Arcade Games
This deleted for some reason after being up for like an hour, so here it is, re-written. I think I got all of the requests done but if I said I'd do yours and I haven't yet feel free to let me know and I'll make sure that gets up. With that said, enjoy!
Will's POV
There was something about being in the arcade late at night that was hard to put a finger on, a feeling that I couldn't explain. Maybe it was the neon lights of the sign outside that had drawn Nico and I in, or maybe it was the way all of the old games were lined up against the back wall, the noises coming from the machines sounding almost faded, as if they had been pushed up against the same wall and played by the same people for years but although they were tired, they still enjoyed being there. It could have been the music playing through speakers hidden out of sight, a high, pretty soprano voice crooning soft words that I couldn't quite make out, almost like they weren't meant to be understood. It could have been the feeling between Nico and I that made the place special, the feeling that we were on an adventure in a movie, one that everyone wanted to watch, to smile at because they wanted to go on the same adventure. It could have been how empty the room was. A few hours ago it would have been filled with kids, darting from arcade game to arcade game with tickets clutched tightly in their hands but now, at nearly ten at night it was nearly empty, three people standing at the old arcade games in the back, focused on the small screens as they made minuscule figures move across the screen. There was only one employee needed to tend to the whole building, a girl of about eighteen with long brown hair nearly hiding the earbud slipped into her ear. Normally I would have thought that watching an arcade would have been boring but the girl looked happy as she watched the quiet scene unfold around her, almost as if she felt the same strange feeling of happiness that I did.
"Where do you want to go first?" Nico asked, a bag of fifty dollars in quarters swinging from his wrist. We had to triple bag it just so that it wouldn't break. I scanned the room, paying more attention to the specific games organized no specific way around the room. The old games were in the back, with rows upon rows of ski ball lanes to the right, the ticket redemption area and tiny snack shop taking up the left wall. The rest of the room was filled with the newer kinds of arcade games, the jackpot games that no one ever won and the miscellaneous games that everyone said had a strategy, but were really just based on luck. Finally my eyes fell upon a game directly in front of, a classic that was never really thought of as a classic.
"The claw machine," I said confidently, stepping over to the rectangle filled with stuffed animals.
"You're sure about this?" Nico sounded wary as he slipped two quarters into the palm of my hand, watching me slip them into the slot. The bulbs around the game lit up an off white color and I was able to maneuver the claw to the middle of the rectangle. "Claw games are a waste of money. They're all rigged."
"I'm sure," I said as I examined the prizes. There was a frog, its face pressed up against the glass but it's body too far down to even think about getting. A pig sat on top of it, bottom up with only its thin, curly pink tail poking up, and I knew that the claw would slide off of that tail like butter. Finally I decided on a small light brown teddy bear, its face smiling out at us. "It's all about the experience, anyway." I brought the claw just above the bear, and it was still swinging wildly when it descended, missing the bear completely and depositing my prize of nothing into the box. I could have walked away from the machine, not giving another thought to the bear but now I was invested in it and its sweet, small smile. "Give me another two quarters," I said, holding my hand out so that Nico could give me more.
"Do you want me to get it for you?" Nico asked. "I've always been pretty good at these things." He handed me two more quarters and I heard them hit the inside of the machine as they went down the chute and it lit up again.
"I can do it," I told him, centering the claw above the bear. This time it was a little bit more steady as it went down, but it only brushed the arm of the bear before coming back up. I groaned as the machine became dark once more.
"Here, watch this," Nico said, slipping in two more quarters. "Put your hands on the stick, just like that." I wrapped my hands around it and he put his hands over mine as he slowly guided my hands so that soon the claw was still as it rested directly above the bear. "Now," Nico said quietly. I pushed the button that would make the claw go down and this time it wrapped firmly around the head of the bear, bringing it back over and dropping it into the prize slot. Nico bent down, scooping it up and handing it to me. "There," he said, smiling. "Are you happy?"
"Thanks," I said, holding the bear tightly in my left hand. It was soft, and it smelled vaguely of roses, although I had no clue why it would. "What do you want to do? Your pick." Nico's eyes slowly moved to the right side of the room where the ski ball machines were sitting, completely abandoned.
"Up for a little ski ball?" he asked.
"Of course."
There were about ten lanes pushed up against the wall, different colored pain that had once been vibrant now faded and peeling. Across small black screens at the top of every lane, blocky red lettering beckoned players to the lanes. The lanes were clean, but there was a fine ring of dust around the ten thousand slot where no one ever got their ball to, no matter how hard they tried. As soon as Nico gave the machine its quarters nine balls slid down to greet him, wooden with the off white paint chipping. Without hesitation he picked one up, sending it flying with a spin at the slots, and it bounced over the first three to land in the forty thousand hole. "Woah," I said, my eyes widening as the bear still hung by my side. "You're good at this." Nico, usually modest, grinned.
"Oh, you wait and see," he grinned. "I'm just getting started."
The first time he landed the ball in the ten thousand slot the machine made a noise I had never heard before in my life, most likely because I had never seen anyone land the ball in the ten thousand slot. Nico punched the air, grinning. "Yes!" he hissed. I glanced up at the board and I saw that although he had only gone through five balls, his score was already at thirty five thousand.
"You really are good at this," I said. "Even using all nine balls, my score has never been this high."
"Hey, I know all of the arcade tricks," he said, kissing me on the lips. They reminded me of freshly baked bread; warm, and spreading a feeling of comfort throughout my entire body. "Stick with me and we can have so many tickets you won't know what to do with them."
By the end of the game Nico had managed to rack up an impressive score of seventy two thousand, landing the ball in the ten thousand slot two times more. The machine was spitting out tickets as fast as Nico could collect them and soon he was holding the wildest dream of a five year old, about fifty tickets clutched in his hand.
"What do you want to do next?" I asked him. "Do you want to play ski ball again?"
"Do you really want to blow fifty dollars worth of quarters on ski ball?" Nico asked. "We can do whatever we want. We can play those stupid jackpot games that everyone thinks they're going to win, but they only ever get four tickets." My eyes fell upon the bag, heavy with quarters. We had too many, and spending them all on individual games of ski ball would take forever.
"Let's do it."
By the end of the night, just after midnight had rolled around, we had collected 1910 tickets, according to the ticket counting machine next to the counter. Nico and I approached the counter holding our receipt, and I stared up at the shelves in awe. Before I had only been able to afford the small prizes in the display case but thanks to Nico I was rich with tickets, and looking at the faded yellow signs hanging underneath the items on the shelves I saw that we were able to afford every prize there was. "What do you want?" Nico asked. He pointed, and my eyes fell on a huge teddy bear, barely able to sit on the small shelf it was on. It looked like it would have been two feet if it was standing straight, one of its soft looking legs flopping off of the shelf.
"You want the enormous teddy bear?" I asked.
"We can share it," Nico suggested. "He can sleep on top of us. He looks pretty warm, we can use him as an extra blanket."
"That sounds perfect," I grinned. I could imagine it now, Nico and I sleeping in our bed with the teddy bear lying on top of us, its arms spread out to wrap the both of us in a huge hug as we slept.
"We'll take the bear," Nico told the girl behind the counter, sliding the receipt across the counter. I could see the girls eyes widen as she took in the number but her surprise quickly melted away and she stood on her tiptoes, grabbing the leg of the bear and pulling it down so that it flopped over her head. She handed it to Nico who took it, the bear looking ridiculously big next to his small frame.
"You still have ten tickets left," the girl told us. "Would you like anything else?" Looking back up at the sign I saw that the girl was right; the bear had only cost us 1900 tickets, meaning that somehow we still had another ten to spend.
"I'll take a twizzler," Nico said. That was five tickets gone, and I looked around to see what was left for five.
"I'll have a hershey's kiss," I decided. The girl gave me a smile, handing me my chocolate.
"Have a good night, you two," she said. We waved to her, wishing her a good night as well before stepping out of the arcade back into the cool night air. The sidewalk was empty and dimly lit, the neon lights from the arcade sign sending rainbow lights at the sidewalk.
"You ready to go home?" Nico asked. I glanced back inside the arcade, the same people still playing their games, the girl at the counter returning to her music and contemplation. I took Nico's hand and it was warm, sending comfort into my body for the umpteenth time that night.
"I think so," I said.
"It was fun though, wasn't it," Nico said. "We should do it again sometime." I could see that he was still looking into the arcade as well, already missing the strange ambiance of the place.
"Yeah, we should," I said. "But for now, let's go home." With the hand that wasn't holding the bear Nico took mine, and we walked home together underneath the tiny sliver of the moon.
Hi guys, I just wanted to say sorry about the technical difficulties, and thank's for understanding! I was planning on writing a full length destiel au sometime in the near future, and I was wondering if any of you would read it? It would be a little bit more mature than this one, but please let me know if you would be interested! Anyway, I hope you liked this one!
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