AN: Merry Christmas! This is the last chapter! I love Pentatonix . please watch the video . Sorry fandomsliveforever for not putting you in more chapters .
Ashton's POV
My friends and I went to Disney world ( the one in Florida) for Christmas . It was Alex , Luke , Jo , Andi , Hunter , Will ,James , and me . I guess I should describe them to you .
Alex: brown hair , brown eyes , pale skin and his height is probably 5'4 or 5'5 cause his is a few inches taller than me .
Luke: brown hair , brown eyes , sort of tan , about 5'5
Jo: dirty blond hair , blue eyes , kind of pale , about 5'4
Andi : I don't know but in the book she is Hunter's cousin and I always imagined her with brown hair and blue eyes
Hunter : dirty blond hair and I think brown eyes . about 5'5
Will: brown hair and blue eyes about 5'3
James : brown hair and brown eyes . about 5'5
Ages are :
Alex: 13
Luke : 15
Jo: 13
Andi: I don't know I'm going with 14
Hunter : 13 or 14
Will: 11
James: 13
When we got to Disney Andi and I shared a room since we are girls and the boys were all in one room . Then we went and rode some rides . We went back to our rooms and changed into are pajamas . I put on a mint green tank top and gray fuzzy bottoms . Andi had changed into a blank tank top and teal fuzzy bottoms . Then the boys came in with their pajamas on . "Let's play Truth or Dare ." Will said . "OK ." I said . "OK I'll go first ." said Andi . "Whoever was your first crush or crushes kiss them on the cheek . " she said . I crawled over to Alex and kissed him on the cheek . Then I went over to Hunter and kissed him on the cheek . Then Andi went and kissed Jo's cheek . Then Alex crawled over to me and kissed my cheek . Then Jo went and kissed Andi on the cheek . Then Luke went and kissed Andi cheek . Then Hunter kissed my cheek . Then Will kissed my cheek . "OK , my turn ." said Hunter . "Alex truth or Dare? " he asked . "Dare ." he replied . "Show Ashton that picture you took at the airport ." Hunter said . "You sure? " Alex asked . "She needs to know ." Hunter replied . "Know about what?" I yelled . "Come here ." Alex said as he pulled out his phone . Then I saw of Luke kissing some girl I've seen before I think her name is Allision . "Luke what is this?" I said . "My girlfriend ." he whimpered . "That's it I'm through with you ." I said . I ran to my room since we were in the Living room grabbed my jean jacket and ran out the door . I sat on a bench and just sat there .
Alex's POV
"How could you hurt her? " Will screamed as he punched him in the nose . "Come on Hunter ." I said . We ran out and spotted Ashton sitting on a bench crying . We sat on ether side of her . "Well Ashton I think Luke might have a broken nose from Will ." I said . She cracked a smile . "Why does this keep happening to me? Why am I so ugly? " she said . I saw Hunter walk away to give us some time . "Your not ugly and when I kissed you on the cheek it meant I still love you ." I said . "I love you too . I have for a long time ." she mumbled . "Will you be my girlfriend?" I asked . "Yes ." she replied . I kissed her . "We should get back before Luke ends up with a black eye ." Hunter said . "OK ." she replied happily . "Do want a piggyback ride?" Hunter asked . "Yes ." She hopped on to his back . When we got back we sent Luke to the guys room and we watched Avalon High . Then Ashton started falling asleep so I pulled her onto my lap and she put her head on my chest . I looked at Jo who had Andi sleeping on him .
* back home *
3 person view
Alex and Ashton became a ccouple and Andi and Jo became a couple . So everyone got a happy ending except for Luke who had a broken nose and black eye from Will .
The End
AN : I hope you in joyed this last chapter . Merry Christmas
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