Logan didn't like eating.
He didn't have a disorder or anything, that wasn't the problem. He just was just naturally not hungry. He found that eating too much wasted time. He ate what he needed to when he needed to, and he didn't see the point in snacks or big dinners unless you are malnourished. He thought it was a waste of time that could be spent studying, or literally anything else.
But tonight Logan had to set those worries aside because his mom got off of work for the first time in months, and he was not missing the chance to introduce her to Patton's parents.
It was Saturday, a couple of days after Logan told Patton about his father. Logan and Patton were inseparable by now.
It was now 5:47. Logan, Emile, and Cassandra needed to get there at 6. Cassandra changed into something slightly casual, but still formal because she enjoyed it, much like Logan did.
Logan would never admit it, but he loved how similar he was to his mother. It made it easier for him to relate himself with Emile and Cassandra. And easier to not think about other things.
He undid and redid his polo buttons again in the mirror. He was feeling anxious. He realized that the short night his mother was given off of work would be spent with other people. He missed spending time with her, like when he was little and they would watch Disney and have debates over whether butterflies had feathers or scales. Logan would never have that time back.
He felt a hand on his shoulder and looked over to see Emile. "You okay, Lo?"
Logan nodded, warding off his thoughts. Now was not the time for this. "I'm great. Let's go find mom."
They walked downstairs together. Cassandra was at the bottom of the stairs in a white blouse, navy shawl and khakis. Her mocha brown hair was done up in a bun and she had scarce make-up on. She really was naturally pretty.
She rushed over to me as soon as I came down the steps and adjusted the collar of my shirt. "Lolo, you look wonderful."
Logan beamed at the nickname his mother had for him. "Thank you."
Emile put a hand on his chest as though offended. "What about me?"
Mother chuckled and adjusted the rim of Emile's shirt. He was wearing a plaid button-down and brown pants. "You look wonderful as well, Emmy. I'll have to meet your new boyfriend soon, as well."
Emile blushed ferociously. "We went on one date!"
Logan and Cassandra laughed and the three of them got into her car.
In case you were wondering, Patton gives the strongest and most bone-crushing hugs in town to everyone. And Logan's mother was no exception.
When Logan's family pulled up to Patton's house, Patton was waiting on the doorstep like he always is. The moment he saw Cassandra, he rushed over and hugged her like he might not be able to again.
When Logan's mother was able to breathe again, she laughed. "You must be Patton."
Patton beamed at her. "Right! And you must be Logan's... younger sister?" He tried.
Cassandra put a hand to her chest and made a little happy sound. "You are adorable. But we both know I'm his mother," She replied sweetly.
Patton nodded and hugged Emile as well. "Come in!"
The four of them made their way into Patton's house. Logan vaguely remembered bringing Patton home when he was drunk- the memory was brought on by the sight of the front of the house.
Patton's father had come home from work early and was in the kitchen, cooking. Patton's mother was in the living room and spotted them just as they came in. "Oh! Jacob, they are here! Get over here!" She spouted excitedly, calling to her husband.
"Honey, I'm cutting the onion, give me a second!"
Trianna grinned and clapped her hands together excitedly. Cassandra held her hand out for Patton's mother to shake, but Trianna hugged her instead.
The two were like exact copies of Logan and Patton meeting. It was scary.
Trianna pulled away, still smiling. "You must be Logan's mom. Come in, sit down on the couch!"
Cassandra blinked a few times, looking a bit suffocated. "Oh, thank you. I'm Cassandra," She introduced herself, sitting down on the couch.
"Trianna," Patton's mother said, beaming. They sat next to each other on the couch and chatted for a bit. Patton gave Logan a huge hug.
"I missed youuu!" Patton told him, his face buried in Logan's collar.
Logan wrapped his arms around his boyfriend. "Thank goodness. I was afraid you weren't going to hug me," He said sarcastically.
Patton busted into giggles and kissed Logan's cheek. "I have enough hugs to go around, calm down, Bumblebee."
Bumblebee was a nickname Patton had started using for Logan ever since he saw Logan with pollen in his hair. Logan secretly liked it, but don't tell anyone.
Emile stood off to the side looking like the ultimate third wheel.
Trianna and Cassandra suddenly started giggling uncontrollably.
"What," Logan asked, eyeing his mother suspiciously.
She looked back at him with a mischievous twinkle in her eye Logan hadn't seen for a long time. She held up a tiny black album with Logan's baby pictures in it and Logan's stomach dropped.
Cassandra busted into full on laughter. Instead of subsiding to Logan's wishes, she waved Patton over. "Come see!"
Patton beamed at her and rushed over, leaning over the back of the couch to look at the photos. Logan sighed in distress.
"Here's Logan building a sandcastle. Here he is with letter magnets on the fridge- Oh, he was such a smart baby. And here he is playing with Emile! Oh, Emile was an adorable child."
Logan's mother continued to show Patton and Trianna photos. Emile walked up behind Logan.
"Patton is like a tiny me," He mumbled.
Logan laughed softly. "Remy said the same thing."
Emile punched Logan's arm, blushing. "I can't get one day without being reminded, can I?"
Logan snickered. "This is payback for months of teasing me about Patton."
Emile pouted and went over to the couch to look at the pictures.
Patton's father, Jacob, sauntered out of the kitchen. He had blonde hair and incredibly dark ebony eyes. He had a dramatic and egotistical aura that was strikingly similar to Roman's. The man grinned and patted Logan on the back. "Good to see you again."
Logan nodded sheepishly. "You too, sir."
Jacob chuckled and called to everyone. "Dinner is ready!"
Patton grinned and grabbed Logan by the arm, leading him to the dining room, where they sat down next to each-other. Cassandra sat on Logan's other side, Emile sat across from Cassandra, and Patton's parents sat across from Patton and Logan.
Because of the giddy introduction the two mothers had as soon as they met, the dinner wasn't as awkward as Logan thought it might be. The food was great, Jacob had made Spaghetti and garlic bread and it was delicious. Despite being so, Logan took a few large bites and then felt full. Wanting to still make a good impression, he kept eating, although he really didn't want to.
(A/N: Guys I just got G-noted I'm gonna c r y)
"So what do you do for a living?"
Logan's mother swallowed her spaghetti and replied. "I work for Sanders inc. I handle schedules, presentations, drawing boards, schematics, and dividing paychecks. I'm away from home all the time, Logan was practically raised by Emile."
Patton's mother nodded.
Logan was the only one who felt the words hanging in the air. He knew they wanted to ask them.
What about his father?
He leaned forward to his chair and was suddenly very very interested in the food. He didn't normally like eating, but it was a good distraction.
Patton had already wolfed down his food. He was a very fast eater, and Logan often had to remind him to eat slower as to not choke. Patton would apologize and then keep eating at the exact same speed, if not faster.
Suddenly Cassandra's phone started ringing.
"Oh, sorry, Let me take this," She said quickly, excusing herself from the table and walking to the living room. Her bowl lay empty at her seat.
Logan finished his food off and felt so full he thought he might burst. "This was delicious," He commented.
Jacob gave a lopsided grin. "Thanks! Only the best for the kid who got my son to play music for us!"
Patton scoffed. "I love how you can't let that go."
His father looked up. "It's not that I'm unhappy, I just wish you had told us."
Suddenly, the tension in the room skyrocketed. Patton looked up from his empty bowl and narrowed his eyes. "And I wish I could have a better temper."
"You should really see someone about that," Jacob replied.
"I AM, DAD. Logan's brother is my therapist."
"You just don't seem to be doing better."
"You certainly aren't helping."
This back and forth continued for a few minutes. With every word, Trianna's face seemed to fall further and further into despair. Emile shifted uncomfortably in his seat and Logan took Patton's hand.
"Pat. It's okay."
Patton looked over at him and his angry expression faded into guilt. "I'm sorry, Logie." He shifted his hand so their fingers were intertwined waffle style.
Trianna sighed and shook her head. "I really am sorry." She took everyone's dishes and went into the kitchen. Jacob followed her. Emile, Patton, and Logan were the only three left in the room.
Logan squeezed Patton's hand comfortingly. "What's wrong?"
Patton scoffed. "I don't know. How should I? For some reason, my dad won't let go of the fact that I never told them about my problems, or more specifically my music. He claims that he isn't mad and then he goes off about how it wasn't safe to keep things inside and pursue a career alone. I keep saying that YEAH, I get that, that's why I stopped and he just keeps going and going."
Emile nodded and decided to give some input. "Worry can lead to anger. He might not know how to address worries like that, so it comes out as scolding. You're right that he can't seem to see your side of the story, but can you see his?"
Patton looked at his boyfriend's brother with confused eyes. "His side? To him, he wants control over me and he hates that I'm not perfect."
Emile shook his head. "From his side, he thinks he did something wrong. He's scared that you have emotional problems because of something he did. His fear is only bigger when you bring in the fact that you hid such a beautiful talent from him for that reason."
Patton's face softened a little. "He's scared?"
Emile nodded and smiled softly. "From what I can tell. He really does care about you."
Patton sniffed and rested his head on Logan's shoulder. Logan kissed Patton's head and mumbled, "Who wouldn't."
oH my god-
Sorry it took so long to upload, I have been having a bit of trouble keeping motivated. I am REALLY TEMPTED to start another fanfic idea I have been working on but I have to finish this first. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Was it filler? Yes. Was it necessary? Not at all. Am I sacrificing my time to give you guys a decently long book? Definitely.
I recently started reading a fanfic called "Keep Him Safe" on AO3. It's chapters are lengthy, super descriptive, and AMAZING. THE GRAMMAR AND QUALITY MAKES ME FEEL SO BAD ABOUT THIS MESS I'M WRITING.
Anyway, Please don't forget to comment feedback. I miss human interaction.
Peace out-
-Little Kat
P.S: Sorry again for the long wait. I will take longer to update because I want these chapters to be really good. I kind of feel like the plot is everywhere at once and I could really use some reassurance-
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