Logan walked up to the cafe with his hands in his pockets. He breathed in and out as steadily as he could, but he could barely contain his excitement.
The cafe was a small building off the side of the road that was so new that people were still painting the walls on the outside. The sign above read "Remy's Remedies; The best coffee in town." Remy was Virgil's brother, and having trained his whole life to be a barista, he was definitely getting lots of customers. It was unknown to Logan why Remy loved coffee so much, but he supposed it was a long story that he didn't need to hear.
There was a green copper bench outside the front door with the paint chipping off. Logan couldn't help but smile as he realized Patton was sitting on it.
Patton was wearing a white shirt and a jean jacket, as well as a grey skirt and white knee-high socks. His blue sneakers tapped anxiously on the ground.
Logan walked up to him and smirked. "Hey Pat."
"Logie! What took you so long?" Patton stood up and hugged him excitedly.
"I'm 5 minutes early! How long have you been waiting?"
"Not important!" Patton pulled away, beaming.
Logan chuckled. "Ok? How are you feeling?"
Patton rolled his eyes but smiled. "I'm good. You sound like your brother sometimes."
Logan raised an eyebrow. "Have you met my brother?"
Patton giggled and explained.
After careful consideration, Patton had decided to go see a therapist earlier that day. He didn't know how it worked, so he showed up without an appointment. Luckily, Emile, (Logan's brother) was on shift that day with no clients, so as soon as he saw Logan's jacket draped over Patton's shoulders, he let him in and they talked for a bit.
"He's really nice. He also asked me to tell Remy he said hi."
Logan laughed. "Of course he did. You just wait and see Remy's reaction."
Before they walked into the restaurant, Patton said quickly, "You look stunning by the way."
Logan felt his cheeks heat up and decided to counter with "You're one to talk."
Patton made a noise that was half offended, half impressed.
They stepped into the cafe, the bell above the door ringing out. The man at the counter was scrolling though his phone, sipping a mocha out of the corner of his mouth. His sunglasses shrouded his eyes.
Patton skipped up to the front counter and beamed. "Hi!"
The man looked up. "Aren't you energetic?" He looked back behind Patton and saw Logan walking up more slowly. "Nerd, is that you? Did you actually manage to find a boyfriend?" He looked down at Patton. "He's like a tinier, more insufferable Emile."
Logan cocked his head to the side sarcastically. "I never noticed. Hey, Remy."
"Hey babes. What's your name," Remy asked Patton.
"I'm Patton!" Pat grinned.
Remy chuckled. "Alright, I'm Remy. I am Virgil's brother, Emy's friend, and your barista for today. It's on the house for getting Virgil through his attacks at school, B-T-dubbs."
Patton nodded and then said, "Speaking of Emile, he told me to tell you hi!"
Remy only gave a small smile, but Logan could tell that his eyes lit up behind his sunglasses. "Oh, did he? Well, you'll just have to tell him hi back."
Patton beamed and ordered a Cinnamon Roll Frappe.
"I'll just have a black coffee," Logan said, sitting down with Patton at a table by the window.
Remy nodded and wrote the order down. He then looked back into the kitchen and yelled, "HEY ORANGE! A BLACK COFFEE! I'LL HANDLE THE FRAPPE."
Patton looked out the window and gasped quietly. "Logie! Look! It's a KITTY!"
Logan looked out the window and saw a brown cat without a collar slinking around in the bushes. He had to admit, it looked cute. But the cleanliness of it's fur showed that it definitely had an owner, even if that owner didn't want to put a collar on it.
"It's cute, I suppose."
"Isn't it?! Aww, I wish I could pet it!"
Remy walked up to them and set the drinks down. "Is that Coco? He's early."
Logan looked over at Remy. "Coco?"
Remy chuckled. "Coco comes by every day for food. I don't know where his owner is, but he seems to be attracted to this place by the coffee smell. He's pretty friendly, too, he might let you pet him if you're gentle."
Patton sighed. "I can't. I'm allergic to cats."
Remy frowned. "Awwe, sorry babes. I think I'll feed him outside today." He walked out the front door and over to the cat, pulling some cat food out of his apron pocket.
Logan took a sip of his black coffee and Patton stuck a straw in his frappe. He looked it over. "This is so pretty, I almost don't want to drink it."
Logan chuckled and muttered, "You're so pretty I really don't want to lose you."
Much to Logan's surprise, Patton barely gave a reaction except for; "You are stuck with me, you won't lose me that quickly."
They both laughed and talked about whatever came up, and Logan almost forgot he even had coffee near him. He was too captivated by Patton.
Their conversation was interrupted when a child in the cafe said "Momma!" so loudly that they had to look over.
A little boy with black hair and striking blue eyes looked up at his mother with short brown hair, who was ordering a pumpkin spice latte.
"Momma!" yelled the boy. Much to Logan's surprise, he pointed at Patton. "That boy is wearing a skirt! Why can't I wear a skirt?"
The woman looked down and shushed him. "You can't let people hear you say silly thing like that. It's not masculine for you to wear a skirt."
Patton looked at Logan pleadingly. Logan shook his head as if to say, 'We shouldn't get involved.'
Patton's gaze hardened. He turned his gaze back to the conversation before them.
"But I wanna! It looks comfy!"
The woman tightened her grip on his wrist. "Shut up! I'm ordering."
Logan winced as Patton spoke up. "Ma'am, you shouldn't treat your son like that. His is his own person."
The lady's head snapped up to look at Patton and Logan narrowed his eyes protectively. But the woman didn't see.
"I suggest you stay out of it, and don't wear things like that in public. It makes you seem like a homosexual."
Logan stood up, eyes blazing. "What if he is?"
She scoffed and turned to Remy behind the counter. "Sir, do something!"
Remy smirked. "Ma'am, I suggest you leave. This is an LGBTQ+ safe zone."
The woman was fuming by now. The little boy said "ow," as her hand tightened on his wrist.
"I'd like to speak to the manager!"
Remy's grin widened. "I am the manager. At your service."
She uttered and "Ugh," of disgust and left the cafe, her heels clacking on the ceramic tile. Remy took a sip of his mocha and called "Bye, Karen!" after her.
Logan sat back down and sighed. "I'm so sorry Patton."
But Patton looked far from sad. In fact, he looked ecstatic.
"I have an idea for a new song," He exclaimed, eyes sparking.
Yeah, bitches. I did it. I made a Karen chapter. MUAHAHAHA-
I don't know if you've noticed, but I'm going to start working a background character called Orange into each chapter at least once. In encore, Orange was a stagehand, and in this chapter, orange worked at Remy's cafe. I will work the name Orange into every chapter just randomly. This is because of the color theory that the next dark side will have orange as a signature color.
Please comment if you enjoyed, I never know unless you comment! Comments give me life!!! Peace out-
-Little Kat
P.S. I have an idea for a Remile book that I might write when I am done with this one. I can't tell you much yet, but I can say there will be lots. of. coffee. And the title will be "Drive-Through". That is all I can say. Peace out-
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