Part 59
Sean groaned as he slowly awoke to a room that was too bright for his eyes. Someone pulled something closed to dim the light shining on him, telling him in a familiar tone. "Finally awake?" Sean forced his eyes open, looking at the seat in front of the windows. Nate smiled at him, resting an arm on the bar guard that was attached to the side to keep him from falling out of the bed. Not that he needed to worry about that, because as he tried to raise a hand to touch Nate's hand, he realized he was cuffed to it. Thrashing a bit when he noticed, Nate placed a hand on him to calm him by saying. "Easy! They were worried you'd pull out the wires if you woke up." Sean's eyes darted down to the wires attached to his arms and chest. A machine beside him began to spike with loud beeping, until Nate told him gently. "They are just monitoring you now. Relax." Sean took a few breaths, then asked him in a rush. "Where is Mark? Is he alright?" Nate nodded, answering a bit guarded. "Ya. He woke up this morning."
Sean gawked at Nate, before anxiously blurting out. "Morning...? Nate, how long have I been out?" Nate scooted closer to the bed, replying gently. "Two days. They healed you and then kept you sedated. They didn't want to wake you until they knew Mark's condition. After all... you've got nowhere to go without him." Sean shot a light glare at Nate, who quickly said. "Hey, I wanted to take you home with us. But Matthew forced me to heal too and he's been so busy with work stuff that... I'm trapped here like you." Sean let that sink in, before mumbling out in a curious tone. "And the Slum Dogs? What happened to them?" Nate bowed his head a little, gruffly muttering out. "They've been moved. Put up in cages at the auction house. Matthew says it was the best he could do... The locals hate that he brought them here at all, but Matthew couldn't leave them there." Nate let out a heavy sigh, slumping back in his chair as he said dryly. "Matthew says they are getting treated like any auction pet... but that doesn't give me comfort. They just went from one cage to another..."
Nate dug his nails across the chair arms, muttering under his breath. "I've argued with Matthew over it... but he's overwhelmed. He's never had to do anything by himself and to run the whole city... He burnt out and has no answers." Sean glanced around the little room to make sure they were alone. Sitting up as much as he could, he told him seriously. "You said Mark is up...?" Nate nodded, swiftly informing him. "Sean, no. He's guarded. You'll never get to him. And I don't know what condition he is in." Sean tugged on his restraints, ordering Nate seriously. "Unbuckle me, Nate. And I'll get us both answers." Nate shook his head reluctantly, but reached for his cuffed wrist. Unbuckling it, Nate mumbled to himself. "Why do I let you talk me into this...?" With his wrist unbuckled, Sean quickly uncuffed his other wrist. Grabbing Nate's leather jacket afterward, he pulled him into a brief kiss before happily telling him. "Because you know I'm good for it. My clothes?"
Nate pointed to the other bed in the room, where some folded clothes sat. Giving him a smile, Nate told him through a light chuckle. "I brought some things from Mark's house." Sean yanked wires off himself and leapt from the bed. Stripping out of the hospital gown they gave him, he moved to the clothes. Nate averted his eyes from him, grumbling out. "I thought you were shy?" Sean snorted, answering bluntly. "Not anymore. You get parade around enough... you get used to it." Sean looked over the names on his skin, asking curiously. "Are we still expected to show the names?" Nate cleared his throat, replying openly. "No. Matthew deemed us the 'Heroes' of Valhalla. That includes Ricky and Al. Doesn't come with anything fancy unfortunately... But it does take the shame off our names with the locals. We are still considered Slum Dogs to them though... So really? What did it do...?" Sean shrugged, slipping into his torn black jeans and a nice black shirt that had a reaper riding a motorcycle.
While adjusting his clothes, he held his Pet bracelet to his wrist. No one had taken it off of him and it was the only thing he had from Mark since Mark had his chain collar. Turning to walk away, Nate whistled to get his attention. Sean turned around, watching Nate stand up as he told him with a grin. "Forgetting something?" Sean looked around, not seeing anything else. Nate shrugged off his black leather jacket, turning it around to show him the bright green dragon on the back. Sean moved closer to touch it, grinning brightly. Nate turned it around, lifting it enough for Sean to slip his arms in. Hefting the jacket over his shoulders, Nate leaned over his shoulder, whispering to him in a loving voice. "I've got your back." Sean patted Nate's hand, telling him confidently. "I know. Let's do this." Nate jogged around him, going to the door. Reaching into his boot, he removed the Valkyrie tool. Sean moved up to the door, chuckling out. "You still have that?"
Nate chuckled, popping the panel off the scanner as he told him in a distracted tone. "Of course. I wasn't going to leave it behind. And besides... Matthew's tried to take it from me four times now." Sean chuckled, rolling his eyes. Matthew would learn about Nate's pickpocketing skills eventually. Nate cut a wire, causing the door to hiss open. Just outside, a passing nurse jumped at the sight of Sean. Sean stepped out with Nate at his side, causing the human girl to drop the tray she was carrying. Dashing down the hall, she screamed in fear of her life. Nate leaned against the doorframe, huffing out dryly. "I don't get what they are so fucking scared of?" Sean chuckled to himself, patting Nate's chest to get his attention. Nate responded by following him out. Together they crept down the hallway, listening for any footsteps. As a set of footsteps started toward them, Sean slipped into a nook by the elevator. Nate stepped up to stand against him, their eyes watching discreetly as the doctors rushed by toward their room.
The moment the doctors backs where on them, Nate snuck around behind them heading to an office. Sean followed Nate, slipping into the office just as they turned to look around the hallway. Sean held the office door still. He couldn't close it with them looking around. So, he just waited and listened to them. When a doctor came to the door to push it open, Sean and Nate pressed themselves against the wall. The owl doctor took a quick peek inside the small office and Nate managed to snatch something from his pocket without him noticing. The owl man then left and announced that it was clear to the others. Nate rolled his eyes, twirling the chain with a plastic ID as he whispered to Sean. "They almost make it too easy." Sean took the plastic ID from him, whispering back with a smirk. "They aren't used to dealing with criminals like us. Give them a break. Why did you take this?" Nate pointed to the computer on the desk, answering as he snatched the ID back. "For that. Saves me time from hacking into it. You wanna know what floor and room he is in, don't ya?"
Sean nodded, shooing Nate over to the deck while he kept watch at the door. Nate vaulted over the wooden desk, shoving the ID into a slot on the computer before he began to type loudly. Sean listened closely to every sound outside. After a few seconds, Nate told him happily. "Got it. Tenth floor. Room six." Nate yanked the ID from the slot, vaulting back over as he told Sean excitedly. "Back to the Elevator." Sean took the ID from him, opening the door to check the hall. Hearing nothing, he gestured for Nate to stay and rushed out. Going to the elevator, he scanned the ID tag and waited. Shuffling his feet anxiously, he listened and watched the hall with eager eyes. The second the doors dinged, Sean slipped in and waved for Nate. Nate dashed from the office and into the elevator with him. Sean then took note that they were on the fifth floor before pressing the tenth floor. As the doors closed, a voice over the com told them in a robotic voice. "Tenth floor. Cryo recovery."
Sean gave Nate a warm smile. So far, so good. Nate flipped through the tools on the repair tool just to kill time and block out the elevator music. Both of them jumped when the doors behind them opened. Nate snorted, peeking outside. Neither of them had realized the back wasn't a wall. Stifling their laughter, they snuck out and tried to act casual. Doctors were so distracted that they didn't notice them. Sean wondered why they hadn't sent out an alert about loose patients, when they passed a desk and saw their Pet ID's on the screen. Nate quickly leaned over the desk to turn off the computer monitor while the nurse was distracted with the filing cabinet. Sean looked around at the rooms, asking Nate curiously. "What room was he?" Nate straightened up, replying as he rejoined him. "Room six. Over there." Nate pointed and Sean took in the two guards that sat casually on either side of the door. One looked like a humanoid grey rhino with a muscular body and a long sharp horn on his nose.
The other was a humanoid black lion with a thick black mane and stunning blue eyes. Puffing his chest up, he approached them, causing them to stand up. The lion was the first to talk in a thick accent as he growled out. "State your business." Sean pointed to the door, saying firmly. "I'm his pet." The rhino leaned in, snorting hot breath over his shoulder as he told him seriously. "Is that so? Where is your collar, Pet?" Sean cleared his throat, saying uneasily. "He took it off me. But look, I have this." Sean yanked his sleeve up to show his bracelet. The lion snatched his wrist in a firm grip, yanking him closer to look at it. Nate tensed beside him, warning the lion darkly. "Easy! He's done nothing wrong!" The lion let out a throaty growl, baring his sharp white teeth at Nate as he warned back. "How am I to know that? Now back off and let me do my job." Nate tensed up, but the lion turned his attention back to Sean. Shoving Sean back, the lion growled out. "Beat it. I don't care who you are. He's in recovery. Matthew's orders."
Nate grabbed the chain around his neck, stating out. "I am Matthew's pet and I demand to go in!" The rhino chuckled heartily, nudging his partner as he said aloud. "You hear the mouth on that one? The balls on him." The lion tilted his head, taking them both in before growling out more aggressively. "Listen here. We have our orders. Now turn your ass around... or we'll have you both arrested." Sean shook his head, snapping back. "I'm not leaving." The lion's eyes narrowed on him. Then snatching their arms, he started to drag them away. Sean thrashed and kicked at the lion, but his grip was like iron. The lion told the rhino to stay and walked them to the front desk. Realizing he was getting nowhere, Sean screamed out. "MARK!" Nate bit the lion's hand, causing the lion to roar. Shoving Nate to the ground, the lion raised his hand to backhand Nate, when a voice asked aloud. "Nate? Sean?" Sean stopped yelling, tilting his head back to see an upside-down Matthew. Matthew looked completely startled for a minute, then stated dryly. "You what... I'm not surprised..."
Nate rolled over onto all fours, telling Matthew quickly. "He just wanted to see him." Matthew shrugged, his voice sounding tired now as he blurted out. "I know that... but I don't know what condition Mark is in! I wanted to see him first!" Matthew looked to the lion, telling him firmly. "Take them back to their room." The lion nodded, but as the lion bent to grab Nate's arm, Sean punched him in the groin. The lion yelped, dropping to his knees. Sean squirmed free, leaving Nate to tackle the lion as it tried to grab him. Matthew began to yell at Nate over his behavior. While Sean bolted to the door. The rhino grabbed Sean, lifting him off the ground in a firm bear hug. Sean managed to kick the door in his thrashing as he screamed Mark's name. The rhino began walking him away, causing Sean to almost break out into tears as he yelled out. "I wanna see him! Matthew! Let me see him! MARK!" Matthew stopped in front of Sean, telling him firmly. "I will let you see him, but I just need to know if Mark even remembers-" Matthew was cut off and the room went silent as the door opened.
From the room, Mark stepped out with a tired look on his face. The lion and rhino sank into a bow as Mark grumbled out in a groggy voice. "What's with all the yelling?" Mark winced, dropping his bandaged head into his hand to rub his temples. Mark's leg was in a brace and his right arm was in a sling. Sean wiggled out of the rhino's grip, dashing for Mark. The rhino started to rise to chase him, but stopped when Mark raised a hand toward him. Sean rushed up to Mark, hesitantly putting his hands on the chest of the hospital robe they had him in. Sniffling a little, Sean asked him in a strained tone. "Mark...? Please tell me that you remember me?" Mark stared into his eyes for a long moment and Sean's heart sank. Mark didn't remember him. Mark shook his head slowly, but stared at him with a strange look as he told him a bit distantly. "Should I know you...?" Sean felt tears run down his cheeks as he told him hopefully. "I'm... I'm Sean. Your Sean..."
Sniffling, Sean lifted his hand to show him the Pet bracelet. His heart was breaking but he hoped something would help him remember. Mark took his wrist, looking over the bracelet. After touching it, Mark mumbled out. "I have a pet?" Matthew quickly walked over, gesturing Mark back inside as he told him gently. "Mark, take a seat. Let's go over what you remember." Matthew took Mark's arm, helping him back to the bed. Sean leaned against the doorframe, trying to keep himself together. Nate yanked his arm from the lion, rushing over to tell him hopefully. "He's been through a lot... It might just be a side effect of waking up. Come on." Nate took his head, leading him inside. Mark laid back across the bed, before suddenly asking in a sudden dark tone. "Mother? Is she dead?" Everyone looked at each other, before Matthew nodded. Mark relaxed, mumbling out. "Really? How did you do it?" Sean blinked. Did Mark only forget about him? To Be Continued...
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