with the pen that I always carried with me to take orders with. The print was small, yes, but it was still readable, and that was all I needed. I couldn't help but feel proud at my creativity. I was sure that Nico's parents would freak out if they saw common swine like me giving my number to their son, and I was pretty sure that Nico, who seemed to despise his parents as much as I did, would keep my contact a secret from them.
"Will!" called the chef from the kitchen. "I have some food for you to bring to table 13!" I felt my heart start to race. Nico was at table 13, which meant it was time to put my plan into action. And, sure enough, when the food exited the kitchen on a silver tray, the four tacos were sitting on a plate, front and center.
I kept Nico's utensils at the very front of the tray, nervous at the prospect of handing someone else the silverware meant for Nico. I could hardly imagine the look of horror that would cross his father's face if he opened up the utensils and my digits were staring back at him, although I gave a little chuckle at the idea.
"Your food is served," I announced, setting the tray down on table 12, which happened to be empty.
"Finally," Nico's mother muttered, her rudeness making me bristle. Our restaurant prided itself on its service and their food had only taken twenty minutes to prepare, even though some of them had been complicated and our chef would settle for nothing less than perfection.
I could feel my hands shaking as a result of my nerves as I set Nico's plate of tacos down in front of him, spilling a little bit of the filling from out of the top so that he would have to use his utensils to scoop it up. I would be crushed if he left the restaurant without even seeing my number.
"Enjoy your meal," I said as I placed Nico's utensils down in front of him. I looked him straight in the eyes as I said it, trying to convey my secret message. He gave me a confused look, and I gave a tiny nod down to the set of silverware. Then, I straightened up. "Let me know if you need anything," I instructed. I started to walk away from the table.
It was a slow night, so I had no other tables to serve. I was anxious to see Nico's reaction to seeing my number, so I ducked behind a wall, waiting silently crouching. I knew that if my boss found out that I was acting so childish at work he would surely be angry, but I couldn't help it. I had to see Nico's reaction.
Nico's POV
My eyes widened in surprise as I caught a glimpse of the number scrawled on the inside of the scrap of paper that had held my silverware. I quickly brought it underneath the table, careful not to let my parents see. There was a seven digit number on the paper, as well as call me. I glanced around the restaurant, only to see the blonde hair of Will poking out from behind one of the short onyx walls. I could just barely see a hint of his bright blue eye peeking over the wall before he ducked down.
"I have to go to the bathroom," I announced, making sure that my voice was loud enough so that it carried over to the boy hiding behind the wall. I heard a scuffle from behind the wall, and saw Will darting over to the bathroom at the far right of the restaurant. Not waiting for my parent's answer, I pushed my chair up from the table and marched to the bathroom.
He was waiting for me when I got to the bathroom, looking nervous and slightly pale.
"I- I can't believe you actually came," he stammered, fiddling with the end of his apron.
"Of course I came," I said, blushing. We stood in front of one another and suddenly I felt as if I was back in middle school, about to ask the girl I thought I liked to the school dance. Luckily I realized my sexuality before prom rolled around. "I have to finish dinner with my family, but after that do you want to go out? I know a few good places around here, and I'm sure I can convince my sister, Hazel, to cover for me. She's pretty cool."
"Perfect," he grinned. "My shift's over soon, anyway."
"I'll meet you outside the restaurant?" I suggested.
"See you then. Or probably when I bring the bill." I waved goodbye to him, walking out of the bathroom before him, so my overly observant parents wouldn't get suspicious.
"Yes," I hissed, pumping the air as soon as I was out of Will's view. All I had to do was get through the rest of dinner, and then I would be able to go on a date with an amazing guy. That thought made the remainder of the meal just a little bit bearable.
Will's POV
"Yes," I hissed, pumping my fist in the air as soon as Nico couldn't see me. I still had an hour left in my shift, but I could handle it. All I needed was another hour of work and I would be going on a date with an amazing guy. I walked out of the bathroom, throwing a glance at Nico's table. He glanced back at me, throwing me a warm smile, a smile that reminded me of rainy days of my childhood and warm chocolate chop cookies. That smile, I knew would get me through the remainder of my shift before I could finally escape with the boy who, in an hour, had swept me off my feet.
Hi guys! I hope you liked that one. Also, my friend @crustbucket is publishing a new story, so go check that out.
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