"Where were you? You weren't in the Great Hall during the search for the griffin. Which they never found by the way." Harry asked Nico and Will. "That is none of your business. You have been told to not look into who and what we are." Nico responded. "Ah ha! So you admit it!" Ron said. "Admit what?" Will said. "Admit that you're a death eater!" Harry said, "You kidnapped Hermione, Neville and Luna!" "How do you know that we didn't come with them of our own free will?" Hermione and Neville were standing behind Harry and Ron. "If you mess with our family you mess with us too." Professors Chase and Jackson were standing behind Nico and Will. "W-where did you come from?" Ron asked. "We have our own ways of getting around. Also I have no idea how to apparate so you can scratch that Idea off your mental list." Percy said with the last comment directed to Harry, "Come on, Nico and Will. Our office has more than enough room for you." "Can we come too?" Neville asked. "Sure." As Nico, Will, Hermione and Neville went up the stairs to get things to sleep, Ron whispered to Harry, "Get the cloak. We'll follow them when they leave." When the others left, Harry darted up the stairs to get the Invisibility cloak and they put it on a and followed the others out the portrait hole. After following them for a few minutes, the visible group stopped. "Wait," Nico said, " I feel Thanatos. But why would he be here? Wait a minute, that's not Thanatos, just his cloak." Then Nico reached out and grabbed the cloak. "How-" Ron started before being cut off by Nico. "How I did it is none of your concern, How did you get this?" "I got it from Dumbledor as it was left in his possession by my father before he died." Harry said. "Thanatos and his greedy need for death," Nico muttered before returning the cloak and saying, "Here. Don't follow me. I will know and next time I won't be so nice." Harry and Ron went back to the Common Room. "And that proves he's a death eater." Harry said when they got back to the dorms. "Yeah. I forgot to tell you, the other night, I saw Nico-the-skeleton-kitten cuddling in Will's bed. You know, he's still is partly human when he looks like a kitten so that was a conscious choice." Ron said. "But that's crazy! What kind of boy likes other boys?" (No offense meant) Harry said. "My thoughts exactly." Ron responded. Then Harry started to list more reasons why he was a death eater, until Ron said that he wanted to go to bed.
Here's a chapter. sorry it's so short. I'll update again today. Sorry I didn't update yesterday. My brother had his birthday party yesterday so I got dragged to a birthday party full of nine year old boys on a sugar high. Siriosly, he didn't Invite Ella and Launa even though they are like cousins to us And we have known them our entire lives so there were zero girls there. zilch.
goodbye for now,
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