Part 63
Sean smirked, watching them all stuff their mouths with cookies and gulp down hot coffee. It wasn't hard to tell that they had never had treats like this and the coffee in the Slums was more like thick black syrup that was bitter to swallow. While Valhalla's coffee was usually light and rich with flavor. Sean thought about warning them about how sick they'd be after eating it... but he couldn't waste time. Clearing his throat, he broke the silence to address them all cautiously. "The Elites, including myself. Have come up with a plan for the Slums. Now... It won't be an easy adjustment period. But if you can convince your men to try this... I give you my word that the Slums will be returned to you in better shape than they were." The closest man on Sean's right turned to look at him before swallowing. Looking him over with guarded eyes, the man grumbled out. "I don't like the sound of that... An adjustment period? What do you take me for?!" Another man with long purple bangs over one eye, snapped out. "Ya! And what makes you think that we want you change to our home!"
Sean narrowed his eyes on the man they called Velvet. He didn't care for the Leader of the Coffin Knights. They were a paranoid lot and full of sneaky creepy thieves. Locking his eyes with Velvet, he shot back seriously. "I doubt the graveyards will change much... Although, I'm sure they will be cleaned." Velvet narrowed his dark eyes on him through his purple slanted bangs, retorting in a low defensive tone. "You'd remove our tags? Are you insane? Do you want another turf war? You want that kind of blood on your hands?!" The other Leaders shifted uneasily in their seats and Sean quickly rushed out before he lost their attention. "What I'm suggesting will eliminate turf wars! We've fought for supplies, space, respect... but what if we didn't have too?" Bradley scoffed loudly at the far end with humorous disgust. "Oh, you sick fuck... You want us to become pets too?" Sean swallowed as Karl rose from his seat to snap out coldly. "I'd rather die than trade my freedom or that of my men to cower before the feet of a spoon fed motherfucker!"
Sean didn't recognize Karl without his glow in the dark paint on his tan face. His dreadlocks were lighter, and he was far less intimidating. Glaring back at the leader of the Toxic Glow Skulls, Sean replied curtly with a heavy iron tone of voice. "Oh, I know what YOU trade for..." Sean swallowed the chose words he wanted to threaten him with. Karl began to rub his arm with a shaky hand, snapping out with a hearty laugh. "Nice to see the virgin dragon grew some claws." Bradley snorted and the other Leaders turned to Karl with wide eyes of disbelief. Karl chuckled and Bradley confirmed it to the other leaders by joking about how tight he was. Mark stormed forward off the wall, his knuckles cracking loud enough that it drew the leaders' attention back. The closest leaders to Mark flinched and rose off their seats to either run or fight. Sean raised an arm to block Mark from advancing to the table without looking at him. The room felt silent, allowing Sean to tell Mark calmly. "Mark... I got this." Mark curled his fingers into fists, causing his knuckles to pop. After a few seconds, Mark backed up inch by inch.
The leaders relaxed back down on their seats, while Sean lowered his arm and shot back at Karl. "Karl's right. I did grow claws... and I know how to use them." Leaning on the table a bit, Sean flashed Karl a wicked grin and asked smugly. "I could challenge you now and take everything from you. Right here and now." Karl scoffed, rolling his eyes, until Sean added bluntly. "Is it too cold in here, Karl? Dry skin making you itch?" Karl stiffened and dropped his hands at his sides as the others looked at him. Karl shrugged, snapping out. "What's your point?" Sean tilted his head a little, stating out in a cold tone. "All those drugs your gang is known for taking... I bet they aren't doing so well now. Withdrawal is a merciless bitch. Makes you weak... And if I can smell it. So, can THEY." Karl dropped back into his seat and the other leaders looked him over like predators sensing an injured animal nearby. Karl tried to discreetly rub his arm, but it was obvious now.
Sean let fear silence Karl, then jumped in to save him by saying bluntly. "In fact... I'm the only HEALTHY Slum dog in this room. The rest of you have been living on small daily rations. If I were to challenge everyone in this room... How do you think you'd fair?" The leaders all cringed and glanced around at each other wearily. Sean straightened back up, announcing clearly. "I'm not asking you to give up your freedom. I'm asking you to survive. You'll be temporarily homed. Fed. Allowed to see the sun again and by all means wear your colors." Sean tugged on his own jacket to confirm it. Some of the leaders shook their heads, causing Sean to add out. "The Slums will be rebuilt. When it's done... If you don't like being a pet... You'll be allowed to go home with anyone that chooses to go with you." The leaders all scowled. They began to mutter in bitter tones, until Mark bellowed out from his corner. "Should you refuse this generous offer. You should know that you will be put down like dangerous dogs or sold off as pet food. We don't have the time to waste corralling you anymore. We are starting fresh. Adapt or die."
Some of the leaders jumped to their feet and began to yell out in a mix of shocked and angered voices. "ASSHOLE!" "We WON'T LET YOU GET AWAY WITH THIS!" Sean gawked at Mark like he was crazy to tell them that so bluntly. Mark crossed his arms, carelessly shrugging out in a dry tone. "I'm an Elite. I can do whatever I want. You complained that the Slums were shit and now I plan to fix them... and everything in it. You wanted a fair share. This is your only chance to take it. Once you leave this room... The decision you make is FINAL." The leaders stared at Mark in stunned silence. Sean stared at him a bit stunned himself. Mark looked at him with a neutral expression, upon telling the others. "Personally, I don't feel like you deserve this opportunity. Slum dogs like you are too far gone. Lost causes... But since Sean was chosen to be the Elite Slum Dog that would help get YOUR voices heard in Valhalla... That's for HIM to decide if you are worth the risk." Sean narrowed his eyes on Mark now, catching on to his sneaky game.
The leaders turned to look at Sean with sudden reluctant but hopeful glances. Leaning forward to put his hand on the table, Sean gestured for them to sit back down and said calmly. "I'm not asking you to break up your families. The Slums are MY home too. But trust me... If you are tired of fighting over scraps... You need to see what life is like on the other side." Some of the Leaders shook their heads with worried looks. This change was scaring them. Pointing to the Leader of the Scavengers, he tried to make a point by telling him coolly. "Rat, turn around and tell me what that poster on the wall behind you says." Rat looked lazily over his shoulder. He stared at the poster for a minute, then turned back to give him a shrug. The leaders squinted at the poster, then cringed and looked around to see if anyone else might know. Sean shrugged, asking them all bluntly. "Anyone?" The leaders slumped down in their seats with mean scowls. Sean looked at them all in turn, telling them seriously. "If you can't read a simple menu offering free food to customers... How do you expect to survive around people that can?"
They were all silent for a minute. Allowing Sean to say gently to them. "They made me an Elite to finally give you guys a voice. A fighting chance. This won't be easy... but I give you my word that it will be worth it!" The man nearest him shook his head, grumbling out. "This is a trap..." Sean exhaled, then told him seriously. "Alright. Then I challenge you all." The leaders stiffened. Sean locked eyes with them in turn, telling them seriously. "Race me for it. I win, I take over your gangs and unite them under my colors and we do this my way. If any of you win... You take my title as the Elite Slum Dog and we do things YOUR way." Mark dropped his arms, yelping out in horror. "WHAT?!" The leaders all looked at Sean with peaked interest. Sean ignored Mark to tell the leaders in a dead serious tone. "I give you my word. Now is it worth putting to the test?" Velvet chuckled, saying wickedly. "I'll get my best racer on it." Sean shook his head, chuckling back. "No. Just US. Leaders only. No substitutes. No champions. You are either in or you are out."
The leaders looked at each other nervously, before Rat uttered out a little timidly. "Other than yourself and Bradley... The rest of us... We haven't raced in... years." Sean shrugged, stating out carelessly. "I don't care. My title requires a leader that takes action. Not one that hides behind someone else. Those are the terms." Rat looked around, then tossed up his hands as he exhaled out. "Oh, fuck it. Beats sitting in a cell for another day of sheer boredom. But my ride is... not here." Sean nodded, telling them coolly. "If you accept the terms. You'll get your colors. A hotel room with armed guards. A new vehicle, if you wish it... Or you'll be escorted to retrieve and dust off your own from the Slums. I'll even give you a week to test them on the track and make sure they still run and look good. All of Valhalla and your men will be watching." Spreading his arms out, Sean asked them with a confident smirk. "What do you say, boys? You wanna show Valhalla what you are made of, don't you? Or are you scared of getting showed up by a pampered Slum Dog?"
The Slum dogs looked at each other, then slowly rose to their feet in unison. Giving him a nod in turn. When everyone was in agreement, Sean nodded to finalize it. Sean lifted his arm to pull up his jacket sleeve, using the watch that Matthew gave him to inform the escorts to get their assigned Slum Dog leader. The door to the conference room opened and armed guards of the Off-worlder variety called out names to beckon the leaders out in turn. The leaders were startled by the looks of some of them, but trusted Sean's word enough to go with them. Especially, once they saw their clothes with their gang colors. What Sean didn't tell them was that their colors had a discreet tracker in them. Just in case they tried to pull something. Sean was against the tracker, but Matthew had been insistent. If they couldn't put training rings on them to control them; he wanted to be safe in some manner. So, Sean settled on the simple tracker. As all the leaders filed out, Sean moved to shake their hands as each one left to show his respect for them. They were all happy to get their colors back. It was their piece of identity and home.
Sean hesitantly shook Karl's hand, feeling uneasy about it. Karl kept their contact brief though and hurried along. Which helped Sean to brush his memories off. As Bradley stepped up to him though, Sean couldn't bring himself to touch him. Bradley's lips curled into a wicked grin, telling him smugly. "You know your only competition is me. And neither Nate nor your new friends will be on the track to save you this time around." Sean shrugged, uttering out as he looked him in the eyes. "I don't need them to save me. On the track... You'll be eating asphalt. Like you always do." Bradley stepped forward, slamming a hand on the wall over Sean's shoulder. Sean jerked his hands up on either side of Bradley's ribs. Bradley looked down, noticing that Sean had no weapons in his open hands. Giving him a chuckle, he told him in a light sneer. "Looks like you are unarmed. Poor defenseless, Sean... When I win. I'll have the power to take you and no one will save you." Sean's eyes glanced over Bradley's shoulder as Mark growled out behind him. "Don't bet on that. You'll have to get through ME first."
Bradley stiffened, glancing over his shoulders as he realized that Sean's hands were not for him... but the people behind him. There was an armored spider woman with a cattle prod aimed at Bradley ribs and Mark had a new shield protecting him that he planned to punch Bradley with. Bradley inched back from Sean, saying hesitantly. "By Slum law... You lost our fight, Sean. I own you." Sean snorted, stepping closer to him to say bitterly in a cool voice. "You didn't defeat me. You traded me away and wiped out my Dragons unfairly. Which is why the other leaders don't respect you, Bradley... A little Rat squealed on you. If I was you. I'd be careful. Rat may be weird compared to the others... but he is loyal to his friends... and I didn't chase him into the sewers by taking his subway or killing his twin brother. Accidents happen in the race. And I gave Rat my word a long time ago that I'd save you for him." Bradley paled a bit as his smile faded. Sean patted Bradley's shoulder, telling him bluntly. "Watch your back, Bradley. You know what they say about waking sleeping dragons..."
Bradley spit at Sean's feet, then stormed out of the room. After the spider woman left to follow him and the door clicked shut, Mark asked him in a low firm tone. "Why did you say that? The title of 'Elite' is not something you gamble away! What if you lose this race?! Sean-!" Sean leaned back against the wall, cutting Mark off to tell him honestly. "I had too. Mark, you don't understand. These leaders... they may rise to a challenge... but it has to be a challenge worth risking EVERYTHING for. If they feel like they won't win in either case... They won't bother to try, and they'll fight. This way... They'll see for themselves." Mark shrugged, looking genuinely concerned. Sean smirked though, telling him with a giddy smile. "Don't you see, Mark? They have a week to see what Valhalla offers. Hot showers. A warm bed. Flavorful food. Trust me. This is how we get our foot in the door. They need to see it to believe it." Mark huffed, crossing his arms, but mumbled out lightly. "I trust you... Just don't make me regret it."
Sean stepped closer to Mark to kiss his cheek, whispering to him after in a warm voice. "I don't intend too. I never lose on my baby. And with the new parts you put in her. I can't wait to test her against retired Slum racing legends. This glow race is going to show all of Valhalla how we roll." To Be Continued...
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