A sleepless night with solangelo
So this is dedicated to iamhestro for being super awesome with their comments and messages so thank you! And also, sorry for being a little late, I accidentally deleted 1000 words. :'(. But I hope you like it!
Nicos POV
I paged through my dog eared, well worn copy of Greek myths, but tonight I just couldn't get into them. I usually had trouble sleeping, but it never took me more than an hour and a half to fall asleep, but now it was two in the morning, and I wanted to rest. I tried to read about Hercules, but my dyslexia was acting up worse than it usually did, and I threw my book angrily onto the floor. I stared up at the ceiling, hoping that the blackness would help my brain tire quicker, but it was no use. I would be awake for the night. I threw off my covers and slid into my shoes. I figured I'd make some warm milk with honey, like Bianca used to make me when I was little, if only to try to go to sleep a little quicker. I cracked open my door, hoping not to wake the harpies. The harpies were good in the kitchens, but they usually fell asleep around midnight. I peered around and sure enough, the three harpies who were supposed to heavily enforce curfew passed out near the Hermes cabin. I shivered in the light autumn breeze, wishing I'd brought a sweatshirt. But even though it was cold, I liked the camp better like this. Because even though after the war I'd been accepted so much more, there would always be those people who would never accept me for who I was. But even so, there was something missing. Or, maybe someone was missing. I glanced toward the Apollo cabin, where I was sure Will was sleeping peacefully. I couldn't wake him up just because I wanted some company, or because I wanted to share this version of the camp with him. I shook my head, and continued on to the kitchens.
Will's POV
I lay awake on my bunk, unwrapping and re-wrapping a small cut on my thumb. My siblings snored on around me, completely oblivious to the fact that I was still awake. I glanced out the window, thinking I saw something flitting around in the trees, but I brushed it off. It was probably just a harpy who hadn't fallen asleep yet. Or maybe it was just a really big squirrel. Whatever it was, I didn't want to do that much thinking. I closed my eyes, trying to do anything I could to fall asleep. I started to count sheep, but I only got to eight before my ADD started back up and my mind drifted away to the best way to treat a hell hound bite. I groaned inwardly as I realized I would never get any sleep tonight. My mind was just to busy tonight. I shoved my blankets on the floor and slid onto my feet. I put on a sweatshirt and warm socks and slipped outside into the Autumn night.
The full moon hung, suspended in the sky by an invisible string. The stars glittered in the sky like diamonds, but they were more beautiful than anything you would ever find in a jewelry store. If I could, I'd reach up and take one out of the sky and give it to Nico. I glanced over at Cabin 13. All the windows were dark. I knew Nico was sleeping peacefully inside his cabin, and I wished I was doing the same.
Suddenly, I heard a crunching of a twig behind me. I spun around, to reveal a shadowy figure holding a mug of some sort of liquid. He had feathery black hair that was slightly lifted up by the light breeze blowing through the trees. He wore faded scull pajama bottoms and a plain black t- shirt.
Nico's POV
"Nico?" I spun around at the sound of my name, almost dropping my mug of milk in the process. My eyes met with a pair of light blue ones. He had curly blonde hair and a mess of freckles adorned his face, making him look more young and innocent than he was.
"Will?" I asked. "What are you doing here?"
"Same as you, I guess," he shrugged. "Couldn't sleep." He put one hand over his heart and the back of the other on his forehead, like something you might see in a Shakespeare play. "Maybe it was fate." I swatted his arm playfully.
"You are so dumb sometimes."
"So, where were you about to go?" he laughed.
"I was going to head down to the beach. Care to join me?"
It was a relief for my bare feet when the rocky woods turned into the soft sand. I grabbed Will's hand and led him over to the fort we had built one day with driftwood that had washed up on the beach one day. We settled down on the big log we had pulled out of the water, the one that just perfectly seemed to fit the both of us. I took a cautious sip of my milk. It tasted like home.
An idea struck me. I set down my mug and stripped down until I only wore my boxers.
"Well, are you coming?" I asked Will.
"Coming where?" I gave him a grin.
"I thought we could go for a little swim." I turned away from him and started to sprint down the beach, Will trying to take off his shirt and run at the same time. He met me at the edge of the water where tiny waves lapped at our feet, panting heavily.
"I think Percy is running off on you," he panted. I laughed.
"Well, come on in." I shoved him into the waves and dove in after him.
The water was cold and my short body could barely touch the bottom. I was forced to stand on my tip toes while Will, who was a good five inches taller than me, splashed merrily in the water, the salty spray only coming up to his shoulders. A huge wave washed over me, and I was left spitting sea water out of my mouth.
"Need a little help, Death Boy?" Will laughed.
"Yes, please," I said. Will grabbed me by my waist and lifted me up, settling me onto his strong back. I wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his middle, letting him carry me around the ocean on his back. Finally, we both got tired and flopped onto the sandy beach. Will lifted his arm and traced a shape into the sky.
"See that?" he said. "Those three stars are Orian's belt. And there's the centaur." I looked at Will curiously.
"How do you know that?" Will blushed.
"Oh, well, for a while, I was really into astronomy and all that stuff. Sorry if you think it's too geeky (A/n: you can never be too geeky ;))."
"I like it," I told him, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek. "Tell me more." Will blushed.
"Well, there are roughly 88 recognized constellations..."
Hi everyone! I really hoped you liked it, and I'm really sorry if that was a little shorter than I usually write. Also, thank you so so much for nearly 800 views! I love you guys so much <3.
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