A Special Welcome
Request from @Huskypup2802. Sorry this took so long, I had a few more requests to do. Anyway, I hope you like it!
Grover's POV(Because we all love Grover and I couldn't resist putting him in the story)
"As you can see, the camp is a lovely place for demigods to escape from the monsters, discover their talents, and make new friends," I told Angela, the young ten year old standing in front of me. "Now, your godly parent hasn't claimed you quite yet, but I think we can assume that you're a daughter of Demeter." I gestured to the light green vines creeping their way up her legs. "I've given you a complete tour of the camp- the strawberry fields, the dining pavilion, the amphitheater, the cabins. In a few minutes Billie Ng, your head counselor, will show you your bunk, but do you have any questions for me?"
"Yeah," she giggled, pointing to two people sprinting around the corner of the Big House. We could hear screams, and soon I could make out the faces of Nico Di Angelo and Will Solance. "What's their problem?"
Nico was brandishing his trademark stygian iron sword, the black metal glinting in the hot summer sun as he waved it wildly at Will. Will looked terrified at the sight of his angry boyfriend. He was running away from Nico, his legs pumping as he clutched a bowl of what appeared to be salad to his chest. I could tell at once what Nico was angry about. If Nico ate at all, it would be McDonalds. If Will had tried to make Nico eat salad, Nico would be furious. I didn't see the problem with a nice bowl of leafy greens. Of course, a coke can would be preferable.
"That's Will Solace and Nico Di Angelo," I sighed, steering Angela away from the two demigods. "They're usually like this. If you need healing, Will's your guy. And I guess if you ever needed to talk to anyone who was dead, you could call Nico."
"Is the blonde one going to get stabbed?" Angela asked, turning around to get another look at Will and Nico, who had now disrupted a basketball game, yelling in the middle of the court as a dozen disgruntled demigods stood around them, waiting for the argument to finish. Nico's sword came dangerously close to Will's face, but Will could always fix up his nose later.
"I hope not," I muttered, glancing back at the small war that seemed to be brewing. "Come on, I'll introduce you to your siblings."
Nico's POV
The sun was high in the sky when I heard a furious crunching noise. I raised my head up from Will's chest to see Grover standing over us, madly eating a diet coke can.
"Hey, Gover," I said. "What have you been up to?"
"What I've been up to is accidentally forcing a new camper to watch your near blood bath!" he bleated, a huge chunk of can going down his throat.
"Oh, that?" Will chuckled. "That was nothing. You should have seen Nico when I tried to make him stay in the infirmary for a night for capture the flag injuries. He went ballistic."
"I did not go ballistic," I protested. "I was simply informing you that a night's stay in the infirmary for a few small scratches was unreasonable. Besides, everyone knows you only tried to make me stay in the infirmary was so that you could spend more time with me."
"That's not true!" Will argued. "You had a giant gash down your left arm! I was doing it to benefit you, not me."
"You're getting off track!" Grover complained, bringing our attention back to the hooved man standing in front of us. "The point I was trying to bring was that you cannot fight in front of campers, at least not in front of brand new ones."
"Fine," Will sighed. "What do you want us to do?"
"Well, an apology to Angela would be nice."
"Will do," I promised. "Once we're done, Angela won't have a bad thought about this camp."
"Thank you," Grover grinned. He trotted away, his hooves making small prints in the dirt.
"I can't believe that the first time I meet Angela, I'm going to have a bandage on my nose," Will groaned.
"I think it makes you look sexy," I told him, kissing the white gauze lightly. "Besides, it's your fault you have it. You did try to make me eat salad."
"True," he chuckled. Then, he furrowed his brow. "Hey, which camper is Angela?" I shrugged.
"How many new campers can there be?"
Will's POV
There were a lot of new campers. Clearly the gods had been busy, because everywhere we turned, there was a new face staring at us. This was good for the camp, of course, but horrible for us.
"What about that one?" Nico suggested, pointing to a young girl sitting happily in the lake, chatting happily to an older camper. "She looks like an Angela."
"Excuse me!" I called, jogging up to the girl. "Are you Angela?" The girl looked confused, raising her eyebrow.
"My name is Katie," she said, giving us a strange look. "Who are you?"
"You don't know me?" Nico asked, standing next to me. "I'm Nico Di Angelo. I was a hero in the giant war." Katie shook her head. "Are you sure no one told you about me?" Nico pressed. "I was the one who went into Tartarus alone."
"Nico, she doesn't know you," I said , dragging him away from Katie.
"I- I can't believe no one told her about me! I'm a hero!"
"Nico, shut up. You're starting to sound like Percy." That shut him up.
"Hey, what about that girl?" Nico suggested, pointing to a young girl with chocolate brown skin humming in the strawberry fields, making the vines crawl up her arms. Her eyes were closed, and she was swaying happily in the light breeze.
"Hi there, are you Angela?" Will asked, crouching down next to the girl. She opened her eyes, giving him a wide smile.
"Yeah!" she grinned. "You were that guy in the fight earlier, right?"
"About that," Nico said, crouching down next to her. "We're sorry you had to see that on your first day. It's not the most warm welcome, huh?"
"I thought it was cool!" Angela said. "Where did you get your sword? I really like it!" Nico and I laughed.
"I think you're going to fit in perfectly here, Angela," Nico smiled.
Hi guys! So, I hope you liked that one and it's come to my attention that I didn't exactly follow the request, and I'm sorry for that. Also, the one year anniversary of my book is coming up, and I was wondering if you guys wanted me to do anything special? I was thinking of doing Solangelo in a version of some of the Disney princess stories, but it's just an idea. Anyway, let me know what you want!
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