From last chapter we have time-skipped another month. :D I'm awful, I know
Logan was sitting at his desk, carding through some homework and pressing keys on his laptop.
Roman busted through Logan's door with the smile of a man who had just won the lottery.
"loGAN!" He said again, practically dancing over to him.
Logan sighed and turned around in his chair, assuming this was important. "Yes?
"He said it!"
"Said what?"
"He loves me," Roman spluttered, grinning and blushing like a maniac.
Logan narrowed his eyes. "About fucking time."
Roman and Virgil had stayed dating for months now and neither of them had the courage to say "I love you" yet. It was painful to watch. Roman had been afraid to overstep a boundary and Virgil was usually too stubborn and insecure to even consider saying it.
Roman wasn't at all deterred by Logan's crude comment. "It was so sweet! I was talking about Snow White and he rolled his eyes and told me I was obsessed and I said "That's why you love me," and he said "Yeah I do." He walked over and sat on Logan's bed while ranting.
Logan rubbed his eyes beneath his glasses. "Oh, really. And how did he react when you said you loved him too?"
Logan looked over at Roman incredulously. "Roman. You did tell him you loved him too, didn't you?"
Roman blinked at the ground just below Logan's feet and covered his face with his hands in distress. "Fuck."
"Roman? What exactly did you say then?"
"I... I got excited and forgot to say it back. He put a hand over his mouth like he was regretting saying it, and I squealed "You DO?? Omg!!" and kissed him on the forehead."
"Roman, you absolute IMBECILE."
Roman shot up from the bed. "Shit. Shit. Shit-"
He ran out the door.
In surprise, Logan stood and ran out behind him. Roman was at the foot of the stairs and Logan stopped at the top. "Roman? Where are you going?"
Roman turned and looked up at him from the foot of the stairs. "I'm going to tell Virgil I love him!"
Logan pinched the bridge of his nose, annoyed beyond comprehension. "Why don't you just text him?"
Roman raised a hand to his forehead dramatically and put on his drama voice, which Logan had come to interpret as his 'If-you-try-to-talk-me-out-of-this-I-will-punch-you' voice in private settings.
"I have forsaken my sweet Storm-cloud by not making my unending love for him known! If I let him know over my device, he will not take it to his precious heart! I must seek him out and tell him in person so he understands my devotion! This is a romantic act of love and sacrifice, my dear friend!"
Logan didn't care to stop him. Virgil would most certainly chew him out for running around town anyway. "Fine. Go be an idiot."
Roman beamed with triumph and sprinted towards the door, but he stopped when he had his hand on the handle. He looked back at Logan with a wary expression.
"I don't have a car."
Logan stared at him as though this made no difference. "And?"
"Can I borrow yours?"
Logan crossed his arms and gave Roman a glare that Roman could feel from all the way up the stairs. With the utmost calm, Logan drawled, "Walk."
Roman's eyes widened. "It's pouring out there!"
"Choose. The love of your life, or your looks."
Roman scowled and before walking out into the rain, he called over his shoulder, "Also, Patton told me to give you something, it's on the coffee table."
When Roman had left to save his relationship from a threat that didn't exist, Logan scoffed and walked over to the coffee table, picking up the piece of paper Roman had left. It was a flyer with a letter on the back.
The flyer was advertising a summer carnival coming up soon. It had a circus, games, food, shows. It was definitely the kind of thing Patton would want to go to. The letter on the back was Patton's handwriting.
"Hey Logie! I know I could have just texted you but Roman was already heading to your house so I just sent this flyer with him. Me and Jan are doing a show at this carnival and I was hoping we could go together once the concert is done? Text me if you're interested!"
Logan felt a smile tug on the corners of his lips and he went back upstairs to grab his phone.
Logan: Hey, Pat.
Patton: Hi! Did you see the flyer?
Logan: Yes, and I would love to go.
Patton: Oh, yay! I was afraid the rain might damage the flyer but I guess Roman got to you in time!!! :D
Logan: He is on his way to Virgil's house at the moment. Virgil said he loved him earlier today and Roman forgot to say it back.
Patton: Aww, poor Roman!!
Logan: Remy is going to have his head on a platter, Figuratively.
Patton: You're such a nerd!
Logan: You're such an angel.
Patton: LOGIE!!!
*Real Life*
Logan heard a creak from downstairs and realized the door was opening.
Logan: I have to go, I think Emile is home.
Patton: K, love u bumblebee
Logan: I love you more, Honeycomb.
Patton: Wait what
*Real Life*
Logan smirked slightly as he turned his phone off and left Patton on a cliffhanger, walking downstairs.
Logan had decided only a few days ago that the next time Patton called him bumblebee, Logan would call him honeycomb to fit. He couldn't wait to see how Patton would react.
Emile looked to be in a similar mood. He was in the kitchen, making dinner. His phone sat on the counter with some cheesy pop song playing from it, and Emile was doing a little dance as he cooked what Logan could only assume to be Red Beans and Rice.
Logan blinked and said over the music, "You seem happy."
Emile looked over at Logan and grinned. "I just got back from a date with Remy. He's so beautiful!"
Wow. Big day for romance.
Logan made a 'Hmm' noise and asked about the carnival.
Emile beamed. "You and Patton are so cute. Actually, the carnival isn't a bad idea. Maybe I could go there with Remy. When is it?"
"July 7th. You can buy tickets online."
"Sounds good. I'll text Remy about it. Can you handle the rice for a moment?"
Logan nodded and stirred the rice in the pot while Emile took his phone and started texting. Logan was a terrible cook so Emile knew the only thing he could help with was stir.
Emile made a little noise of disappointment. "He's not responding."
Logan didn't look up from the rice. "He's probably ranting at Roman."
"Virgil said he loved Roman earlier today and Roman got so excited he forgot to say it back. He busted into my room talking about it, and when he realized what he had done, he ran out of the house in the pouring rain to find Virgil and say he loved him."
Emile made a little "Aww," noise and then giggled, holding a hand up to his face. "I guess Remy would be pretty mad Roman didn't say it the first time. Despite what Roman thinks, Remy really does approve of Roman. He's just protective."
Emile's eyes shone as he spoke. Logan found himself smiling slightly. It was good to see his brother happy.
"Remy is Virgil's only parental authority so he spends a lot of energy making sure Virgil is okay. He shows it in a weird way, but he cares too much for the world to handle."
Logan chuckled. "You're lovesick."
Emile blushed ferociously and covered his face with his hands. "Logaaan!"
They fought for a few moments over the stirring spoon while the rice got overcooked. Spring was ending, summer was approaching, and anyone with a lover knew this was the best time to be falling in love.
Roman was apologizing to his true love, Logan was waiting to meet with his, and Emile was daydreaming about his. Big day for romance indeed.
Muahahahahahah- I know, this update was REALLY QUICK. Want to know a secret? I wrote this chapter before the last one. Only once this one was done did I realize Patton's parents needed to meet Cassandra. I had to edit this according to that. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed.
The reader count for each chapter individually is around 20, but for the entirety of the book, it reads for 200 something. I don't really get how the numbers work-
-Little Kat
P.S: Was this YET ANOTHER FILLER CHAPTER? Yes. Am I slowly dying inside? Yes. Do I have a plan for the Carnival? not at all.
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