The exchange students were going to reveal themselves tonight at dinner. "This will prove our theory!" Harry said.
=========Time skip to dinner because I'm lazy==========
It was finally dinner. Where are the exchange students? Harry thought. Then the doors burst open and the exchange students came walking in. Thalia, Leo, Connor, Travis, Katie, Calypso, Nico and Will in a line in front, Alex and Magnus after that, The South American exchange students in two rows after that, then the TionalFic School for Elemental Magic students in two rows of seven each with Chase by himself in the back, then the dragons. Wait, Dragons!!???!!?!? "Do not attack the dragons. Proffessor McGonnagal will hand out things you must put in your ear." Dumbledor said. By then, the exchange students and dragons had reached the front of the hall. "Nico Di Angelo, Son of Hades. I fought in the Titan war, went into Tartarus, was captured and imprisoned in bronze jar, brought the Athena Parthenos (Sp?) back to Camp Half-Blood, and came here. I am also the Ghost King. Also, this is the shortened verion of my titles." "Will Solace, Son of Apollo. I fought in the Titan and the war with Gaea and am the camp's best healer. This is not shortened." "Thalia, Daughter of Zeus. Hunter of Artemis, Eternal maiden, lieutenant of Artemis, Fought in both wars." "Leo Valdez, Son of Hephaestus. One of the Seven, Savior of Calypso, Fought in the war with Gaea, only fire user in centuries. This is shortened." "We are Travis and Connor Stoll, Sons of Hermes. Not Twins, fought in both wars. That is about it." Connor and Travis chorused. "Calypso, daughter of Atlas, until recently I was trapped on an Island." "Katie Gardener, Daughter of Demeter, Fought in both wars. Dating Travis. Any questions for any of us?" "Yeah! How do we know you're telling the truth?" Harry yelled. Then Thalia summoned lightning into a ball and shot it at Harry, Nico summoned a skeleton and sent it at Harry, Leo shot a blast of fire at Harry, Will sent a stream of light for some reason, Katie made plants wrap around his legs and Calypso did absolutely nothing. Then the South American exchange students. (You probably know the Keeper crew so, I'm just doing Elle, Loila, Ari, Rosina, Lia and Sandara. Assume that the Keeper crew already went.) "Ari Foster. Teleporter, Telepath, Polygot. I can see the past present and future in my dreams and am a dream companion. Am joining the Hunters of Artemis ASAP." "Lia Vacker, Vanisher." "Elle Redek, Pyrokinetic. Joining the hunters of Artemis ASAP." "Loila Redek, Conjurer." "Rosina Redek, Froster." "Sandara Endal. Hydrokinetic." Olu, Nature elemental, fifteen, two PhD's taking collage classes in spare time, for the third time, sophomore in high school, Junior in collage for the third time. "Annabeth, Metal elemental, fifteen, sophomore in high school." "Sarah, Fire/light elemental, worst control in a 1,000 years, fifteen, sophomore in high school." "Noelle, Earth elemental, fourteen, sophomore in highschool, skipped kindergarten." "Julia, Night/Darkness elemental, fifteen, sophomore in hingschool." "Jake, Animals elemental, fifteen, sophomore in high school." "John, Water elemental, fifteen, sophomore in high school." "Lulu, Elder water elemental, sophomore in collage." "Flora-Arnica, Elder nature elemental,sophomore in collage." "Acacia, Elder animals elemental, sophomore in collage." "Crystal, Elder earth elemental, sophomore in collage." "Chase, Elder-" "Minor!" "air elemental, sophomore in collage." "Ember, Elder Fire/light elemental, sophomore in collage." "Luna, Elder night/darkness elemental, sophomore in collage." "Silver, Elder metal elemental, sophomore in collage." "Alex Fierro, Daughter of Loki." "Magnus Chase, Son of Frey." by then everyone had the earbuds that would allow them to communicate with the dragons so the dragons introduced themselves. "Hi. I'm Clay of the MudWings." "I'm Peril of the SkyWings. I was born with too much fire so you can't touch me." "I'm Riptide of the SeaWings." "I'm Sunny of the SandWings." "I'm Princess Tsunami of the SeaWings." "I'm Starflight of the NightWings." "Queen Glory of the RainWings." "And I'm Deathbringer of the NightWings." " I'm a SeaWing-SkyWing and Deathbringer is a NightWing-SkyWing. Not the one who just introduced himself, the one next to me." "Hi! I'm Moon." "Qibly." "Winter." "Kinkajou! Hi! Hi! Hi!" "Turtle." "And I'm Festus."
The demigods at the school before, and Percy and Annabeth will reveal themselves next time.
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