Chapter 33
They finally docked in Meereen. It had been many weeks and Tara was grateful when her foot hit dry land. She wouldn't have to sway side to side constantly or throw up anymore. The throwing up had been happening constantly while she was on the ship.
Meereen was a beautiful city. Tara and Theon hadn't seen anything like it. The giant pyramid towered over the city. They all knew that's where they were headed.
Theon turned to Tara. He ran his hands down her arms. They were going to go meet Daenerys soon.
"Do you want me to go with or stay?" Tara asked him.
Theon was holding her hands in his. "Come with. I want you to be with me."
"Are you sure?"
"Of course."
Tara smiled, "Okay." Theon leaned forward and pecked her on the forehead.
Yara, Theon, and Tara stepped forward into the throne room. Daenerys and Tyrion were standing atop the stairs. Theon, Yara, and Tara found their place near the bottom of the stairs.
After short introductions, Tyrion went straight to it. "Last time we saw each other was at Winterfell, yes?" Tyrion said to Theon.
"You were making jokes about my height I seem to recall. Everyone who makes a joke about a dwarf's height thinks he's the only person to ever make a joke about a dwarf's height."
Theon looked to ground. It was embarrassing how he used to act.
"The height of nobility, a man of your stature, someone to look up to." Theon recited, "You are all making the same fix or six jokes."
"I apologize. It was a long time ago." Theon tried to defend himself.
"It was." Tyrion replied, "And how have things been going since then? Not so well I gather. Can't imagine you would have murdered the Stark boys if things had been going so well."
"I didn't murder the Stark boys," Theon cut in, "But I did things that were just as bad or worse."
"And he paid for them." Yara added.
"Doesn't seem like it. He's still alive."
Tara looked too Theon. She hoped that he wouldn't let what Tyrion said get to him.
Tyrion continued, "It was complicated, I'm sure, growing up at Winterfell. Never quite knowing who you were. But then, we all live complicated lives don't we?"
Daenerys finally spoke up, ending Tyrion's train of thought. "You've brought us 100 ships from the Iron fleet with men to sail them. In return, I expect you want me to support your claim to the throne of the Iron Islands?"
"Not my claim. Hers." Theon said.
"And what's wrong with you?" She asked.
"I'm not fit to rule."
"We can agree upon that at least." Tyrion said. Theon looked over at him. He wish he didn't judge him so harshly for what he did when he was young and foolish. Then again, maybe he did deserve it.
"Has the Iron Islands ever had a queen before?" Daenerys asked.
"No more than Westeros." Yara said.
"Our Uncle Euron returned home after a long absence. He murdered our father and took the Salt throne from Yara. He would have murdered us if we'd stayed." Theon added.
"Lord Tyrion tells me that your father was a terrible king." Daenerys said.
"You and I have that in common." Yara said.
"We do. And both murdered by a usurper as well." Dany turned to Tyrion, "Will their ships be enough?"
"With the former master's fleet, possibly. Barely. There are more than 100 ships in the Iron fleet." Tyrion turned back over to Theon and Yara.
"There are and Euron is building more. He's going to offer them to you." Theon explained.
"So why shouldn't I wait for him?"
"The Iron fleet isn't all he's bringing. He also wants to give you-" Theon trailed off unable to say it.
"His big cock, I think he said." Yara finished his sentence for him, "Euron's offer is also an offer of marriage, you see. You won't get one without the other."
"And I imagine your offer is free of any marriage demands?" The queen asked.
"I never demand, but I'm up for anything really." Yara teased. A small smile came upon Daenery's face.
"He murdered our father and would have murdered us. He'll murder you as soon as he has what he wants." Theon moved on.
"The Seven Kingdoms." Tyrion added.
"And you don't want the Seven Kingdoms?" Daenerys asked.
"Your ancestors defeated ours and took the Iron Islands. We ask you to give them back." Theon answered.
"And that's all?"
"We'd like you to help us murder an uncle or two who doesn't think a woman is fit to rule." Yara said.
"Reasonable." Dany smirked.
"What if everyone starts demanding their independence?" Tyrion questioned.
"She's not demanding, she's asking. The others are free to ask as well." Dany paused looking between them, "Our fathers were evil men, all of us here. They left the world worse than they found it. We're not going to do that. We're going to leave the world better than we found it."
She stood up as she continued, "You will support my claim as queen of the Seven Kingdoms and respect the integrity of the Seven Kingdoms." She walked down the steps to them.
"No more reaving, roping, raiding, or raping."
"That's our way of life." Yara shook her head.
"No more." Daenerys said confidently. Yara and Theon looked at each other for a moment, but then Yara looked back.
"No more." Yara agreed.
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