Part 64
Over the next few days, Sean scouted the competition. He couldn't help himself. He worried. Most of these gang leaders he had never seen on the track. He'd only heard rumors about them and their tactics. Leaning on the railing overlooking the starting track, he watched the leaders flexing their rides as they fixed them or took them for laps around the small test track. He thought his bike would have an advantage... but a few of their bikes were pretty similar to his own. Built for speed. Mark was busy getting last minute plans done and Matthew was helping to keep places like this clear to avoid the Slum Dog leaders fighting with Pets or Nobles. Eyeing Bradley, he watched him whisper with a leader or two. On occasion his eyes would look up to meet his with a wicked smile. Sean tried not to show any emotion. He couldn't afford for them to see that he was afraid. While studying a leader he felt was a wild card, he flinched when someone said over his shoulder. "Boo."
Sean jumped, turning to shove the man away in an instinctive reflex. The man stumbled back but chuckled as he recovered. Sean relaxed a little at the sight of Rat. Rat looked more like himself now. His long red hair was braided and tied down one shoulder and his iconic long brown denim jacket hugged his slender frame. Rat had his hands stuffed in the pockets of his jacket, his goggles propped up on his head, with one of the lenses painted with his gang logo since he couldn't see out of that eye. Rat leaned forward, teasing him playfully. "Did I scare you? What are you doing up here, you sneaky dragon?" Sean narrowed his eyes on Rat, saying honestly. "Same as you. Scouting the competition." Rat swung a leg over the rail to sit on it, his attention turning to the others. Glancing at him, Sean asked him curiously. "Why aren't you down there? Shouldn't you be getting your bike ready?" Rat snorted, telling him in a cold tone. "No. They are stupid. Overconfident. They flex their rides and show off. A real racer doesn't reveal his ride until the day. When they can't change their ride to beat them. They've forgotten that... I haven't. And neither have YOU."
Rat slowly turned his head to look at him with a sly grin, whispering to him smugly. "I'm a track rat. I watch. I listen. I play at night when no one is watching. And I've noticed you doing the same." Sean swallowed, feeling a little guilty. Rat laughed lightly, turning away to say softly. "You don't need to worry about me. I'm not interested in being an Elite. Too much spotlight. I prefer the shadows. Safer. I'm only here for one reason." Rat's eye narrowed on Bradley with a hard emotionless glare. Sean calmed down a little, saying just as softly. "I understand that... But will you rat me out to them?" Rat chuckled, his features softening when he told him coolly. "If this was any other race, I might. But... I've seen how these guys run things. They aren't worthy of the title. As much as we've had our fights... you've always been more reasonable. My info for traded goods. It did my gang right. I respect that. I don't pick favorites... but I owe you." Rat bowed his head a little in shame, uttering out grimly. "I'm sorry about your family... I did try to save them. I just didn't arrive in time."
Sean put a hand Rat's shoulder, telling him respectfully. "You got Nate out. Our debt is settled." Rat put a hand on Sean's shoulder, locking eyes with him as he told him seriously. "Thank you. Although, saving my brother... means more to me than one life." Rat shook a bit at the memory. Sean squeezed Rat's shoulder, telling him seriously. "We both did what we could. I'm just sorry that he died when I got him to you." Rat inhaled deeply, shooting a glare in Bradley's direction as he muttered out darkly. "I'm glad you brought him to me. I don't want to know what HE would have done to his body. Fucking bastard will pay for not being able to tell us apart!" Sean patted Rat's shoulder to comfort him. Rat's twin brother was only his younger brother by a few seconds, but everyone knew how close they were to each other. They dressed the same... but Rat lost his eye in a gang fight. His brother hadn't. Although, his brother wore an eyepatch to hold true to the illusion.
Dressing the same had always kept his brother safe from gang members looking for a fight. Rat's reputation to sneak up on people and stab them in the back or slit their throats in their sleep kept people from messing with him. Since most people that chased him lost him in the shadows... only to turn up dead by morning. Sean had only met Rat's brother once and it was after Bradley formed the Red Cyclones. Bradley wanted the Subway and had attacked it at full force. Rat's brother had been trading with him and upon returning home was ambushed. Unlike his brother, Rat's brother wasn't as skilled with using shadows to his advantage and they chased him. Bradley and his men wanted to destroy Rat's reputation... They wanted to make him suffer. He'd been badly broken and stabbed by the time he crawled back to Green Dragon turf. At the time, Bradley had no chose but to flee unless he wanted to fight them too. Sean had more numbers then. Most gangs would have finished Rat's brother off... but he valued Rat's information and the use of his subway tunnels for quick escapes.
So, he had taken Rat's brother back to him. He had tried to save him... but his wounds were too severe. Too deep. Sean had managed to get him back to Rat... but he had died shortly after in Rat's arms. When word got around that Bradley had failed to kill Rat, he began surrounding himself in guards to protect himself from Rat's revenge. While Rat plotted millions of ways to kill him. The more he was forced the wait... the more Rat plotted gruesome ways to kill him. Even going so far to say that his gang would eat him alive. Filling the sewers with his screams. Rat gave him his word that his gang would show him no ill will for as long as he lived for returning his brother. Sean in turn gave him his word that his gang would do the same for him AND even try to help him get his revenge. So far, their every attempt had failed though. Sniffling, Rat whispered under his breath. "As an Elite... give me access to his room. Let me end him! You know he's afraid. It's why he surrounds himself with THEM! The coward."
Sean leaned back on the rail, watching the others as he told him seriously. "I can't. It will draw too much attention. This is our only chance to get the Nobles to accept us. If they think I set it up to let you kill him... They'll wonder if I plan to use you to do them in." Rat nodded reluctantly. Sean licked his lips, before telling him softly. "However... I was told these tracks can be very dangerous. They have these off-worlders that phase through walls to save people when they can... but often people don't make it." An evil grin pulled at the corner of Rat's lips as he said very softly. "My interest is peaked. Tell me... What do I have to do to get the plans for the track?" Sean shrugged, saying innocently. "I don't know. What are you offering?" Rat chuckled, saying menacingly. "What wouldn't I give? Name your price." Sean turned his back on the track to hide his words. Leaning back on the railing, he told Rat in a serious tone. "I'll give you the plans... but you run your plan through me first. I need to be sure that what you do is brushed off as an accident. Then that's it. Slate clean. You give this life a try."
Rat gripped the railing tighter with both hands, leaning over his shoulder as he told him in a deadly serious tone. "Deal. But I'll do you one better. I'll convince the others to go along with this plan of yours. After all... I'm quite a fan of not starving." Sean nodded, telling him happily. "Deal. I'll have Nate drop them off here at eleven o'clock tonight." Rat raised an eyebrow with sudden curiosity. Giving Rat a smirk, he told him honestly. "I've been watching you too." Rat tipped his head to him, swing over the rail as he chuckled out. "Clever little dragon. Learning to play with your food? I like it, you rat with wings." Sean chuckled, watch Rat casually stroll across the benchers. Turning back around, he continued to watch the other leaders for a bit longer before finally going home. It was weird to be an Elite. He had the freedom to go anywhere he wanted with the new Valkyrie guards that Matthew had designed. Yet, he found himself still doing things like a common Pet.
It was stranger how the Pet's regarded him now. No Pet had EVER had a title this high. So, he found himself more respected by them. Idolized even. Even some of the snobbish Pets that looked down on him for being a Slum Dog couldn't deny that becoming an Elite as a Pet was impressive. People bowed to him as he passed, even if they didn't care for him. Reaching the house, Sean began checking over his bike for the hundredth time. He hated waiting for the race. It made him so anxious. Sitting beside his bike, he told her softly. "There is a lot riding on this... and we won't have the advantage that I thought we would..." Behind Sean, a familiar voice chuckled out warmly. "So, what you are saying is that you'll finally have competition?" Sean blushed, turning to see Nate stepping out from the house. Climbing to his feet, he asked Nate excitedly. "What are you doing here?" Nate pointed to the house, telling him sweetly. "Matthew came here to talk to Mark. Dragged me along to see you... but you weren't here. Went to the track?"
Sean hugged Nate, answering gruffly. "Ya. I wanted to see how they were adjusting so far. You won't believe how clean they look." Nate chuckled, pulling from him to lean back on Mark's car. Mark would kill him if he saw him doing that. Shrugging, Nate asked him calmly. "How is Rat?" Sean chuckled, replying in a half-joking manner. "Ready to nibble the wires on Bradley's bike. Which reminds me. I need you to deliver something to him before tomorrow." Nate nodded without questioning it. Looking Nate over, Sean smirked to himself. Nate looked more like a Pet now. He wore a clean black shirt with a thin blue jean jacket that had a green dragon on it. He still wore torn black pants and his scoffed leather shoes, but he was cleaner and had a glow about him. Along with his black gauges, Nate wore his chain collar... but now there were charms on it. Colorful metal charms of musical instruments and notes. They suited him in a way that made Sean blush to look at them.
He'd heard from Mark that Nate was becoming obsessed with music and was working to become a Music teacher. He apparently had a gift for it. Something he never would have guessed from the Nate he knew in the Slums. Nate caught him looking and smirked as he asked him. "Like them? Matthew's been buying them for me. Said my collar was too bare." Sean reached out to touch a metal microphone charm, telling him lovingly. "I do. Shows how much he's taken an interest in you and your passion." Nate grabbed his wrist, telling him just as lovingly. "Sean... Please be careful. These guys... They might try to play dirty." Sean stepped closer, putting his forehead to his as he told him sweetly. "I know." Nate exhaled heavily, moving his head to rest it on Sean's shoulder as he told him in a worried voice. "Can't you change the rules? Let me race with you. I'll watch your back... It will be torture to see you out there alone. And if something happens..."
Sean shook his head, replying calmly. "That will just put more people out there that I'll have to face down. No. This needs to be the leaders." Nate groaned stubbornly, mumbling out under his breath. "Sean, these leaders-" Sean cut in gently to chuckle out. "They hate each other. Ya, I know. It will be chaos... but I think they've forgotten how fun it is too." Nate lifted his head, looking him in the eyes as he chuckled out. "You want them to have fun?" Sean smiled, answering honestly. "Of course. How long have these guys been on the bench? They may hate each other... but they've NEVER raced each other. Just imagine it... What if they get the rush back and desire more?" Nate shook his head with grin, retorting a little impressed. "That's the Sean, I know. Power looks good on you. Make sure you keep it." Sean kissed Nate's cheek, patting his shoulder as he told him excitedly. "Come on. This is ME were talking about it. My life is a speedometer that doesn't go under triple digits. I got this." Even as Sean said it, he didn't wholeheartedly feel his words. Anything could happen on the track and he had a lot to lose.
They ate dinner and to Sean's dismay, the conversation was all about the race and the racers. He got so anxious about it, that after dinner he went straight to bed. All night, he tossed and turned in his bed. Nightmares of wrecks and 'accidents' so bad that they scared him awake. Finally giving up on a restful sleep, he got up to have breakfast in the early morning before the sun was even up. Without Amy around, Mark and himself were taking turns to cook meals. Today was Mark's day, but Sean made himself coffee. Holding the hot cup, he dropped his head to the cold counter and groaned. Shuffling his feet, he rocked in place. He needed to move. His adrenaline was getting out of control. He'd never been so on edge over a race. The sound of footsteps coming down the steps made Sean jerk his head up. Mark was never up this early, but he was today. Mark was even dressed and looked wide awake. Walking casually toward him, Mark asked him in a deep buttery voice that relaxed Sean upon hearing it. "Up early, aren't you? Worried?"
Sean nodded, putting his head back on the counter between his outstretched arms as he mumbled out. "Yes... I'm normally anxious for a race. I HATE waiting for it. But waiting for this one... with so much at stake... I just can't settle down... I feel like standing still will kill me." Sean continued to rock on his feet, his heel tapping the floor to a faster pace. Mark moved around the counter, sliding his hand down his back. Sean blinked in shock as his body stopped rocking to enjoy his touch. Moaning softly, Sean's heel stopped tapping. Taking his wrist, Mark pried Sean's hands off his coffee mug and pulled him into his arms. Mark's warm body heat felt amazing against Sean's tense and stressed out one. Wrapping his arms around Mark's neck, he buried his face against his throat and exhaled heavily. Mark rubbed his back, holding him close as he told him in his deep loving voice. "Are you going to be ok to race today?" Sean snuggled closer, muffling out against his shoulder. "Ya... Once the light turns green... the way I feel right now... It will melt away. I'll think clearer and feel calmer. It's just waiting that is killing me. I can't relax."
Mark's arms tightened around his waist, lifting him up to sit him on the counter. Sean giggled, hugging Mark just as tight to keep him close. Mark kissed his neck affectionately for a bit, making Sean blush and giggle more. He didn't know how Mark did it, but his touch was the most calming thing in the world. He just felt safe with him... free. After a brief kiss between them, Mark purred over his lips in a deep playful tone. "We've got some time to kill. Wanna go for a ride?" Sean nodded, asking excitedly. "To where?" Mark shrugged, rubbing Sean's shoulders as he told him. "Wherever you take me. It's your bike." Sean perked up, stating out in shock. "My bike? You want to ride on MY bike?" Mark let out a beautiful chuckle, stepping back as he said curiously. "Have I never done that with you?" Sean shook his head, admitting lightly. "No. You always took me around on yours." Mark tapped his thigh, grinning as he told him. "Well, I want you to take me around now."
After a tender kiss, Sean hopped down from the counter, excitedly telling him. "Ok. I'll get my jacket." Sean dashed off to get his jacket and keys. His troubles had been forgotten in an instant. Mark locked up the house, smacking Sean in the ass to make him hurry out of his way. Rushing over to his bike, Sean swung his leg over the side, the green dragon along the side glittering in the parking lot lights. He turned the key and she started up the first time with a powerful roar. He pulled out to the elevator and Mark met him there. Swinging his leg over behind him, Mark put a hand on his waist and worked the elevator for Sean. Sean knew how to do it, but he was too distracted with the idea that Mark was letting him do this. As the elevator reached the bottom, Sean revved the engine and took off toward the road. He didn't have a destination in mind. He just wanted to ride the road like he did whenever Mark was busy. Mark laughed as Sean raced down the road, weaving around the automated cars as fast as he wanted.
Mark hugged his back as they raced through every road in Valhalla. People waved from the windows of their cars or from the streets as they passed. By this point, Sean's bike was always recognized on the road. Being repainted to a glittering gold with a bright green dragon on the side, it was hard not to see or hear her coming. Most people were used to seeing him race around. For the whole day, Sean raced Mark around. They laughed and stopped on occasion to take in the scenery like the ocean outside Valhalla. While racing along the ocean, Mark got a strange look in his eyes, but Sean couldn't focus on it too much because he was driving. When it started to get late, Mark coaxed Sean to drive to the track before they were late. Sean drove into the back of the Pet Place and through an open gate reserved for the racing vehicles to go in. Pulling into the tunnel, he slowed to a stop to let Mark off. The other gang leaders were already lining their bikes up and putting finishing touches on them. People were filling the stands and the smell of food filled the air.
Hopping off, Mark quickly pulled Sean into a kiss, before telling him in a proud voice. "Go. Have fun. I'll be watching you, Troublemaker." Sean giggled, then revved his engine before slowly rolling out to join the others. As Mark waved, he slowly lowered his hand to his side. A small smile spread across his face, when he whispered to himself. "Good luck, Sean." His heart was overwhelmed as he watched Sean go. He didn't know what had triggered it... but over the last few minutes of their ride together, his memories had come pouring back to him. Heading to the stands to find a seat, he told himself that he'd find a way to tell Sean later. The shadows in his mind were finally gone. To Be Continued...
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