this is what kendall looks like^
kendall's pov
i smiled to myself, letting the fresh air hit my skin as i walked outside of my house. my house was nothing special, just three bedrooms, a living room and a kitchen.
my mom and dad were never married so i guess i couldn't technically say they were divorced, but it was just my mom, my brother and i, my dad wanted to be in my brother's life, but since i wasn't falling into all the lies he was telling, i wasn't someone he wanted around.
i had called my friend, bella, earlier this morning since we had one car and my mother used it for work which was completely fine with me, if anything i could just take the bus. i had a license but that didn't mean i could just suddenly get a car like other kids my age, it just wasn't an option.
she pulled up into my driveway, i walked around her car, getting into the front seat.
today was the first day of junior year and i wasn't ready for it at all, my anxiety flying out of my ass!
"gooooooooodmorning!" she was a little too fucking preppy this morning, but oh wait she's supposed to be like that she's a popular cheerleader! but on the other hand, i'm just me. people knew me but no one cares, and i don't care very much either, we won't see each other in two years anyway.
"not such a good morning." i sigh, pulling out the headphones from my backpack and connecting them with my phone, playing a song called take care by drake featuring rihanna.
"why?" she asked, suddenly not as hyper as she just was.
i shrugged, "it's just not fun, school is pointless, i can be a stripper and make the same amount of money i would spend on collage! it's just so much pressure that i can't deal with."
she nodded, this girl, this girl was my only true friend. she has been there for me since we were maybe eleven or twelve. we've been through a lot together.
before i knew it we were in the school parking lot, she had paid for her own parking spot, wish i could relate!
we took off into the school, the principal annoying kids as they walked in for their first day.
fuck out of my face!
we separated to look for our own lockers, when i finally found mind i realized it was a bottom locker and had a mental fight with myself, i just shouldn't use it.
i bent down in front of it and unlocked it pretty quick, i wasn't the best at these types of locks but god was on my side!
as soon as i heard the door unlock, i felt a presence behind me, almost towering over me in a way. i moved my head to the side to look up at the person that was opening his locker, well i guess that's the person who i have to awkwardly encounter for the year.
i pulled the headphones out of my ears and stuffed them into my backpack for later, along with my phone.
i continued to separate my things into my locker, checking my schedule here and there, before he tapped on my shoulder.
i looked up.
of course! just my luck. it was ethan.
if you don't know who ethan is, he's the twin brother of grayson dolan. they're just bad news here, either for their past relationships or the drama they constantly are involved in.
"yes?" i say, breaking the silence between us. he was observing my face, his eyes trailing down to the rest of my body. it made me extremely uncomfortable so i just stood up, swung my backpack over my back and kicking my locker closed.
he still hadn't said anything, my eyebrow now raised to the fucking gods, "yes?" i say in a more stern voice, trying to make it clear i wanted him to respond, topping it off with crossing my arms over one another.
"nothing, just thought i should say hi to my bottom."
bitch did you really just-
i pushed past his shoulder and walked off to my homeroom, which was actually in the other direction so i had to go through another hallway so i wouldn't pass him again.
end of the day
i got to my locker and had trouble unlocking it this time. why could i do it so easily before? anyways, the school day overall wasn't that bad. bella wasn't in a single one of my classes but there were some people i knew, a few cute boys here and there.
there he was, towering over me once again. this wasn't going to work, i should just get a bigger backpack.
he apparently noticed i was having some trouble with my locker and kneeled down besides me, lifting the lock up and observing the code that was still written on it, well now he could steal all of my shit!
he unlocked it in less than a second, turning his head to look at me, he smiled. but something was off about it, the smile wasn't genuine from what i could tell, there was just something off.
he stood up and carried on whatever he was doing with his own locker and i grabbed all the things i needed for the night. as i was walking off a hand grabbed onto my forearm, obviously taking me by surprise, turning around to find out it was ethan.
"how can i help you?" i asked sarcastically, obviously annoyed. if he wanted to get with me or something, it just was not going to happen! i didn't need that for my mental health.
"i just wanted to ask you something." he said, looking down at the floor as kids stormed past us, obvious they were trying just as hard as i was to leave this hell hole.
i pulled my phone out of my back pocket as soon as i felt a buzz on my ass. it was from bella, she was outside waiting for me.
"then can you ask? i gotta go." his eyes left the floor and were on my cleavage, his tongue pressing against his cheeks, like he gained confidence to talk to me just by looking down there.
"what's your snapchat?" he asked, i was certainly not sending him nudes, why did he want it?
i pressed the home screen of my own phone, tapping into snapchat, turning my phone to him and showing him
my snapcode, he took out his phone and scanned it, adding me. i gave him a smile and tried walking away, not wanting to add him back because i genuinely just didn't want to talk to him, he's manipulative.
he placed his hand on my shoulder as i turned away, his fingers tapping away on my phone and adding him back.
he knows i could just easily hit the block button? he needs to watch himself, i fake smiled and walked outside as fast as i possibly could so he didn't catch up with the for anything else.
i spotted bella's car and got into her front seat once again, she smiled at me, i knew she wanted to know how my first day went but i was just tired of the day in all, wanting to go to sleep as soon as i went home or at least watch shameless in complete silence.
"hey!" the corners of her lips curving upwards into a smile, which i could tell was genuine.
i wonder what was off about his.
"hey." i spoke softly, putting my phone into the front pocket of my book bag, along with putting my seatbelt on because this bitch has insurance but i sure don't!
she was more focused on trying to drive out of the parking lot without killing a kid then the conversation with me, which i guess was a good thing, i wasn't one for talking about my feelings in any situation.
"how was your day? anything happen? there was a couple girls that came to me directly to get on the squad and i didn't know how to say no." she went on, i did care about her day but her life in highschool wasn't the same as mine, so there was no possible way she could understand my side of the hallways.
"it was alright, you won't believe who's locker is above mine this year."
"who's?" she turns her head from the road to me, but i point to it with my fingers because i am not trying to die right now.
i sighed, loud enough for her to hear, "he also asked for my snapchat, but he didn't exactly give me much of a choice in the matter." i explained before telling her, because i knew as soon as i said the name she would be mildly concerned.
"who the fu-"
"ethan dolan."
her eyes were once again off the road and on me, her eyes shot open as wide as they possibly could, yep, she was concerned.
"oh god, just stay away from him, ill buy you a bigger backpack."
i hope you guys like this story
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