Città Dell'Amore (part 1)
Here it is! I'm honestly really excited for this. There are going to be four chapters, and just so you know the title means city of love in Italian. Anyway, enjoy!
Will's POV
"It's beautiful here," Will sighed, his nose pressed against the window of their fourth story apartment as he stared out over the city of Venice. A gondola floated lazily through a canal that was boiling in the summer sun and lining the sidewalk sat shops of all kind, the vibrant colors filling the city with life.
He felt arms wrapping around his neck and a pair of lips pressed a kiss to his cheek. He ducked out of the embrace, turning around to stare into a pair of emerald green eyes. "I can't believe we're actually here!" Jessica squealed, looping her arms around his neck. "Remember freshman year, when we were talking about coming to Venice after graduation? I never thought we'd do it but here we are. One of the most romantic cities in the world." She leaned in for a kiss but Will moved out of the way, stepping into the middle of the room and giving her a strained smile.
"Yeah, I can't believe we're here together, either," he said. "It's so pretty. Where are Percy and Annabeth?"
"They're in their room," Jessica responded, placing her hands gently around his waist and resting her head on his shoulder. "Making out, probably. But we don't need them. We can have our own fun."
"Well, I thought that since we just got here, we could go on a group walk. You know all of us." He slipped away from Jessica, rapping on the thick oak door leading to Percy and Annabeth's room. "Guys? Come on out. We're going on a walk. All of us." The door swung open and Percy stuck his head out of the doorway, his black hair tousled and a smudge of pale pink lipgloss staining his lips.
"Nah, I think we're going to stay here," he said, nodding inside. "We're pretty tired, I think we're gonna make good use of this bed."
"It's really nice," Annabeth called from inside. "Very springy. You guys should check yours out."
"Well, I think it would be best if we all went for a walk," Will insisted, grabbing Percy by the shirt and pulling him out into the open living room. "Annabeth, come on. Venice is famous for its coffee, you can get an espresso on the way, if you're really that tired. Nighttime is for sleeping, but daytime is for exploring!" He tapped his foot on the hardwood floor as he waited for Annabeth to come out of the room, a sweatshirt hastily thrown on and her lipgloss smudged.
"Alright, let's do this," she said, looping her fingers around Percy's. "You really want to explore, don't you?"
"Well, it's so beautiful," Will said as he stuffed his wallet and phone into his back pocket, spinning around to face the group. "We should get to know the city first. And this is a group trip, so we should spend time as a group. All of us, together." He flung the door open wide, stepping out into the hallway of their apartment building. They walked out of the building and when they reached the street they were greeted by the warm sun and birds flying high in the baby blue sky.
"Where are we going?" Jessica asked, her strawberry blonde hair whipping around her face as she turned around. "You must have somewhere in mind, considering how excited you were to get out of that apartment."
"Well, I thought we could just walk around," Will suggested, taking lead of the group. "We'll find somewhere, don't worry. A coffee shop, maybe. Annabeth said she wanted coffee. Like I said, we'll find something. We can just walk around and see."
"Actually, I have something I wanted to do," Percy piped up from the back of the group. His eyes were focused on his phone and he was smiling. "You remember how I told you about how when I was younger, we hosted an exchange student from Italy in our apartment for a year? Nico? Well we've stayed in touch, and he works around here. Some art gallery like three blocks from where we are right now. Could we stop in and say hi?"
"Yes!" Will grinned. "Perfect. Percy, where is the art gallery?"
"Come on, it's this way," he said, pointing down the cobblestone sidewalk. "It shouldn't take long to get there." Their footsteps bounced off of the high buildings as they moved down the street, the waters of the canals rippling next to them. A gondola drifted past them, an older man rowing in the back as a younger couple snuggled in the front, their gaze cast over the colorful expanse of the city.
"Look how romantic that is," Jessica said, linking her arm with Will's as they walked. "We should do that sometime on this trip. We're here for three weeks after all."
"Yeah, maybe," Will said flatly, the hairs on his arm prickling at Jessica's touch. "Percy, how much longer until that art gallery?"
"Just another block," Percy responded, one hand holding his phone and the other intertwined with Annabeths.
"Come on, let's walk faster," Will suggested, tugging Jessica along behind him. "I want to meet your friend, Percy. Nico, you said it was?"
"Great, can't wait to meet him. Percy was giving him a look filled with confusion but Will brushed it off, quickening his pace as he walked down the street.
They faced a brown brick building, the ceiling inside high and arched. Through the clean glass windows they could see oil paintings mounted on white walls and statues sat on pedestals displayed throughout the store. When Will squinted he could see a single person sitting at a desk pushed against the far wall, a pair of black converse covered in sharpie doodles propped up on the wood and the face hidden by a work sketchbook.
Percy tugged open the door, a bell chiming above them. The person at the desk glanced up, pulling his feet off of the desk and setting his sketchbook down on the desk. Even from across the store Will could feel the intense gaze from the boy, holding the aura of a cloud struggling to hold in a torrent of rain or a volcano ready to erupt. There was something about his eyes that sent a chill running up Will's spine, something that whispered of risk and passion. They seemed to draw him in and his eyes seemed locked into the boy's until Percy blocked him from Will's gaze, opening his arms for a hug.
"Nico!" he exclaimed, his voice bouncing off of the high walls. "I can't believe I'm actually seeing you! How are you, how've you been?"
"I've been great," Nico grinned, wrapping Percy in a tight hug. "I missed you." His eyes were closed but for a split second they opened again and Will was once again locked into his gaze until Nico broke away from Percy's grip, walking over to Annabeth and giving her a tight hug. "Annabeth, it's good to see you again."
"Good to see you, too, Nico," she said, a soft smile playing on her lips. "The art in here is absolutely gorgeous. Is any of it yours?" A short, slightly bitter laugh escaped Nico's lips.
"Not yet. Soon, hopefully, but I'm not that good yet."
"You were good the last time I saw you, and that was five years ago," she said. "You've got to be amazing at this point." Nico shrugged.
"I'm alright, nothing special. Anyway, who are your friends? I don't recognize them."
"Nico, this is Will and Jessica," Percy said, stepping away from the desk. "I can't remember you and Jessica having any classes together while you lived in New York with us, and you left the city just before Will moved in. You guys just missed each other."
"Well, we're meeting now, and that's the important thing," Nico grinned, holding out his hand for Will to shake. "It's nice to meet you, Will." Their eyes connected for the third time that day as Nico clasped his hand, his grip strong yet gentle. For the third time that day Will felt a strange, fiery connection between them until Nico dropped his hand, moving on to Jessica and it was gone as quickly as it had arrived. "Did you four just get here?"
"Yep, just a few hours ago," Jessica chirped. "The four of us here, on a romantic getaway to Venice. It's going to be so nice." When she stood on her tiptoes to peck Will on the cheek he thought he saw something resembling disappointment in Nico's eyes but before Will could get a good look Nico turned his attention back to Percy.
"So, what are you planning on doing today?"
"No idea," Percy shrugged. "Will dragged us out of our apartment before we really had a chance to plan."
"Come over here," Nico suggested, waving his hand. "I know some good places, I'll give you some suggestions." The crowded around his desk, the worn sketchbook from before lying open with a charcoal pencil sitting on top. As soon as everyone was there he flipped his sketchbook closed, pulling a map out from a drawer sitting open. "We keep these around," he explained at Jessica's confused expression. "We get a lot of tourists in here, and a lot of them need some help with places to go." He grabbed a pen, circling a spot in the middle of the island. "Annabeth, do you still like architecture?" She nodded vigorously.
"I'm going to school for it. I love it."
"Go to St. Mark's Basilica," he suggested, tapping the map. "One of the most beautiful buildings in the city. You'll love it. And I'm assuming you're looking for something a little bit romantic?"
"Ooh, yes," Jessica grinned. She leaned in for a kiss from Will just as he ducked down to catch a better glimpse of the map that Nico was working on.
"Get a gondola ride on the Grand Canal," he said. "It's most beautiful at sunset. And there are a bunch of restaurants around there, too. It's perfect for a romantic night out." He drew a big black circle on the map, scribbling Grand Canal in messy handwriting. "And if you like seafood, Burano is your place. It's lively and colorful, all the tourists love it."
By the time he was finished the map was littered with circles and he handed it off to Percy, capping the pen and tossing it back into a drawer. "Anyway, I should get back to work," he said. "At least look like I'm busy. But I'll text you when I'm off, I'd love to catch up more." The group began to gravitate toward the door as Nico waved goodbye.
"Percy, Annabeth, it was great seeing you again. And Will, it was amazing meeting you." Just before the door shut they caught each other's gaze for the fourth time that day before the door swung shut and cut it off.
Rain pounded on the ceiling of their apartment, streaming down the windows and pooling on the ground far below them. Annabeth and Percy sat curled up on the couch as Jessica finished off the pizza they had ordered, leaving Will to pace in front of the tv, occasionally casting his gaze out over the sunset city. "I want to go out," he announced, pausing in front of the window and staring outside, the rain running down the window distorting the view of the city as if it was an oil painting exposed to water. "Our first night here and we're stuck inside. I want to do something, not stay inside. I can stay inside in New York, if I want to."
"Will, what are we going to do?" Jessica sighed, tossing the empty pizza box into the recycling. "It's pouring."
"We have umbrellas."
"And it's probably freezing, too."
"So?" Will said. "That doesn't matter. We can still go for a walk, just a quick one."
"I'm staying right here," Jessica responded. Will heaved a sigh, throwing open the fridge and letting the warm golden light bathe his face.
"We don't have any milk," he told the group, shutting the door. "We need milk."
"You can get milk tomorrow," Jessica pointed out. "Will, you're going to get soaked."
"I'll bring an umbrella," he decided, grabbing one from the stand. "There's a store right by here, I'll just be in and out. I'll see you guys later." He left the apartment, letting out the umbrella as he stood underneath the awning with the rain surrounded him, beating on the pavement. People flew past him, their hair plastered to their heads and their faces bent low to the ground. Will kept his gaze up, staring around in awe at the city. It looked like a postcard, the vibrant colors of the buildings hazy underneath the thick sheen of rain. The canals brimmed with the fresh rainwater and as he slipped into a tiny brick shop, the golden light spilling onto the sidewalk he could see a couple float past in a gondola, ducked underneath an umbrella and kissing passionately as rain thundered down around them.
The grocery store was filled with the quiet sounds of conversation, the quiet sounds of foreign words filling his ears. He was surrounded by the unknown but Will found it oddly soothing, as if his life in Italy could be completely different from his life in New York.
He walked past rows of candy he didn't recognize and strange packages of chips, running his hand across refrigerators filled with frozen dinners and pints of ice cream until he reached the milk. He had just reached for a carton when he heard a soft "hello" from behind him and he spun around to see Nico blushing, his sketchbook tucked in his back pocket and a black rain jacket protecting his clothes from the torrents outside.
"Nico, hi," Will grinned, all thoughts of milk gone from his mind. "How are you? I just saw you a few hours ago, but still. Any major changes in your life?"
"Just more of the same," Nico responded. "What about you? Did you go anywhere?"
"Well, we checked out the Basilica for a few minutes but it started to get rainy out so we turned back," Will said.
"That's too bad," Nico said. "Weather can suck, but I can make it up to you, if you want."
"Come on, let me show you around," Nico offered. "I gave you the tourist destinations of the city but you- I can tell that you want a little something more than museums and gift shops." He began to walk backwards, never breaking eye contact with Will as he beckoned for him to follow. "Well? Are you coming?"
Will followed Nico back onto the sidewalk, the city fully in the grasp of nighttime. The rain had slowed from a vicious roar to a quiet drizzle during Will's time in the grocery store and he was able to tuck away his umbrella and gaze at the stars littering the sky. "It's beautiful," he murmured, his eyes opened wide. "You would never be able to see the stars like this, not even on the clearest night of the year."
"I love walking around at night," Nico grinned, his head tilted to the sky. "But sometimes, you need a little bit of caffeine to keep you going. Come on, in here." He grabbed Will's hand, pulling him into a tiny, dimly lit cafe tucked in between a clothing boutique and a pet store. "Best cappuccinos in the city. Trust me. You're not one of those people who won't drink coffee after noon, are you?"
"Good," Nico grinned, stepping into the cafe. "Those people are boring." He pulled out his wallet as Will gazed around the walls of the cafe, a hanging plant with leaves sweeping the ground covering up the corner of the chalkboard menu hanging above the counter. "I'll pay," Nico told him as he greeted the barista with a smile. "Two large cappuccinos, please."
"You don't have to pay," Will said hastily as the barista handed Nico the drinks, light brown sleeves covering darker brown cups. "I can pay you back."
"I don't want you to," Nico said. "I want to pay. Consider it an offering."
"For what?"
"For your friendship," Nico grinned as he took a sip of his cappuccino. "I've been judging people for a pretty long time, and I've gotten pretty good at figuring people out. And you seem cool, and I want to be your friend."
"Oh, really?" Will laughed, the warm liquid sloshing at the sides of the cup keeping his hands warm in the cool night air. "What have you figured out about me?" Nico cocked his head, squinting at Will with his face scrunched up. A tiny milk mustache lined his upper lip and he licked it away before speaking.
"You're brave, and social," he decided thoughtfully. "You love making friends but even more than that you love having one or two super close friends who you can trust infinitely and who you can talk to about anything. And there's something in your life that you're not happy about, something that you force yourself to cover up. You've got a secret, and you hate it." A nervous laugh bubbled up from Will's chest.
"Well, you were right about a few things tonight. You've got me pretty well figured out."
"Really," Nico said, a smile dancing across his lips. "What else was I right about?"
"This really is the best cappuccino in Venice," he laughed, taking a sip. The foamy liquid flowed down his throat, hot and comforting like a thick blanket on a frigid night. Nico was staring at him, a hard look of concentration on his face. "What?" Will asked, bringing his cup away from his lips.
"You're still up for that tour, right?"
"Yeah, I guess," Will said. "It is getting a little late, though. I should get back to the apartment soon."
"This won't take that long," Nico assured him. "Come on, follow me." He took off, leaving Will to rush after him.
"Where are we going?" When Nico looked back there was a strange look on his face, one of joy and excitement and passion.
"There's a place I know of," he said cryptically. "It's like a tour of the city, all in one look."
"You'll see when we get there," Nico explained. "Just follow me." The sidewalk was slick underneath their feet, the remnants of the storm draining into the canal. Stars were beginning to shine from underneath the clouds, like pinpricks in a sheet of black cloth. Nico raced down the sidewalk, turning onto a small footbridge arched above a thin canal. He pulled himself up onto the railing of the footbridge and with a leap he landed on a low hanging roof with rain pooling in the dips in the tin. With a wide smile on his face he gestured for Will to follow.
"Up there?" he asked, swinging his leg up and hoisting himself onto the railing of the footbridge. The water glittered black underneath him, reflecting the clear night sky above. It was ten feet underneath him but to Will it felt like miles.
"It's not that hard," Nico reassured him. "It looks harder than it actually his." He sat on the edge and stared down at Will, reaching out his hand. He grabbed his hand and hoisted him up to the roof, a wide smile on his face when they were finally together.
"It is cool up here," Will said, gazing down at the footbridge.
"Oh, we're not done," Nico said. "Where we're going, we can see the whole city. I told you." He stepped across the roof and when he was ten feet from the end he took off running, hurtling up to the next roof. "Have you ever seen that scene in Mary Poppins, where they're walking around on the rooftops?" Will nodded vigorously. "That's pretty much what's going on right now. When we get to the top, it's breathtaking." Their footsteps sounded on the tin as they walked, higher and higher into the sky. Soon their heads were among the clouds, the stars so close that Will felt as if he could reach out and touch it. A crescent moon hung directly above their heads, the air wet and cool. "We're here," Nico said quietly, taking a seat on the roof and letting his legs dangle off of the edge, high above the ground. "Best view in the city. Come on, take a seat."
He patted the space next to him and cautiously Will took a seat, staring down at the quiet city underneath him. "Look, out there," Nico grinned, gesturing at the wide expanse of water and brick layer out before them. "You can see the whole city." The canals snaked through the city, contrasted by brightly colored buildings and a dark sky. With the sky so close and the ground so far, Will felt on top of the world.
"This is beautiful," he said, his words catching in his throat before he managed to push them out. "Do you bring people up here a lot?"
"Not usually," Nico responded, his gaze cast out to the distance. There was something in his eyes, a wistful nostalgia that whispered of hope. "Just you. I don't know why. There's something about you, something different." He smiled down at the ground. "I don't know, sorry. Anyway, you mentioned that you had to get back, right?"
"Yeah," Will said, standing up. "I should go."
"I'll walk you," Nico offered. "I don't want you to get lost." They hopped from roof to roof and every time Will looked at the ground it was closer until he was standing on the railing of the footbridge, staring down at the canal that was only ten feet away.
"I know my way from here," Will said, the moonlight bathing Nico's face in silver. "The apartment is just around the corner."
"This was fun," Nico said. "I'll see you again, right?"
"Yeah, I'd love to. Is there any way I can get in touch with you?"
"I'll give you my number. Give me your hand." He whipped his charcoal pencil from his back pocket, scribbling a number across Will's palm. "Text me," he demanded. "Goodnight, Will."
"Goodnight, Nico." He watched as Nico hopped back up onto the roof and when he was too high up for Will to see he turned around, walking back to the apartment with a tiny spring in his step.
"Where's the milk?"
"The what?" Will asked as he shut the door with a soft click, the lamp illuminating Jessica's face as she lounged on the couch, a book laying open in her lap.
"The milk?" she asked. "The milk that you spent an hour getting? You seemed so obsessed with it, are you telling me that you don't have it?"
"I forgot," Will said. "I'll just get it tomorrow. Night, Jess." She rolled her eyes.
"You're a weird guy, you know that?"
"It's alright," Will said as he slipped into their bedroom. She was giving him a look filled with questions but it was cut off when he shut the door, falling onto his bed. He kicked off his shoes and closed his eyes with visions of canals filled with shimmering stars dancing through his head. He didn't bother taking off his clothes or brushing his teeth; after hopping from roof to roof with Nico he felt drained of his energy but just before falling into a deep sleep he found himself closing his fist over the number on his palm, protecting it from any harm that might come to it during the night.
Hi guys, so there's the first chapter of my special story for 200k and honestly I'm really happy with how it turned out! It's about twice as long as my normal one shots at about 4k words and I'm happy about that, just because I can give you a little more for being such awesome readers. You can expect another chapter every Sunday night for the next three or so weeks. Let me know what you thought of this first chapter, and I hope you liked it!
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