Person with green hair
Me: Keefe, Do you even know Alex's name? And a friendly reminder that your daughter also has green hair.
Keefe: Who? I know who Ari is but who's Alex?
Me: The one with one eye brown and one eye amber that turned into a sugar glider?
Keefe: Oh, that one! Who's that one?
Me: Keefe, not the one who was glowing, The other one!!!
Keefe: Who?
Me: Keefe! We don't have time for this!
"He really trusts you, doesn't he?" It was more of a statement then a question. Alex had interrupted Will and Magnus's conversation byy draping herself over the back of the couch. "Yeah.-" the rest of his sentence was cut off by crashing and banging and screaming from the portrait. "MUDBLOODS SCUM CREATURES OF DIRT! DIRTYING AND DISGRACING THE NOBE HOUSE OF BLA-" Mrs. Weasley must have closed the curtains. The crashing and banging had come from upstairs. Alex grabbed Magnus, and pulled him to the sound. Then she heard cursing. lots and lots of cursing. "Sarah, your mouth should be washed out with soap!" Sarah must have been the one cursing. "Well your not the one who got landed on by everyone else Noelle!" "Yeah but I've had my mouth washed out with soap for speaking!" "When?" said a new voice. "Chase, None of your business. Shut up or I will shape-shift and bite your head off." said another voice. "Who are you and why do you all have gloves made of weirdness on?" Magnus asked, "Also, Sarah, your mouth does need to be washed out with soap." "Thank you!" Noelle said. "Ow." someone else said. "Ok. Whoever's on top get off!" After a lot of cursing and a whole lot of greek and latin and norse cussing, and some english, the dog pile finally disbanded. Ok. That hurt. A lot. A girl with Maroon hair and a turquoise streak signed in ASL. "What did she say?" a boy with blonde hair. "Oh for Thor's sake. Learn ASL Chase, or you're being thrown out the nearest window!" a girl with red hair, long on one side, short on the other so it looked like a fox tail said, "She said that hurt, a lot." "Who are you?" Magnus said. Olu, Nature elemental, fifteen, two PhD's taking collage classes in spare time, for the third time, sophomore in high school, Junior in collage for the third time. "Annabeth, Metal elemental, fifteen, sophomore in high school." "Sarah, Fire/light elemental, worst control in a 1,000 years, fifteen, sophomore in high school." "Noelle, Earth elemental, fourteen, sophomore in highschool, skipped kindergarten." "Julia, Night/Darkness elemental, fifteen, sophomore in hingschool." "Jake, Animals elemental, fifteen, sophomore in high school." "John, Water elemental, fifteen, sophomore in high school." "Lulu, Elder water elemental, sophomore in collage." "Flora-Arnica, Elder nature elemental,sophomore in collage." "Acacia, Elder animals elemental, sophomore in collage." "Crystal, Elder earth elemental, sophomore in collage." "Chase, Elder-" "Minor!" "air elemental, sophomore in collage." "Ember, Elder Fire/light elemental, sophomore in collage." "Luna, Elder night/darkness elemental, sophomore in collage." "Silver, Elder metal elemental, sophomore in collage." they were very diverse. Julia had very dark, almost black skin. Lulu had even darker. Flora-Arnica had the skin tone that kinda looked like she was native-american. Acacia had skin the color of reddish chocolate. Luna had very dark skin, and everyone else had light skin. Now, who are you? Olu signed. "Alex Fierro, my pronouns are she and her until further notice." "Magnus Chase. I'll let my sword introduce himself." He pulled Jack off his neck chain. "Yes, senor? What do you want me to do?" "Introduce yourself." "Hi. I'm Jack." What did he say? Why is he floating? Why is he glowing? I can't read sword lips! Olu signed. Olu, relax. Sword said 'Hi. I'm Jack.' he can float because he's magic. He's glowing because he's magic. Magnus signed. Alex went downstairs to get everyone else. They came up and Introduced themselves. Then the Elementals introduced themselves again and then the wizards not let in on the secret came up and everyone else introduced themselves again but without the elemental's part. Olu was really, really short. Taller then Leo but still really short. Nico had been brought upstairs carried bridal-style by Will, they both still had rainbow hair. The Demigods and Elves still had colored hair. Alex was surprised by the sheer number of scars Ari had. Up and down her arms, her mid-section, shoulders, back, legs.
How was that? I will update twice as soon as I can! I'm so sorry about not updating. I have 840 views! Thank you! Please comment and share your thoughts! I think that Alex should be Slitherin and Magnus should be Hufflepuff. Magnus is not brave enough for Gryiffindor. He has hidden behind a talking sword for Zeus sake! Alex, just Slitherin. It fits his personality so well!
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