TW: Mention of hitting, Homophobia
Logan really wasn't temperature resistant, even though he had said so before so he could give Patton his jacket. He really didn't have an explanation for his brother when he came home and had no jacket.
"Lo, come on," Emile said, rubbing his temples. "Why can't you tell me where your jacket is."
Logan knew exactly why he couldn't tell Emile. Emile was going to freak out, ask for Patton's full name, write down every last detail, make a ship name, and do everything he could to tease Logan about it.
Especially since Logan hadn't had a crush Emile could tease him about since the 5th grade.
But Logan was not the only smart one in the family, Emile had a knack for psychology and figuring out the truth. He took in every variable, from the missing jacket, from the new friend at school, to the slight blush on Logan's cheeks, to the hour he came back.
Emile's jaw dropped. "You gave it to a boy."
Logan's face turned red. "Jesus christ, why are you so good at this?"
Emile slowly got up from the couch and started squealing excitedly. "YOU GAVE IT TO A BOY? WHO?? ARE THEY NICE???"
Logan coughed and tried to go up the stairs. "Nice is an understatement. Can I go now?"
Emile pulled him back down the stairs by his arm. "Noooo! I want to hear about who you gave your jacket to!"
Logan sighed. "Why?! He was cold, what else was I supposed to do?"
Emile giggled and sat dramatically on the couch. "But isn't that romantic? You gave him your jacket and he still has it!"
Logan blushed. "And? I'll get it back tomorrow."
That was when Emile's phone started ringing.
And kept ringing.
Emile was staring at Logan, not even paying attention to his phone.
"Are you going to pick that up?"
Emile narrowed his eyes. "Are you going to tell me who your crush is?"
Logan raised and eyebrow. "What if Remy is calling?"
That seemed to snap him out of it. He started fumbling with his phone and muttering curses under his breath. When he got a hold of it he clicked answer and then speaker.
"Em, where the hell is your little brother?!"
Emile's eyebrows furrowed. "Right here. You're on speaker."
"Where the hell is Virgil?"
Oh, right. Remy was Virgil's older brother.
"We set him up."
"There's this guy Virgil has a crush on but he's too emotionally closed off to do anything about, so me and a friend set him up. He is at that guy's house now. Don't worry, he'll be back before midnight."
"Back before midnight? Before MIDNIGHT? Are you kidding me? Babes, this is real cute and all but c'mon, what if something happens?!"
Logan rolled his eyes. "He's in good hands."
Emile put on his psychiatrist voice. "Remy, Virgil is old enough to stay out if he wants to. YOU taught him to make good decisions, so i'm sure he is safe."
"Babes, thanks, but if Virgil comes back and anything went wrong, I will personally bitch slap your brother."
Emile chuckled. "Not if I can first."
Emile and Remy then just started chatting randomly, which gave Logan the option to run upstairs while his brother was distracted. His mom was at work, he knew, so he didn't have to worry about sneaking past her room to get to his. Once he was inside his room, he locked the door and sighed to himself, putting his glasses on his dresser and sitting on his bed. He was asleep before he even knew he had laid down.
The next day
The next day, Logan walked down the hall by Roman's side. He had been tuning out Roman's incessant gossip and chatter, but having enough, he interrupted him.
"What happened last night?"
Roman snapped his jaw shut and glared angrily at Logan. "You know exactly what happened."
Logan squinted and said, "I assume you think we had cameras in the attic? Falsehood. I decided against it in case you and Virgil got too comfortable."
Roman's whole face flushed red. "You are almost as bad as Remus."
He coughed and was silent for a few moments, before he inevitably exploded with excitement.
"I confessed! And he confessed. And we both confessed! And then he yelled at me, and I yelled at him, but it was ok cuz' we worked it out, and then he fell asleep and you guys still didn't open the door so I slept, and HE IS SO CUTE WHEN HE SLEEPS! You know how he kind of has a resting bitch face? It was all gone! He just looked so PEACEFUL!"
Logan chuckled. "And then?"
"Well, then, he woke up first and went downstairs and then I woke up by myself and got scared, but he was just downstairs yelling at Remus, and then his brother called, and he got put on speaker and screamed at me for a good 5 minutes because it was past midnight, and then Virgil grabbed some fruit-snacks from the kitchen, flipped us both off and left."
Logan sighed. "Roman."
"You forgot to ask him on a date."
Roman's face fell. "Oh. Oh no. Oh shit shit shit-"
And then he sped off down to hallway to find Virgil.
Logan shook his head and turned to open his locker. Just as he was putting in the code, he realized he was about to be late for class.
Logan had never been late to class since elementary school. He had learned the hard way that being late caused you to miss bits of class, so you did worse, and your grade went down. He decided he could borrow someone else's textbooks in class and tried to get to his class without getting the books from his locker.
Most of the kids were gone from the hall, but Logan heard a commotion up ahead and went to check it out.
One of the school's most notorious homophobics, Chastity, was there with her three suck-ups; Carrie, Lucas, and Janet. They formed a semicircle against a wall around some kid. Logan saw with horror that it was Patton they had backed up against the wall.
"What do you want," Patton asked pleadingly.
Chastity laughed. "Don't worry, we're just going to rough you up a little. Can't have you homosexuals walking around like you own the place, can we now?"
For a split second, Logan thought he saw a flash of rage in Patton's eyes, but it was gone as soon as it had come, replaced with fear and sadness. Patton was doing what he always did; trying to help.
"Please, I know you don't want to do this. I'm a person too. Doesn't it make you feel bad to hurt people?"
The reasonable words had no effect on Chastity, she gave a smirk. "My dad says that I should help to rid the world of imperfections. You're just a big blemish on the surface of the earth."
Patton, for some reason, looked to Janet. "Please, Jay! You know me!"
Janet scoffed. "My brother knows you. I wish you were never born." This was when Chastity raised a hand, about to hit Patton.
At this, Logan grabbed Chastity by her sickeningly pink hair and pulled her back so she was face to face with him. "Don't you fucking touch him." His eyes sparked with rage as he threw her on the cold tile.
Patton gasped. Just as Logan was about to go off on Chastity's friends, Patton stepped in front of him and grabbed his arm. "Don't! If you hurt them, you become just as bad as they are!"
Logan looked conflicted for a moment, and in that moment of hesitation, Janet, Carrie, Lucas, and Chastity ran down the hallway.
Logan tried to go after them, but Patton kept a grip on his arm. "Logie!"
Logan sighed. "I know! I know. Are you okay?"
Patton hugged him. His voice was muffled in Logan's shirt. "I'm okay."
Logan hugged back for a moment but pulled away. "How did you know Janet?"
Patton sniffled. "I am friends with her twin brother, Janus. We- we used to do homework together, but he goes to my old school, so now we only talk on the weekends."
Logan knew Janus. Janus was the boy that he had set up with Remus to keep him grounded.
Logan smiled. "Are you sure you're okay?"
Pat rolled his eyes but smiled right back. "I'm fine, Logie!"
They walked to class together in silence, and when they got to the class door, Logan asked about his jacket before they went in.
"Oh yeah! I'll bring it back tomorrow. Thank you again for letting me use it."
"It was no problem."
When school was over
Logan walked out of the school building with Patton by his side. He was chattering about cookies. When they came up to the sidewalk, Patton gave Logan a hug and said goodbye, but Logan stopped him.
"Before you go, can I ask you something?"
"Yeah, what's up?"
Logan narrowed his eyes. "Where did you go from Roman's house last night?"
"Because I noticed that most days you go home on the west side of town, but you were heading east. And you are going East now as well. Have you moved houses but stayed in the same town?"
Patton looked at a loss for words at a moment. He then smiled and pressed a finger to his lips. "No. It's a secret."
Logan raised an eyebrow, and he couldn't help but crack a smile. "Oh really? Will I ever know?"
Patton giggled. "Maybe."
He walked away towards the east side of town, humming a tune and holding his backpack strap with one hand.
Logan sighed and watched him walk away. He knew that whatever Patton was doing, it wasn't hurting him. He was acting silly about it. But it did bug him a little, as he remembered the rush Patton had been in when he left last night.
Logan was almost home when Roman caught up to him. "Hey! Nerd-o!"
Logan groaned and looked back. "Yes, idiot?"
Roman ignored the nickname and started rambling.
"So before you and Pat pulled your prank on us, I had bought two tickets to a concert tomorrow night. I was going to ask Virgil to go with me, but then the whole thing happened in the attic. I asked him about it today and he said he had something to do that day, but we could meet up at the cafe on Friday. So now I have two tickets to see "Cotton" and I have nobody to go with. I know rock isn't really your thing, but we haven't hung out in a while. Do you want to go see the show as friends?"
Logan took a moment to process. Roman had been right, Rock music wasn't normally Logan's favorite. But Logan had nothing to do that day, he had already studied, copied and memorized all of the information for two units, he didn't need to study anymore. He thought that going to a concert with a friend wasn't such a bad idea, if he wanted to keep his mental health up.
"I suppose I could. I have already studied for the next two units. You have studied, haven't you?"
Roman was lying, but Logan didn't push the question further. Roman passed most of his tests by guessing.
"Who did you say was performing?"
"A two person band called Cotton. They just got big, and I hear that the lead singer is really good."
Logan thought "Cotton" was a strange name for a rock band, but he didn't judge. Musicians sometimes had strange names.
"He is the singer as well as the bass player. Janus is the drummer."
"Wait, Janus? Janus is in a band?"
"Yeah. I had no idea either, but I was running the concert idea past Remus and he recommended it."
Logan made a 'hmm' sound and noticed that they were at his house.
"I'll see you tomorrow, it sounds good."
"K, bye Nerd!"
Heyyy. I promise this chapter wasn't filler- IT WILL ALL MAKE SENSE NEXT CHAPTER. Have you guys figured it out yet?
Please leave a comment, comments give me life!
Peace out-
-Little Kat
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