Flame boy
I'm going to do it. But what if she says no? "Leo, stop worrying! She's going to say yes." Percy and Keefe said at the exact same time. "But what about Potty?" "Don't worry about him. Just use snark. It always works." Alex was sitting on her bed, examining her garrote. "This is not your conversation!" Leo said. "Snark doesn't work on the master." Magnus said. Alex turned into a fox in surprise. "Yes! I can surprise Alex!" Magnus did a happy dance. "Hey! Watch your language!" Magnus scolded Fox-Alex. "Yes I cussed because there was a FLAMING DRAGON ON TOP OF ME! Blame Halfborn."
Time skip to proposal
"Will you make me the happiest person in the world and be my wife?" He asked. "Valdez, you idiota, Yes!" He slipped the ring onto her finger and stood up. They kissed. "Hey, You can't get married yet!" A voice shouted from the crowd, "You're barely older then Fifteen!" It was Potty. Leo knew he shouldn't call him that, but he was a Potty. "Scar-face, What do you even want?!" Leo shouted back. "For Calypso to be mine!" "Did you rescue her from an island were she was imprisoned for years?" "No." Potty said sheepishly. "They you can't have her." Leo and Calypso kissed again. They went back to Percy and Annabeth's office. There was an Iris Message almost as soon as they entered. It was from Ari. "Hey, I need help. Forbidden Forest. ASAP." Ari cut the connection and Leo and Calypso raced to the Forbidden forest. There was roaring. They ran to the roaring. Ari was trying to keep Festus and an unfamiliar dragon apart. "Hey. I need help. Keep Qibli from attacking Festus and put these in." Ari said. She tossed them each an earbud thingy that they put in their ear. They they heard and understood the dragons. Even Festus. "Qibli, calm down!" a dragon with color-changing scales said. "But he called me a scorpion!" said the one trying to attack Festus. "Well he called me a Lizard-gutted gear brain!" Festus responded. "Whoa buddy. Don't torch the dragon. I can get you some motor oil and Tabasco sauce." Leo said. "Yay! Tabasco sauce and motor oil!" "That is the strangest dragon I have ever seen." said the color changing dragon from before. "Kinkajou! Don't be rude!" said a dragon with aquamarine and glow in the dark scales. "Introduce yourselves!" Ari said. "Sunny." "Starflight." "Peril." "Clay." "Moon." "Qibli." "Kinkajou." "Deathbringer." "Queen Glory." "Winter." "Turtle." "Riptide." "Tsunami." "All right. I'm Leo, and this is my Fiance Calypso." "And I'm Festus. My name means Happy. Don't ask. Leo named me. I was a dragon, I went insane, Leo fixed me, I broke, I became a figurehead for a ship, Also don't ask, then I turned into a dragon again. Leo is my best friend." "Wait, Leo, you proposed!?" Ari asked, bewildered. "Yup!" Lo turned to Calypso and kissed her, and would of kept doing it if Kinkajou hadn't interrupted. "Is there any fruit in this forest?!"
How was that? I just got to book 8 of Wings of Fire so I added in the new dragonettes. inspirational quote of the day: "This isn't goodbye forever, just goodbye for now." -Alden Vacker
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