Happy Pi Day
Nico's POV
It was finally here. One of my favorite days of the year had finally come. March Fourteenth. Pi day. I had sprung out of bed to find the sun shining for the first time all winter. Instead of my usual variety of black skull tee shirts, I put on one that had the first thousand digits of pi on it, the one that I stuffed in the back of my closet all year, only to bring it out for this very special day. Call me a nerd, but I like math.
I found Will in the infirmary where he usually was on a typical Tuesday morning, wrapping up Clarisse's bloody leg in a thick white bandage. how she managed to get a leg wound before ten a. m. would forever be a mystery.
"Alright, alright, I'm fine," she spat at Will before heaving her leg off of the bed she had been on and limping out of the infirmary, muttering something about overattentive doctors.
"Well, something has her bonnet in a bunch," Will muttered, watching as she walked out the door only to start yelling something about owing drachmas as soon as she was out of sight. Then, he spotted the grin on my face. "Why are you so happy today? And why are you wearing a shirt with a bunch of numbers on it?"
"It's pi," I said. "Today's pi day."
"Pi?" Will asked, wrinkling his eyebrows. "As in the number? I don't think anyone but you celebrates pi day, Neeks."
"Sorry to disappoint you, but plenty of people wait all year for pi day. I bet Leo does. When you work with machines, you have to be good at math."
"Oh, come on," Will chortled. "There is no way Leo celebrates pi day. Leo's to cool for that."
"How about we make a bet," I suggested. "Loser has to make the other person a pie."
"You're on," Will grinned. "Let's seal it with a kiss."
I stood up on my tiptoes and gave Will a long, lingering kiss on the lips. I could already feel the pie melting in my mouth. And even if I didn't win, I still got a kiss out of the deal.
Will's POV
When we got to Bunker 9, I saw that I couldn't have been more wrong. A huge white banner that read Happy Pi Day had been hung up on Festus, who was clanking to Leo happily as Leo pulled a huge blueberry pie in a perfect circle out of the oven. Leo and Festus weren't alone in the messy bunker, either. Annabeth was leaning casually on Festus, wearing the same pi shirt that Nico was and chatting happily to Leo. Percy was sitting at a small wooden table, digging into his own blueberry pie as Calypso stood behind him, braiding his thick black hair into tiny braids. Even though I would later have to bake Nico a pie, the sight made me happy.
"Hey, guys, happy you could join us!" Leo called, waving at us from the oven. "Do you want some pie?"
"Do you have apple?" I asked, walking over to where Leo and Annabeth were.
"We have every kind of pie," Leo grinned, pulling a steaming hot apple pie out of the oven and handing it to me. I could almost feel the smooth crust and smooth filling melting in my mouth already. It was no secret that Leo was one of the best cooks on camp. He rapped on Festus's closed mouth, and Festus opened wide to reveal gleaming silver trays overflowing with pies of all shape and size lining the golden inside of his mouth. Leo had done some amazing things in his fairly short time at Camp half Blood. Building the Argo II, being the only known demigod who could control fire, ect. But a hundred pies coating the inside of a living mechanical dragon was probably the most amazing feat yet.
"I'm not really hungry-" Nico started to say before I shoved him inside the dragon.
"Yes you are, Death Breath," I growled. The day was already bad enough, considering baking a pie was not one of my strong suits. But if I could convince Nico to eat some good, semi- healthy food, it will have been worth it.
Nico grazed the pies on the trays, finally choosing a small chocolate one that he could probably eat by himself. Even if he didn't want to, he didn't have a choice. Satisfied with Nico's choice, I cut a huge sliver of the apple pie before ambling over to Percy and Calypso.
Percy had a blue ring around his lips and when he opened his mouth to talk, his tongue was stained with blueberry juice. He had forgone the use of plates, choosing instead to use a fork and claim the entire pie for himself. Calypso, who had braided half of Percy's head, was using a dainty silver fork to take bites of a piece of pumpkin pie sitting on the table which Percy was eyeing greedily, even though his own personal nine inch pie was right in front of him, waiting to be eaten by a certain demigod with a strange love for blue foods.
"Hey, how do I look?" Percy asked, taking a moment away from his pie. His hair, not being very long, was done up in tiny braids that looked like miniscule snakes protruding from his scalp.
"Very refined," I smirked. "Annabeth will be pleased. Calypso, keep up the good work."
"I will," Calypso promised, tying off yet another braid with a tiny blue hair elastic, more of which were wrapped around her fingers. "Don't worry about that."
"So are you two here for pi or pie?" I asked.
"Pie," they answered in unison.
"I'm only here because Annabeth insisted we come to celebrate the joys of math," Percy sighed. "And Leo is one of the best bakers in camp, so it would have been idiotic of me to miss out on some of that food action."
"Leo dragged me over here, trying to teach me the wonders of numbers," Calypso chuckled. "But you don't really need math when you live alone on an island. In the end, I just stayed for the pie."
"Still, though, they're having fun nerding out over there," I said, gesturing to the three geeky demigods. Annabeth had climbed on top of Festus, who didn't seem to mind the human contact, and was attempting to find the area of one of his eyes while Nico ate his cake and Leo meticulously criss- crossed strips of crust over creamy custard filling. Percy smiled at his girlfriend, and Calypso stopped braiding just long enough to flash a smile at Leo, who blushed and grinned back.
"They sure are," Percy said.
Nico's POV
"Will, are you almost done with that pie?" I called from one of the empty tables in the dining pavilion. About an hour ago Will had disappeared into the kitchen and had barely made any noise since, save a few crashes and choice words from Will as he messed something up.
"Almost!" he called. "I just have to put the finishing touches on and... I'm done!" The doors to the kitchen swung open to reveal Will with flour coating every inch of his face but nevertheless grinning broadly at the large cherry pie he was holding in his hands. He bounded over to me and slid the pie down next to me, practically glowing. It was always cute to see Will get so excited over something, even something as minor as baking a pie. He handed me a tarnished fork and held one up for himself.
"I'll have some, too, but you go first," he said. "After all, I did make it for you." Cautious to Will's merits as a baker, I inserted the fork into the slimy filling and took a forkful, putting it into my mouth. It tasted like a combination of cardboard and my dirty laundry, but Will had made worse.
"So, how is it?" Will asked.
"It tastes like a combination of cardboard and my dirty laundry," I snickered. "But you've made worse."
"Oh, come on," Will sighed, nudging me aside to taste the pie. "It's not that bad." As soon as the pie hit his taste buds, I knew he knew I was right. His face turned the color of the filling and he promptly pivoted in his seat and spit it out.
"Ugh, you're right!" he groaned. "What do we do now, we missed dinner?"
"Lucky for you, I thought ahead!" I said, yanking one of Leo's pies out from underneath the table. Even though I had had it for over an hour it still had tiny bits of steam coiling off of it, and the crust was as smooth as butter. Will leaned forward and planted a kiss on the top of my head.
"How did I end up with a boyfriend as smart as you?" he asked. I shrugged.
"You just got lucky, I guess. Here, dig in."
As the curtains closed on another successful pi day, Will and I finished off Leo's pie as we watched the perfectly round sun disappear behind the skyline.
Hi guys! I hope you enjoyed that little one shot based off of how much I love pi day. Also, here are the first 200 digits of pi that nobody asked for. 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097494459230781640628620899862803482534211706798214808651328230664709384460955058223172535940812848111745028410270193852110555964462294895493038196.
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