Broken Hearts Club(p2)
Per request, here's part two, enjoy!
Will's POV
It's been three months. Three months since Nico's breakup, since the scene in the bathroom filled with pizza and pining. In those three months Nico had started talking to Percy again; as friends, of course, but their old friendship began to heal and with it, Nico's heart. Will could see it in Nico's eyes, how they no longer carried the indescribable sadness of heartbreak, how his smile was just a bit wider and there was a newfound bounce in his step that wasn't there right after the breakup. The past three months had brought healing, laughter, and had opened the door for new relationships. At least for one of them.
Will is still pining. It's been three months since the breakup, years since the beginning of Will's crush, and he still can't get over Nico. He laughs along with Nico's jokes about downloading a dating app(even though Will knows he never would) and his comments about how the new guy is kinda cute(although Will disagrees- he's too sunshine-y for Will's taste) without ever reminding Nico that, maybe, the person he's looking for is right in front of his eyes.
"You're staring again," Jason says, poking Will in the arm.
"What?" Will asks, jumping a bit at the sudden physical connection. He wishes he could say he was absorbed in the book he's supposed to be reading for English, the one he's taking a quiz on next period, the one he's only read fifteen pages of. But Nico's hair always looks glossy, even in the shine of the library lights as he researches a history project, and it had captivated Will's attention until he was a different level of distracted.
"You're staring," Jason says, rolling his eyes. "And you're not exactly slick about it."
"I was looking at my friend," Will says, inching away from Jason. "That's not weird."
"Not when you say it like that," Jason says. "But when you've been staring at someone for five minutes straight with a blank expression on your face, that's a little strange." Will rolls his eyes, picking up his book.
"I'm reading, Jason," he says. "For the quiz, next period, you know, on the book neither of us have read? I mean, this point we can't even cheat off of each other. It'll be a disaster." He absentmindedly flips a page as the information pours out of his head as if someone had opened up a faucet. It doesn't matter, though. He's bound to fail no matter what.
"Stop changing the subject," Jason says. "Besides, this is more important than our English quiz. You know I know you like him, right?"
Will fights off the urge to laugh. "Yeah, as a friend. Obviously. I mean, we've been friends since sixth grade. Would be kinda weird if I didn't like my friend, right? I mean, you like me, 'cause I'm your friend. And I like you, 'cause you're my friend. That's how these things work."
"Dude, shut up, you know what I mean," Jason says. "You're pining. I can tell. And you need to tell him how you feel before you go crazy and lock him in your closet or something."
"You don't even have any proof," Will says.
"You kept muttering his name the last time you took a nap in English."
"That doesn't-"
"And I've seen your Pinterest," Jason continues. "I mean, come on, man, really? A sun and moon themed wedding? Could you be any more obvious?"
Will feels his face go hot and he slams his book shut with a snap that echoes throughout the library. English doesn't really matter, anyway. Do you have to know how to read to become a doctor? "So maybe I have a little crush," Will says, his voice hushed. "Just a little one. But don't tell him. Or anyone else, for that matter."
"Everyone else already knows," Jason says. "You're not exactly quiet about it. Everyone except for him, I think. He's just as stupid as you are."
"Hey, I have an A+ in Chemistry."
"Yeah, and a C in English, same as me," Jason says. "So why don't you stoop down to my level and talk to him. Tell him how you feel. Because he's ready to get over Percy, and you could really help with that. Not to mention you'd be perfect together."
Will glances at the stacks, where Nico's head is poking out from behind a stack of thick books. He can hear rustling pages and as a book flips shut, is set on an adjacent pile, Will can envision the look of excitement on Nico's face. It always lights up whenever he's happy like there's a golden glow on the inside, and his grin is so youthful as if he's discovering the world over again. Will swallows hard. "I don't wanna just be his rebound," he says quietly.
"You won't be," Jason says. His voice is gentler than normal, and he gives Will's shoulder a light squeeze. "Rebounds aren't meant to last." Will feels tears prick the corners of his eyes. He has an in, after years of pining and hoping and wishing on every lucky penny and shooting star. He has his chance, and he isn't sure if he's ready to take it, even after all these years.
Nico's POV
It's been three months since his heart shattered. Three months ago, he lost what he thought was going to be the best relationship he was ever going to get, the one he had been waiting for and hoping for his entire life. But now, in the three-month span that stretched then to now, he had begun to forget. Not about everything, but he no longer expected Percy's soft touch on his shoulder or the quick kisses in the parking lot before school. Three months had torn him down and built him back up and as the three month anniversary of their breakup comes around, Nico knows he's ready to move on.
Will catches up to him in the hallway, all shiny hair, and bright smiles. That's all Will ever is, a ray of sunshine walking through the hallway and bringing light with him wherever he goes. He's heard people question their friendship before, whispering about how it was strange, unnatural, but Nico likes it. Somehow, it fits. "Hey," Will says, bumping Nico's shoulder. "You ready for the chem test?"
"I mean no," Nico says. "But whatever. I hate chem."
"I don't see how you can hate chem," Will says. "It's cool. We do experiments and stuff."
"We mix two chemicals together and see if they change color, I wouldn't exactly call that cool," Nico says as they walk into the classroom. "Besides, you're just a nerd. You just like chem for some reason."
"You can call me a nerd all you want, but I'm gonna rock this test," Will says with a smile, sitting down. "I studied for hours." His face is alight as he talks as if a chem test is the most exciting thing in the world. His face always lights up like that when he talks about something he loves; even the most mundane things are exciting, and everything becomes an adventure, whether it's taking a test or trying to eat school lunch without getting food poisoning.
"You know what?" Nico says, a soft smile spreading onto his face. "Maybe you're right."
The chem test is easier than Nico had expected and for last period on a Friday, it's not a bad way to go out. He's done with fifteen minutes to spare, expecting an eighty as he watches the faces of the other students. Everyone else seems to be finishing the test with relative ease, chatting quietly with their friends or playing games on their phones. Everyone except for one person.
Will is visibly upset, which is notable because it rarely happens. One hand in his hair, the other one erases a page's worth of work, pink eraser marks smeared on the sheet. He blows out a shaky sigh, eyes scanning over double the number of equations everyone else has. Nico doesn't know what Will is doing, but it clearly isn't working. "You good?" he whispers, leaning over.
"Yeah," Will says, offering a watery smile. His eyes glitter with tears, barely held back by sheer force of will. "I'm almost done." He paws at his eyes, turning back to his paper and letting one slip out, hitting the paper with a splash and smudging his already messy work. Nico sighs, pursing his lips. Will has always pushed himself, particularly in science. It's his passion, and somehow he even enjoys their boring homework assignments and the pointless videos they watch. This must be killing him.
Will hands in his test with two minutes to spare, work stapled messily to the page as he avoids their teacher's eyes. She speaks to him in low tones but Will just shakes his head, his voice low and gravelly as he asks to go to the bathroom. The teacher watches him leave before turning to his test with a grimace and Nico stares at Will's backpack, sitting open next to his seat. As the clock ticks down and Will still isn't back it sits, lonely and empty by Will's seat, and when the bell rings Nico makes the executive decision to grab it and go. He knows where Will is, the bathroom that only exists for crying and juuling, but he takes a detour first. Grabbing the keys to his beat-up Mazda he slips into the driver's seat, gunning the engine and peeling out of the parking lot. He'll get Will's backpack back to him soon but first, Nico has work to do.
After last time, the people at the local pizza place have clearly figured out what real Hawaiian pizza is and he buckles a steaming pizza into his car, patting the greasy lid gently before his engine roars and he's careening down the road with the school in mind.
It's quiet on a Friday afternoon as it always is; he can hear low voices from a teacher's meeting on the inside, and the theater group is practicing on the stage. But the bathroom is quiet, and if Nico couldn't see the tips of Will's converse underneath the wall of the last stall, he would think it was empty. "Will?" Nico calls out, stepping closer to the last stall. "That you in there?"
"Nico?" Will asks, his voice low and hollow as it bounces against the walls of the bathroom.
"Hey," Nico says. He's standing in front of the door to the final stall and it swings open, the latch knocking gently on the wall of the bathroom. "I brought pizza." There are tear tracks on Will's face but through the tears, he smiles. "Can I come in?" Nico asks, cocking an eyebrow.
"Yeah, of course," Will says, stepping beside so that Nico can come in. "You didn't have to bring pizza, you know."
"You'd do it for me when I was sad," Nico says as they settle down onto the floor. It's gross and covered in grime but after having a pizza and a cry here twice, it's almost starting to feel like home. "In fact, I know it because you did." Will laughs softly, biting into a slice of pizza as he brings his knees up to his chest. He chews slowly, his chin resting on his knees as watery eyes stare at the graffiti on the other side.
"How'd we end up here again?" Will asks. "I mean, you'd expect that one of us crying on the floor of the bathroom on a Friday afternoon would be enough, but I guess not." Nico grins, taking a slice and ripping into it. It tastes of a strange combination of freedom and heartbreak, and Nico is oddly drawn to it.
"Sometimes we need it," Nico says. "I mean, if it wasn't for your help I probably never would have gotten over Percy. And I needed that and if you need this, then I'm here for you. Always." He smiles but Will only sniffs, staring at his pizza. "Hey, are you okay?" Nico asks.
"Yeah," Will says, wiping his eyes. "It's just- the test kinda messed me up, you know. Cause I studied for it and then probably bombed it when everyone else apparently found it super easy. But whatever, you know. You don't need to hear about that."
"Not just that," Nico says. "I mean in general. Like yeah it sucks to fail a test, but you've been in here for an hour. Is everything okay? Like seriously?" Will sighs, staring up at the buzzing fluorescent lights and blinking back more tears. Nico reaches over, giving his shoulder a squeeze, and Will starts to cry harder. "Will?"
"I think I love you," Will says. His voice cracks and tears are streaming down his cheeks, perfect crystals that shimmer in the light. "I think I have for a while. Seeing you with Percy killed me and then you broke up and you needed your time and I- I just can't hold it in any longer. And I'm sorry because I know this is going to make things weird, and I get it if you don't want to be friends anymore- but I couldn't just keep it inside any longer. I had to tell you." He lets his head fall back against the wall, tears pouring in torrents. "I'm so sorry."
For a second, Nico doesn't know what to say. His heart is beating at three times its normal speed, and he thinks it might explode. His head is filled with cloud and fog, and he doesn't know whether or not he wants to scream into a pillow or off of a rooftop. "I'm so sorry," Will says. "This was a mistake, I shouldn't have-"
"Will," Nico says. "Stop apologizing." He cups Will's cheek, bringing him in, slow and steady for a kiss on the lips. "It's okay. Will- it's okay." Will is still crying, tears wiping themselves onto Nico's cheeks as they kiss. Throughout it, Nico doesn't let go. He holds Will as they kiss and he cries, vowing not to let go until they're ready.
Hi guys, I hope you liked it!
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